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will instructors be harder on me.


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I am hoping to get back in the army reserves, I have contacted the unit I would like to join. They have started the paper work, and are saying that I may have to do my basic/QL2/BMQ again. I have been out for 7 years, and am not to concerned about  redoing my courses, but do you think the instructors will bust my balls, because I have already done the course. I can hear it know, "hey Hayter you think your better then everyone else." So I imagine they will bust my balls every chance they get. I say "Bring it on!"
Seems you've already made up your mind. You've been through it before, remember teamwork and offer the benefit of your previous experience to your new classmates. You'll probably find the instructors giving you more responsibility than the others. Don't be a smartass or let them down and you'll be fine.
The course staff that you'd be dealing with most of the time may not even know its your second time around if you don't mention it, but because you're an older guy and a good part of your BMQ/SQ course may not even be old enough to vote you'll probably have some extra responsibilities.
One thing I am concerned about is if I end up on a weekend course. My QL2/QL3 was 8 weeks straight at petawawa. My QL3 was infantry. I am concerned that the weekend course may be to basic and almost boring.
Well you know better than myself that most courses are plauged by power point presenations and lectures that make the day grind to a halt it seems, it makes it harder on the mind than any rucksack march or field ex, but ya did it once already, atleast this time you can probably space out for a lot of it and still have the knowledge as everybody else at the end of the course.
This is a detail, a very miniscule one. Your focussing way to much on it. Get over it.
nice to meet you. But if you are going to be ignorant, I don't want to hear from you


yer going to have a hard time.

And deserve every bit of it, only makes me wish I was still in, and teaching.



Pardon? I think I gave you plenty of good advice. Fine, don't take it, but don't be casting dispersions for no reason. Possibly there's something about the internet your no familiar with. Or possibly you expect me to stay here all night, making long running answers to your questions, holding your hand and keeping you occupied. You asked a question, I answered. You said:

hayter said:
may be I am, But we all know what happens if you fall asleep.

I simply said, "so don't ;).

How is that ignorant?

I now understand your concern with your instructors, especially if this is the attitude your going to put forth. I'm afraid you'll have to get your mollycodlling from someone else. I have nothing else to offer you.
Having my right arm tattooed (sleeved) probably wont help either. I am in for a hard time. Are the courses at Meaford. The reason I got out, when I got out of the military, I was with the Lorne Scots "C" coy Georgetown. I loved it so much, I signed up for reg force. I was accepted to do my 3's with the Lord Strathconas. One month before I was going to Leave my brother had a very serious car accident, and my Mother passed away 8 months later, so as you can imagine the army went on the back burner. Then I got a job at a huge company been there ever since. But I miss it bad, I am know 28 and should get back in while I am still young.
recceguy said:
Pardon? I think I gave you plenty of good advice. Fine, don't take it, but don't be casting dispersions for no reason. Possibly there's something about the internet your no familiar with. Or possibly you expect me to stay here all night, making long running answers to your questions, holding your hand and keeping you occupied. You asked a question, I answered. You said:

I simply said, "so don't ;).

How is that ignorant?

I now understand your concern with your instructors, especially if this is the attitude your going to put forth. I'm afraid you'll have to get your mollycodlling from someone else. I have nothing else to offer you.

And that, for all you philosophy majors out there, was the sound of one man snapping.
If its really what you want to do you'll do it, you might run into problems but when has hardship never been a part of the military eh? No worries, what ever happens, happens. I don't think you'll get a whole lot of flak for the sleeve though and I'm assuming it was gotten without violating any CF regs so if they want to treat you unfairly because of it its their own flaw and it sucks because that flaw impacts you and possibly your section, but liek I said before, you know better than I how the military works sometimes... errr most of the time.
I don't think the instructors will be harder on you. If you tell them what your previous experience is, they will (rightly so, I expect) think that you should already know some stuff. If you don't want anyone to be hard on you then why are you bothering joining the CF? If you want a nice, quiet, easy life then you better stay home and bake cookies with the rest of the stay at home ladies. (no offense to homemakers intended...I realize that is full-time job.)
hayter said:
nice to meet you. But if you are going to be ignorant, I don't want to hear from you

Come on Hayter!

Ignorant? He was being honest and as direct as he can.

Attitudes mean everything, and if you are going to carry one exhibited here with your re-enlistment and take that on your course, they'll (your instructors and fellow recruits) eat you alive.

Boring? If you think so don't waste their time.

Who am I? A former Battleschool instructor (1989-1991), so you heard it first here.

Get over it, suck it up, soldier on, or GO home. Its that simple.

So you think you might have in tough with a little bit of TI behind you and re-enlisting. Try moving 20,000 km and joining another Army at the rank of Sergeant and see how many arseholes you run into. Its called beign positive, leading by example, and being a team player, and never let the bastards get you down, no matter what.

QL2/3 counts as "time in" now? Hmm, better go update my profile....

I doubt your instructors are going to be nearly as nice as recceguy.

So you think you might have in tough with a little bit of TI behind you and re-enlisting. Try moving 20,000 km and joining another Army at the rank of Sergeant and see how many arseholes you run into. Its called beign positive, leading by example, and being a team player, and never let the bastards get you down, no matter what.

Any good stories?  And what sort of acceptance of foreign qualifications is there between Commonwealth nations?

Jus' wonderin'
Not to hijack this thread, but....

Seems eveytime I got to a new unit, I run into problems, but being in the Corps now for going on 11 yrs, I have made a name for myself as 'the Canuck', so within my own Corps if someone has heard of me, I am usually fine. It when you get attach posted to Arty, Inf or another Corps unit that there can be some negativity sometimes.

Mind you there has been a few incidents from the ignorant types, the ones that feel that there should be no recognition of former service, or WTF do you know types. I had a run in with an RSM back in 1997 at a Corps Mess Dinner at the MASM, Moorebank about that. He even whinged about me being allowed to wear my medals. In short he made a fool out of himself infront of many.

In a nutshell, my CF EME qualifications were assessed by the then RAEME Trg Centre, based out of Bandiana Victoria, and the olny thing which was not recognised was my SLC which I took at Aldershot in 1993.

With the post 11 Sep world, I do not know what the enterance requirements are anymore, but I do know there is still former BCW soldiers showing up, mainly from the UK and of course even some from Canada too.

I am told the ADF is looking for professional soldiers, sailors, and airmen to add to the ranks. Its cost effective too, as they come pre-trained with the exception of a few things, its pretty much the same here.

If anyone is keen try www.defencejobs.gov.au and have a squizz around.

