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The Bread Guy

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MERX postings and related news here only -
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milnews.ca said:
Wanted:  Someone "To provide the Department of National Defence with Advance Combat Uniform that includes one Direct Action (DA) Shirt (Crye Precision Combat Shirt Model G3 or equivalent with Field Elbow Pads), one Special Reconnaissance (SR) Shirt (Crye Precision Field Shirt Model AC or equivalent with Field Elbow Pads) and Pants (Crye Precision Combat Pant or equivalent with Combat Knee Pads) in standard and special sizes. Quantity (Delivery within 200 km from Petawawa, Ontario):  A firm quantity of 3,800 units of each item ...."

A bit more detail in bid document extract (6 page PDF) here
Deadline extension to 19 Jun 12 - see attached.
Wanted:  someone to create military-use apps (Android/iPhone) for the CF - more from the bid call....
.... The Canadian Forces (CF) is seeking to develop a performance environment that supports rich and ubiquitous with 24/7 access to network technologies, architectures of participation, and synthetic and virtual environments. In addition to the interagency/interdepartmental activity such as the Online Government Advanced Research and Development Environment (ONGARDE), rapidly evolving technology will drive more liberal means of supporting performance with resultant international and interagency federations sharing capabilities and advancing common agendas. The ongoing modernization the CF performance environment has seen increased emphasis on developing performance support mechanisms that enables CF members to access information and performance support tools when and where required. Many mobile applications already available in the public domain have the ability to support CF member job performance and connect members with information, tools, processes and expertise that will increase performance and support learning.


(Canadian Defence Academy)'s objective is to identify apps suitable for widespread use by military personnel as determined by subject matter experts. The potential install base for these applications could be in the thousands or more end-users. Additionally, the CF may require ownership and maintenance of required servers for the applications ....
From MERX:
.... Department of National Defence, 1 ESU, Moncton, NB, requires one supplier to provide accommodations, meals and vehicle rental for the period July 14, 2012 – August 5, 2012 for military personnel as they undertake improvements to their C-Span project at Resolute Bay Airfield, Resolute Bay, NU. The estimated value of the contract: $131,250.00, taxes included …. The proposed contractor is:

    Narwhal Hotel
    Box 88
    Resolute bay, NU X0A 0V0 ....
- Edited to change link to bid document extract (original link led to corrupted document - sorry) -

Wanted: someone to design and develop "a knowledge-rich agent-based social simulation architecture and to carry out a parameter sweeping analysis of the system to fully understand social identity dynamics in the model and to see where various real world societies lie on this possibility-space of artificial worlds” (software to simulate people from different societies and with different thought processes to help train troops to interact?) – more in bid document extract here