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What to wear when reporting to a new base?

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I've been posted to CFB Petawawa and I'd like to know what I'm supposed to wear when I report for duty?  Combats?  CFs? 
When I reported to Wainwright I was told to clear in wearing my combats.It probably changes base to base though....
Yeah, that's what I heard...that it varies from base to base...But they didn't tell me what I'm supposed to wear and I have no contact info...
My guess would be to wear what they're going to expect you to be working in, but that's only a guess.
If you haven't been told anything I would wear my DEUs just to be on the safe side.

No one is going to hassle you for over-dressing...but they just might for under-dressing.
Check your posting message, there should be a POC listed in one of the last paragraphs. If there's not then call your gaining unit OR and ask if you're not sure. My last 2 postings have been dress of the day when reporting, my first couple were 3B's. I would say dress of the day is the accepted practice these days though I've never been posted to an Army unit so I can't say for sure.

First day DEU, then dress of the day (usually CADPAT) after that.
What about the weekends?  I'll be arriving at the base on Saturday.  Can I wear my civies?  I don't have to report for duty until the weekday after. 
Not necessarily Army Medic.  When I cleared into Shilo it was cmbts or collared shirt and slacks (or similar facsimile).
I'm sure no one will be upset if you're over-dressed. Just to eliminate any question I would wear my full DEUs.
Full DEU's? 3b's at worst, I've never seen anyone report wearing full DEU's.

Greywolf, if you're arriving on a weekend, civvies are fine, you're not expected to travel in uniform, therefore you don't have to show up on base to get your room key in uniform. My suggestion would be 3b's to report on Mon, which in case you're wondering is CF pants, short sleeve shirt and parade boots (shoes for officers). The only time I've ever worn full DEU's is for parades.  Again, talk to your POC, if you don't have one on your posting message, PM me. I'm not sure if you have access to the DWAN, but if you need a number looked up, I can look it up for you.

What unit are you reporting in to?

Most of the Units in Petawawa will accept you showing up in Cbts.  Most Units in Petawawa will be doing PT between 0 dark thirty and 0930 so you will have some time to reflect.  Don't be afraid to ask when you arrive on the weekend for further instructions on dress, where to sleep and eat, where to Report in to on Mon, etc. 

If you show up in DEU, you will probably be allowed to change into Cbts within a couple of hours.  You would not be wearing that order of dress for the full day.

It could happen!

Battle of Britain and of course Remembrance Day.  ;)
Remember that it is winter dress on the 12th of october. What unit are you going to? when i reported in i wore my white shirt with ribbons and black pants boots and beret. So 3 b's is fine.
The entire base has the dress of the day in CADPAT.  Go with CADPAT.  DEUs are for special occasions around here.
Padraig OCinnead said:
According to the latest CFAO's 11-28

Forage cap, garbadeen tucked into your speedos and mukluks.

good one  ;D
I am reporting to 2 GS BN.   I'm a supply tech.   And I haven't been issued a CADPAT combat jacket yet.

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