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What's in store? Reservist life between enrollment & BMQ in your Unit.


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Just a general question for the green masses!

I've recently enrolled to serve as a reservist with a communications squadron--all the paperwork was submitted last week.  I asked if there was ANY chance at doing my BMQ this summer in Shilo and they said slim to none, just due to the timing.  They shy away from weekend BMQ courses, so I will more likely do my BMQ next summer.  Oye... but on the plus side, once a job offering has been made, from what I hear, I will be still somewhat an active part of my new unit.  What exactly will I be doing as a untrained PTE for almost a whole year before I do my basic?  :blotto:
If your unit is anything like mine there are some things you can do.

During the year we offer untrained PTEs the opportunity to parade with us 1 night a week, you will not be permitted to go on any weekend exercises with weapons until you complete your bmq at a minimum. But I believe you'll be able to get your 404's (military drivers license) which is a couple of weekends of training, as well as learn some things about our radios/detachment setups as the soldiers that did bmq/sq prepare to go on their 3's.
Thanks for the info Andy_d!  So all this happens after your swearing in and kit issue right?  Do you get paid as a private when you join or what *is* your rank before completing your BMQ?
Once you are sworn in you will have the rank of Private (Recruit) and you will keep that rank until you finish DP1.
If you unit is anything like mine you will be doing a lot. The untrained Pte's (non-BMQ/SQ) at my unit do everything I (non-QL3) do except for the field and weapon related stuff. This trg year we had three new recruits join in Sept-Nov. They did much of the same trg I did:

  • Annual Trg - SHARP, Fire safety, mine awareness, etc
  • Driver Course - minus the off-road portion in the field, so they did not receive their 404's
  • VP Course - they manned the basrad during the confirmation ex so they could sleep in the barracks
  • Unit Field Ex's - again they manned the baserad so they could sleep in the barracks
  • Professional Development - we stayed in the RCMP barracks at CFB Chilliwack so they were able to attend

They basically attended all the same trg days I did as a Pte with BMQ/SQ but no QL3 minus the IBTS trg, the unit field ex's that did not require basrad, the range ex, and any other field/weapon related trg I might have missed. So if your unit operates in the same fashion mine does then expect to be parading regularly and learning a lot about how the military operates and what is expected of you on BMQ/SQ. Some advice though...

DO NOT go on your BMQ/SQ and act like a know it all. People like that who talk back and are not team players get RTU'd very fast.
Wow!  Thanks boehm and spenco for the replies!  A lot of stuff to look forward to!  I feel this will help in my BMQ, but worry that without learning things the right way at the start that I might take some bad habits in to my BMQ.  I will definitely have an open mind and be a bit quiet on my BMQ.  Thanks for the advice!!!    :D
Mild thread hijack, sorry. If I pass the tests and get my paperwork through before Summer and BMQ/SQ any clue on what the deal would be for me in Reserve Arty (26th Field)? Note I'm not done Grade 10, am getting an 'Expectation of Completion' letter from school. I ask because my Recruiter is currently in Mexico.
Hey Zurtz, did your unit mention anything as to the possibility for you to do your BMQ on weekends?  If not, ask them if your unit will allow it.  :)
Well, odds are when things are through it'd be about late April to mid May so Summer pans out great, a friend of mine is going Med Assistant as well so odds are we'll both be on the Summer BMQ, 'course I get to do the substantially cooler SQ afterwards heh.
Medical Assistants don't get SQ, do they? I meant in reference to my Med Assistant friend.

Edit: I stand corrected, they do do SQ. Sorry.
Does anyone have a guess as to when the BMQ course will start for 2007 in Shilo?!  Looks like my paperwork didn't make it in time, so I won't be able to do my BMQ this summer, but for next. :army: :cdn:
As far as I know BMQ/SQ courses in Shilo usually start in mid May, late June (French) and early July.
So if you only have your BMQ but not your SQ, are you missing a lot? Or will you most likely be participating in most of the training? (including the weapons?)  The reason I'm asking is that I hear my unit will be forming a summer weekend BMQ due to the lack of spots for summer BMQ.  But that means I will not have SQ, so what should I be expecting? Thanks in advance!