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Waiting For The Phone Call For BMQ

Well I went to the RC today to hand in my medical forms stating that I only need insoles and not orthotics due to my flat feet and they were getting sent away and he told me it could take up to 2-3 weeks and that will only be a few weeks away from April 1st so I'll just have to wait and see what happens I guess, and I'm Going for Infantry Regular Force.
I can't wait to start BMQ, and I'll use this time wisely and keep on training to get in the best shape I can.

Lil_T said:
I'm a pro at waiting by now.  Not that I enjoy it - but it is what it is.  Damn, I forgot about swimming... I gotta really work harder on my push ups.

Bru, I forgot about swimming, too. Hopefully I can renew my YMCA membership, or crack the ice over my pool and polar bear it. Oh yeah, for everyone looking to keep themselves busy while waiting for the infamous BMQ call, here's a nice site: http://www.crossfit.com/

Glad to know we might get a chance to get there before April. Though I wouldn't mind not trudging through the snow anymore.  ;D

rjr said:
It could take 2-3 weeks,  but don't be surprised if it's longer. It usually is.
Well I guess I'll just have to wait and see, waiting isn't to big of a deal with me so when that 3 weeks comes by I'll give them a call, if they haven't contacted me by then and I'll ask what the status is. If I have to wait longer, just means I get to train longer and I'll be a great shape when I get there....I just started running not very long ago and the first time i ran on the treadmill I did 20 min second time 25 and 3rd time which was  only yesterday I ran for 45 min and i still felt i could squeeze in another 5 or 10 min so imagine in 3 to 4 weeks what I'll be running, over an hour that's for sure.
GreenGoblin said:

Lemme know if you get that call, eh? Here's hoping for you.


The waiting games pretty tiring, but at least it gives us more time to prep and get our asses in shape. Just keeeep swimmin', just keep swimmin'.  :P
I will let you know for sure. I was training hard and apparently overdoing it. I have had shin splints for the past week and just hoping for them to go away. I've been to the doctors twice. I'm sure they will be gone by the time I leave for BMQ.

Twice I've had telemarketers call me and both times I thought it was ''the call'' because of the number. Sure get's your heart pounding with excitement.

Hah I know that feeling... Sitting around waiting for "the call" and having both my cell + home phone ring over a dozen times with telemarketers... every time I thought it was the call..  Strange enough I got the call a few days ago, immediately after I was complaining to my friend that is in the reserves as to how slow they are heh..

Either way, best of luck to you mate... Hopefully will see you at St-Jean in the coming months.
I leave on March 1st for St-Jean, start on the 2nd... Enrollment this coming monday (23rd) in Oshawa.
Good to hear! Good luck with your enrollment and BMQ. Hopefully I will see you there soon.

Cheers :salute:
Just got the call. I get enrolled on friday(february 27th) and I fly out on the 28th. My course starts March 2nd.
man you guys are lucky, damn medical forms are holding me up, well good luck to both of you and hopefully I'll be there soon.

Darn, I probably won't be seeing you guys there then (unless I catch you guys halfway through, 4 more days until I'm supposed to get a call)! Good luck to both of you, and happy flight.  ;)

There's another course starting on March 9th so if you are actually getting the call in 4 days I bet you will be going to that one.
So I called the RC today to check the status of my application and see if my medical has been reviewed and cleared yet but no one answered and they wont be back until March 7th....... so I just left a message, hopefully they return my call with good news...
SoldierInTheMaking said:
So I called the RC today to check the status of my application and see if my medical has been reviewed and cleared yet but no one answered and they wont be back until March 7th....... so I just left a message, hopefully they return my call with good news...

Ha, I did the same thing. I called three times in a row and left jumbled messages. Today I finally got a hold of someone though, so you might want to try calling again. ;)

Lady luck beat me with a bat again, because apparently BackCheck didn't get a hold of any of my references (which wasn't true, because two were contacted, one received a call but was busy with work and couldn't get a hold of BackCheck, and the others didn't receive any attempts). They told me I had to go back down to the recruiting center and re-do the BackCheck sheet. Argh.

and hope you get through,
GreenGoblin said:
Ha, I did the same thing. I called three times in a row and left jumbled messages. Today I finally got a hold of someone though, so you might want to try calling again. ;)

Really did they say they would be back on the 7th?? Well I'm going to try again and see if someone answers...
Thanks :)
It could just be the person that is handling your file that's away on vacation.  Try calling the main number and ask if someone has any information for you...

Cant hurt to try....
Well I tried calling and it says to check the status on your file press this number and it went to a machine and it wasn't even my file manager but he said that he's out on tasks and wont be back till the 7th, so tomorrow ill call back but try pressing a different number and if some answers I'll have them put me through to my file manager.