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(US) Military Grants More Waivers To Recruits


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Military Grants More Waivers To Recruits

By LOLITA C. BALDOR, Associated Press Writer,  February 13, 2007

The Army and Marine Corps are letting in more recruits with criminal records, including some with felony convictions, reflecting the increased pressure of five years of war and its mounting casualties.

According to data compiled by the Defense Department, the number of Army and Marine recruits needing waivers for felonies and serious misdemeanors, including minor drug offenses, has grown since 2003. The Army granted more than double the number of waivers for felonies and misdemeanors in 2006 than it did in 2003. Some recruits may get more than one waiver.

The military routinely grants waivers to admit recruits who have criminal records, medical problems or low aptitude scores that would otherwise disqualify them from service. Overall the majority are moral waivers, which include some felonies, misdemeanors, and traffic and drug offenses.

The number of felony waivers granted by the Army grew from 411 in 2003 to 901 in 2006, according to the Pentagon, or about one in 10 of the moral waivers approved that year. Other misdemeanors, which could be petty theft, writing a bad check or some assaults, jumped from about 2,700 to more than 6,000 in 2006. The minor crimes represented more than three-quarters of the moral waivers granted by the Army in 2006, up from more than half in 2003.

Army and Defense Department officials defended the waiver program as a way to admit young people who may have made a mistake early in life but have overcome past behavior. And they said about two-thirds of the waivers granted by the Marines are for drug use, because they — unlike the other services — require a waiver if someone has been convicted once for marijuana use.

Lawmakers and other observers say they are concerned that the struggle to fill the military ranks in this time of war has forced the services to lower their moral standards.

"The data is crystal clear. Our armed forces are under incredible strain and the only way that they can fill their recruiting quotas is by lowering their standards," said Rep. Marty Meehan (news, bio, voting record), D-Mass., who has been working to get additional data from the Pentagon. "By lowering standards, we are endangering the rest of our armed forces and sending the wrong message to potential recruits across the country."

Army spokesman Paul Boyce said Tuesday he is concerned because the Pentagon data differs from Army numbers. But overall, he said, "anything that is considered a risk or a serious infraction of the law is given the highest level of review."

"Our goal is to make certain that we recruit quality young men and women who can keep America defended against its enemies," Boyce said.

The data was obtained through a federal information request and released by the California-based Michael D. Palm Center, a think tank that studies military issues.

"The fact that the military has allowed more than 100,000 people with such troubled pasts to join its ranks over the past three years illustrates the problem we're having meeting our military needs in this time of war," said Aaron Belkin, director of the center.

Belkin said a new study commissioned by the center also concludes that the military does not have any programs that help convicted felons adjust to military life.

In recent years, as the Iraq and Afghanistan wars have dragged on, the military has also relaxed some standards in order to meet recruitment demands. The Army, for example, increased its age limit for recruits from 35 to 42, and is accepting more people whose scores on a standardized aptitude test are at the lower end of the acceptable range.

In its report, the Pentagon said, "The waiver process recognizes that some young people have made mistakes, have overcome their past behavior, and have clearly demonstrated the potential for being productive, law-abiding citizens and members of the military."

According to the Pentagon, nearly a quarter of new military recruits needed some type of waiver in 2006, up from 20 percent in 2003. Roughly 30,000 moral waivers were approved each year between 2003 and 2006.

The military in its report divides moral waivers into six categories: felonies, serious and minor non-traffic offenses, serious and minor traffic offenses and drug offenses. Because many states have different crimes categorized as a felony or misdemeanor, the groupings are more general.

About one in five Army recruits needed a waiver to enlist in 2006, up from 12.7 percent in 2003. In addition, the report showed that the Army granted substantially fewer waivers for drug use and serious traffic violations last year than in 2003.

More than half of the Marine recruits needed a waiver in 2006, a bit higher than in 2003, and largely due to their more strict drug requirements. Felony waivers made up about 2 percent of the Marine waivers, while other lesser crimes made up about 25 percent, both up slightly from 2003.

About 18 percent of Navy recruits required a waiver, up only slightly from 2003. Two-thirds of the waivers granted by the Navy were for misdemeanor-type crimes and about 5 percent were for felonies.

Just 8 percent of Air Force recruits had waivers, down a bit from 2003. Nearly all of the waivers were for the misdemeanor-type crimes.
Though the Press would have You believe the US Army is recruiting the "Dirty Dozen" their really crimes which most municipalities treat with probation, not prison.

No Murderers
No Rapists
No Armed Robbers
No Kidnappers
No Drug Dealers

End strength (Active, Reserve, Guard) is about 1,215,842 (+/-)
LineDoggie said:
.....the Press would have You believe the US Army is recruiting the "Dirty Dozen" ....

I didn't get that impression from the article, just the sense that due to increased op tempo the US military is finding it more difficult to meet it's recruiting goals and is accepting more individuals who would not have been allowed in a few years ago.  But I did see an article that presented a less benign view on the dangers of a more liberal waiver policy.  It was from Stars and Stripes.

Stars and Stripes Wednesday, February 14, 2007 
Army Defends Recruit Screening Process
Critics Say Lowering Standards Leads To Gangsters In The Military

By Leo Shane III, Stars and Stripes
Mideast edition, Sunday, February 11, 2007

WASHINGTON — Defense officials believe they have rules in place to make sure gang members aren’t signing up or being recruited to join the military.

But Scott Barfield, a former gang investigator for the Army at Fort Lewis, Wash., said he has seen many recruits with spotty records allowed into the service, with little concern about whether they’ve renounced their gang past.

“It’s all about numbers,” he said. “If we weren’t at war right now, we wouldn’t have the issue we have.”

Barfield said he based that statement on his and colleagues’ observations about gang incidents in the service. But Army officials say they have no evidence that the number of gang members joining or trying to join has increased.

Pentagon spokesman Maj. Stewart Upton said recruiters question each potential servicemember about any criminal history, and have received training to spot gang or extremist tattoos.

But the FBI’s 2007 report on gang membership in the military states that recruiters aren’t properly trained to recognize gang affiliations, and that gang members may slip through those checks.

“Some gang members have reportedly been instructed by recruiters to conceal past convictions or are told they can enlist as long as they do not have felony arrests,” the report states. “Other applicants enter the criminal justice system as juveniles and their criminal records are sealed and unavailable to recruiters.”

The Army — and the Defense Department as a whole — have come under fire in recent years for loosening recruiting standards in the face of enlistment shortages.

In fiscal 2006, 13,600 Army recruits were issued waivers for various moral and medical issues, up 18 percent from the year before. Eighty-one percent of the recruits had high school diplomas, down 6 percent from the previous year.

Service officials have maintained that the overall quality of the force has not been compromised by the softened recruiting stance.

Army officials said recruits can receive a waiver if they have a history of gang activity, but they must convince recruiters they’ve severed ties with the group.

The Army will give waivers for some “moral issues,” such as a DUI or possession of small amounts of marijuana, but will not consider any recruits with convictions of trafficking drugs or any sexually violent crimes, or anyone with more than one felony conviction, officials said.

Army Criminal Investigation Command officials said of the few gang members they’ve found in the ranks, most are junior enlisted soldiers without any common jobs or skills, and listed their threat to the service and community as minimal.

The FBI report lists at least eight instances in the last three years where gang members have obtained U.S. military weapons.

“Gang members in uniform use their military knowledge, skills and weapons to commit and facilitate various crimes,” the report states.

Barfield said gangsters he has spoken with view the Army as a way to boost their skill set.

“They’re going in as mechanics, truck drivers, medics,” he said. “Think about it — if you [steal] a truck full of electronics, you have to know how to drive it. Medics treat gun wounds, and that is what a gangster is likely to suffer from.

“They know what to do, they know what game to play. Gangbanging is their job. It’s their career.”

Reporter Steve Mraz contributed to this story.

© 2006 Stars and Stripes. All Rights Reserved.
why don't they consider people from nato and friendly countries.
I think DoD will allow for recruitment of citizens from certain allied countries. As for the article I dont see much alarm. We took recruits with legal problems and most made very good soldiers/marines. We do want to weed out the gang bangers though.
It is funny how at one time you had the choice of jail or military. I am still serving my time.  ;)
I have to say that at least with a military life sentence you get a nice pension. ;)
Some times people make mistakes in life, I figure if some one has the in-site to apply there's a good chance that they left that part of there lives behind them.
Heh... UK military has been dealing with delinquents for some time...

The Judge said... "X years in the army OR xx years in jail, what'll it be..."
My Sect Commander got the old "Jail or Military" speel from the judge, and needless to say, he's one of the best Sgts I've ever had!