I applied to the reg. forces in Montreal and my file dragged on for a year and a half, before I was told to get a pardon before I could restart the application. This was not a problem for some reason when I was in the reserves. Anyways, I waited out the pardon process, which was as painfully long as the recruiting process. That's life I guess. Now, with a pardon in hand, I am re-applying for the reg. forces in another province out west which has given me an outstanding level of service and professionalism, however, the damn recruiting center in Montreal has my old file and is again dragging its feet handing them over to the Calgary recruiting center and the whole process is in limbo yet again thanks to the ineptitude and indifference of Montreal's rec. center. That of course is my opinion and I think I have had the experience to fairly say this. My question is, what can I do to expedite this? Can I phone Montreal directly to see what the hell is not happening? Apparently the 'guy' in charge of my file is out of the office often, and can't always be reached! (a quote from Calgary rec. center personal). What kind of gong show is being run in Montreal? Are there any others who have had bad experiences there? Calgary has been outstanding, and the two are night and day.