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Who do you like for Liberal leader?

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With the announcement of some candidates for the leadership of the federal Liberals, who do you think would be the best leader?  I won't be voting Liberal but I'm interested in the race. I'm disappointed Belinda isn't running - I would have said her just because she's hot.  How about Michael Ignatieff?  I can see the ad campaigns now.  "Michael Ignatieff supports torture...he wants to put torture chambers in your cities....staffed by dweebs with thick glasses...we're not allowed to make this up....."

Personally I think it's shaping up to be the great-grandmother of all leadership conventions.  Great-grandmother as in sitting in a wheelchair and asleep most of the day. (No offence to those with great-grans out there)
I wanted Belinda too - for the obvious reasons only....

but..  if she won't do it, I think we should let tess run for it.

"testicle, spectacle, wallet and watch.....  barkeep  a round of the cheap stuff"

(obviously, I can't put in the really good quotes of tess!)
I'm with Trinity...

Tess for Liberal Leader, But only if I can be a Cabinet Minester....Defense would be good, but I would take Justice as well :D
Well I did dabble a bit in politics in my younger days,

But I am honoured guys!!!

Free drinks for all military people who vote for me!!

(only the cheap stuff though...)



I dunno. Seems to me that the race is kind of a toss up at this point. Anyone who could have taken it without much fuss has decided to pull out! I'm going to wait before deciding who to support.

That's so photo shopped..

There is no way Chretien could ever look that good/young!  ;) ;) ;D

btw.. did you get any autographs?  :D

the 48th regulator said:
I'm actually thinking one of the Trudeau kids is going to get into politics, maybe go for the leadership. The CBC would pee their pants with excitement.
Barbie Billions winning the Liberal leadership would have been Harper's greatest wish come true.  Imagine if your biggest opponent was a uni-lingual whose only policy was a vacuous statement about "baking a bigger economic pie"?

Since she is out, I would like to see Hedy Fry become Liberal leader.  Then we would be talking majority Tory government, baby!
Write in campaigns for Sheila Copps and Carolyn Parrish!  >:D
Sure Fry some am I (federally) but umm what does your love of the Conservatives have to do with who you think will be the next Liberal Party leader?

Seriously my money is on Stronach
HitorMiss said:
Seriously my money is on Stronach[/quote}

Papa's Princess officially bowed out.

The problem is that those with both brains and bollocks are too smart to run. Ignatieff creeps me out. I have very low opinion of people who leave the country for several years and then move back when they have a gig handed to them on a silver platter.

One guy I like is my local Liberal MP, Borys Wreszniewski but he's a relative newbie so I don't think he'd run.
HitorMiss said:
Seriously my money is on Stronach

I'll gladly take your bet.

Pssst...she announced she wasn't running a while back  :)

Danny Williams...I would love to see him as Prime Minister.  That would make an interesting parliament. 
Although I would shed few tears should the Liberals take a self destructive course, their choice of leader would set the tone of their policies and proposals for years to come. It is always possible that Prime Minister Harper could slip on the metaphorical bananna peel, in which case we could end up looking at a Liberal government yet again.

Sadly my favourite political watering hole in Ottawa (The Mayflower II) has closed and the rumour mongers have moved to other pubs which are not on the route between my office and home.  I got this, however, from an NDP insider of my acquaintance: the only leader the Tories and NDP fear is: <drum roll>   Ken Dryden.  He is regarded as smart and tough; he is something of an anti-politician with a lower level of charisma than Stephen Harper which is, right now, seen to be a major asset.  He is untouched by decades of Liberal corruption and he has a name (from his hockey days) which provides a high level of satisfied recognition when people are polled.

Apparently the other parties agree that Kennedy, Ignatieff and Rae would all be reasonably easy to beat because they all have excess baggage and none is seen as being centrist (which is where Canadians are thought to be).  My acquaintance says that Canadians understand that the Liberals traditionally campaign on the Left and then govern on the Right – Ignatieff’s seize the centre-left, Rae’s unite-the-left and Kennedy’s hard left credentials are all seen as being ‘away’ from what Canadians want.  Those Canadians who want ‘left’ will gravitate, he says, to the NDP, (maybe the triumph of hope over experience, but ...) those who want ‘right’ are happy with Harper’s Conservatives.  The Liberals, he says, need to recapture the real centre and he reckons Dryden is the natural for the job.

Edit: spelling
Well he was my fav goalie on my fav team...a long time ago, lol
Seriously though...he does seem the best fit...the others make me want to shake my head and wonder how the Liberals got to this point...well no...I know how they did...

Another thing Dryden has going for him is that he has always been involved in his community, even at the grass roots level. Even though he has the typical legal politico's background, people can see he has also done "real" things.
Go Ken!


"and now your starting line-up for the Canadian Liberals, number zero-one, Ken Dryden!"

"Conservatives break down the wing looking for a 2-on-1... Head Referee Layton attempts to call off-side, but is cuffed upside the head by Coach Harper as Layton lounges by the Conservative bench.. Emerson fakes a pass to Liberal defenseman Ignatieff, catching him off guard, then passes to McKay...  McKay takes a shot!  Dryden kicks it out, rebound, another shot, off the post!  Confusion on the ice...  Coach Harper may want to think out a new strategy, his players cant talk to each other with duct tape over their mouths... Line Ref Hillier is arguing with the Conservative Minister of Defensive Plays... oooh that had to hurt, Hillier just gave the MDP a kick to the groin and is now escorting the MDP to the penalty box... , McKay has the puck again, fakes past Liberal forward Graham who is out of position but still trying to break up the play.. McKay shoots again! Save by Dryden!  And a time out is called - Good night everyone, we'll be back after a two-month recess in parliament..."

(Im not really a fan of the Liberals, but there is just too much fun to have with a former NHL goalie as a party leader!)  ;D
I do believe that Dryden has likened those that raise their kids rather than sending them to institutionalised day care as "irresponsible parents".

Doesn't sound very "centrist" to me...
I do believe that Dryden has likened those that raise their kids rather than sending them to institutionalised day care as "irresponsible parents".

Just in the interest of balance and fairness, do you have a reference to back that up?
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