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US Election: 2016

Donald Trump and the Brexit reveal the true size and shape of the electorate. Look at what the Democrats might have to deal with in Middle America:


TRUMP’S GOT PROBLEMS, BUT SO DOES HILLARY: Clinton struggling in some reliably blue states.

Despite an increasing lead over businessman Donald Trump in head-to-head matchups, presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is struggling to connect in some reliably blue states.

Washington Post authors Philip Rucker and John Wagner report that there’s concern among Clinton supporters who believe Trump might do well in three Rust Belt states: Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

“In Michigan, Pennsylvania and, to a lesser extent, Wisconsin, an affinity for Trump’s message of economic populism and nationalism has surprised many Democrats,” Rucker and Wagner wrote. “These are big, industrial states they have carried for the past three decades — and where Clinton, so far, has not fully focused.”

In Pennsylvania, Clinton and Trump are in a statistical tie, according to RealClearPolitics polling averages. In Michigan, Trump closed the gap between the two candidates considerably once he became the GOP nominee, and now trails Clinton by just 4 points (though the last poll was taken at the end of May). . . .

Even in swing states where Clinton’s campaign is more confident, the polls aren’t much better. Clinton leads Trump by 3.5 points in Florida and nearly 3 points in Ohio.

Stay tuned. Related: Right-Wing Populism Is Prevailing in Left-Wing Strongholds Around the World. “It’s a problem for Democrats. They are a lot more dependent on the Northern white working class than the prevailing narrative of recent electoral contests tends to acknowledge. Northern working-class whites represent a larger share of the electorate than generally believed, and Democrats have been winning a larger share of them than has been typically understood.”

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This is what happens when the Papacy proclaims it is socialist. 

The universal brotherhood of man directed versus the universal brotherhood of man undirected. 

The only difference for those of the directed faction is who is gets to do the directing.
Hillary was interviewed by the FBI for 3 1/2 hours today.


Presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton met with FBI officials Saturday about her private email server that has sparked a federal investigation, her campaign said.

"Secretary Clinton gave a voluntary interview this morning about her email arrangements while she was Secretary," Clinton campaign spokesman Nick Merrill said in an email Saturday afternoon. "She is pleased to have had the opportunity to assist the Department of Justice in bringing this review to a conclusion. Out of respect for the investigative process, she will not comment further on her interview."
And no charges will be laid...


I am wondering what would happen if one of us, peasant, would do the same...
SupersonicMax said:
And no charges will be laid...


I am wondering what would happen if one of us, peasant, would do the same...

Could this be the FALL OF AMERICA, where the corruption being exposed is being ignored by the power elite?



So?  Does this 'judgement' that nothing was 'wrong' justify kicking the US of A out of Five Eyes?

[:D    >:D
George Wallace said:
Could this be the FALL OF AMERICA, where the corruption being exposed is being ignored by the power elite?

You're sounding awfully rabble.ca-ish, GW  ;D
milnews.ca said:
You're sounding awfully rabble.ca-ish, GW  ;D

Well....Two of the American versions of the likes of Rex Murphy are Judge Jeanine Pirro and Tomi Lahren, both of whom are definitely not in the Clinton Camp.  Always interesting to watch their commentaries.  [:D
George Wallace said:
Well....Two of the American versions of the likes of Rex Murphy are Judge Jeanine Pirro and Tomi Lahren, both of whom are definitely not in the Clinton Camp.  Always interesting to watch their commentaries.  [:D

Jeanine Pirro is just bitter because Hillary handed Pirro her ass when they ran against each other for the NY senate seat. And from what I've seen of her and read about her, it appears that she would need someone to help her find said posterior, even with the correct address plugged into her GPS.  :nod:

And you need to issue an apology to Mr. Murphy for the comparison.  [:D
OH! LOOK!......People are already talking about how she got off and had it been someone else.......Well, from last July:


Navy Engineer Sentenced for Mishandling Classified Material
POSTED 12:42 PM, JULY 29, 2015, BY AP WIRE

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — A Naval reservist has been sentenced for mishandling classified military materials.

A federal attorney announced Wednesday that Bryan Nishimura of Folsom, California pleaded guilty to the unauthorized removal and retention of classified materials.

Nishimura, deployed in Afghanistan in 2007 and 2008 as a regional engineer, has admitted to downloading classified briefings and digital records onto his personal electronic devices. He carried the materials off base and brought them back to the U.S. when his deployment ended.

An FBI search of Nishimura’s home turned up classified materials, but did not reveal evidence he intended to distribute them.

He has been sentenced to two years of probation and a $7,500 fine, and has been ordered to surrender his security clearance. He is barred from seeking a future security clearance.
George Wallace said:
OH! LOOK!......People are already talking about how she got off and had it been someone else.......Well, from last July:


But it's not likely the reservist was going to kill anyone to stop the legal system from charging him.  ;D
recceguy said:
But it's not likely the reservist was going to kill anyone to stop the legal system from charging him.  ;D

He just wasn't ambitious enough. That was his problem, he should have aspired to higher office.
And people wonder why Trump is able to provide an alternative.
From The Blaze, Tomi Lahren in her Final Thoughts presentation on "Crooked Hillary Clinton's family & jihadist Hussein Obama's regime play by different rules":

George Wallace said:
From The Blaze, Tomi Lahren in her Final Thoughts presentation on "Crooked Hillary Clinton's family & jihadist Hussein Obama's regime play by different rules":


OMG. My ears are bleeding. Arrrrrgh. Shouldn't have watched that.  :not-again:

Another and more detailed look at The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee
Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/3283841/will-hurd-goes-for-the-jugular-during-comey-hearing-demands-one-set-of-law-be-applied-to-all/#VitmYCVWil0rdhSg.99:

Hurd questions FBI chief about Clinton inquiry
Aaron Martinez, El Paso Times 7:07 p.m. MDT July 7, 2016

U.S. Rep. Will Hurd was a key player in the House Oversight Committee hearing Thursday in which the FBI director was questioned about the agency's investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.

Hurd, a Republican who represents one of the largest geographical districts in Texas spanning from the edge of El Paso County to the outskirts of San Antonio, questioned FBI Director James Comey on why the agency did not pursue criminal charges against Clinton and the precedent the decision sets.

Clinton, who is the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, was under investigation after it was discovered she used private, unsecured email servers to discuss classified information during her tenure as secretary of state.

Comey announced Tuesday that while Clinton was "extremely careless" in handling classified information, the agency would not pursue criminal charges against her. The next day, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced that the investigation into the email servers was closed.

Republican leaders in the House Oversight Committee called an emergency hearing to question Comey on the FBI’s investigation. The committee, which is comprised of 25 Republicans and 18 Democrats, was strongly divided on the issue.

The hearing lasted about five hours.

During the hearing, Hurd first addressed the political confrontation between both parties. He argued that Democrats were not taking the investigation seriously.

“I am offended. I am offended by my friends on the other side of the political aisle saying this is political theater. This not political theater,” Hurd said. “For me this is serious. I spent nine and a half years as an undercover officer in the CIA. I was the guy in the back alleys collecting intelligence, passing it to lawmakers. I’ve seen my friends killed. I’ve seen assets put into harm’s way and this is about protecting information, the most sensitive information the American government has, and I wish my colleagues would take this more serious.”

Hurd then questioned Comey on why no criminal charges were recommended against Clinton, even though the FBI’s investigation found that she mishandled classified information.

“The former secretary of state (Clinton) had an unauthorized server in her basement, correct?” Hurd asked Comey.

Comey replied, “Correct.”

Hurd followed up by asking, “Who was protecting that information? Who was protecting that server?”

“Well, not much,” Comey answered. “There was a number of different people who were assigned as administrators of the server.”

Hurd continued, “At least seven different email chains or eight that were classified as TS/SCI (Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information)?”

“Correct,” Comey replied.

“So the former secretary of state, one of the president’s most important advisers on foreign policy and national security, had a server in her basement that had information that was collected from our most sensitive assets and it was not protected by anyone and that is not a crime?” Hurd asked.

“That is outrageous!” the congressman shouted. “People are concerned. What does it take for someone to misuse classified information and get in trouble for it?"

Comey answered, “It takes mishandling it and criminal intent.”

“So an unauthorized server in the basement is not mishandling it?” Hurd countered.

“There is evidence of mishandling here,” Comey said. “The whole investigation is again focused on if there is sufficient evidence of intent.”

Hurd also questioned Comey on the precedent the outcome of the investigation could set.

“Did you take any consideration about the impact that this precedent can set on our ability to collect intelligence overseas?” Hurd asked.

Comey said that his “primary concern is the impact on what other employees might think in the federal government.”

Hurd agreed with that concern and added that if a top official can keep a private server, perhaps other federal employees would follow suit.

“You don’t think this sends a message to other federal employees that if the former secretary of state can have an unauthorized server in their basement that transmits top secret information, that that is not a problem?” Hurd asked.

Comey replied, “I worry very much about that. That’s why I talked about that in my statement, because an FBI employee might face severe discipline and I want them to understand those consequences are still going to be there.”

Democratic leaders on the committee stressed their continuing support of Comey and the outcome of the investigation.

“Amazingly, some Republicans who were praising you just days ago and then instantly turned against you,” U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., said during the hearing. “In their eyes you had one job and one job only: to prosecute Hillary Clinton. But you refused to do so. So now you are being summoned here to answer for your alleged transgressions.”

Aaron Martinez may be reached at 546-6249; aamartinez@elpasotimes.com; @AMartinez31 on Twitter.

More on LINK.

Another LINK:


From that link:
During the James Comey hearing, a number of Republican House members stated the American people are concerned that a double standard was at play during the Hillary Clinton investigation.

“I’ve heard it a lot,” Comey said when referencing the accusations about the powerful career politician getting a pass on criminal charges when so many others accused of similar or lesser breaches of classified material did not. “It’s not true, but I’ve heard it a lot.”

“I totally get people’s questions,” Comey stated, adding that the FBI is obligated to follow the law. “Our folks did it in an apolitical and a professional way.”

When questioned about Clinton’s email antics, which James Comey deemed extremely careless and sloppy, the FBI director said he could not push for charges because there was no evidence that the Secretary of State, who is a licensed attorney, knew she was breaking the law when she violated security protocols.

A federal law passed almost 100 years ago states criminal prosecution is warranted in cases where the mishandling of classified material is caused by “gross negligence,” KVIA reports. Criminal intent is not reportedly required to be charged under the statute.

“We don’t want to put people in jail unless we prove that they knew they were doing something they shouldn’t do,” Comey also said. “That is the characteristic of all the prosecutions involving mishandling of classified information.”

Upon becoming the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton was informed of the safety and security statutes pertaining to the handling of classified information, and the possible repercussions of violating the regulations.

“If your name isn’t Clinton, or you’re not part of the powerful elite, then Lady Justice will act differently,” Republican Utah Representative Jason Chaffetz said.

Representative Chaffetz also feels the FBI has not set a “dangerous precedent” which can be cited when other individuals violate classified information security regulations.
Yup, it sure does suck when someone is sooooo highly placed that they don't get charged, even if anyone else who did the same thing likely would have been ...
And as Comey points out to Hurd, in the 100 year history of that piece of law, only once was it ever used to prosecute anyone.

You need to look at the full text of what Comey said, not just the cherry picked portions selected by the media outlets. And I say this about both sides, not just the so called vast right wing conspiracy. The pro Clinton camp doing a victory lap are just as bad.

She f'd up. Pure and simple.  Why? Because she is arrogant, paranoid and feels priveledged.

But criminal lwas required specific standards that need to be met. And they weren't.

And the GOP needs to STFU by claiming a double standard and pointing to Petraeus as an example. He got off lucky, as his ass could have been tossed in a hole. He committed a felony in that he obstructed the investigation. But the decision was made to only charge him with a misdemeanor.
cupper said:
And as Comey points out to Hurd, in the 100 year history of that piece of law, only once was it ever used to prosecute anyone.

You need to look at the full text of what Comey said, not just the cherry picked portions selected by the media outlets. And I say this about both sides, not just the so called vast right wing conspiracy. The pro Clinton camp doing a victory lap are just as bad.

She f'd up. Pure and simple.  Why? Because she is arrogant, paranoid and feels priveledged.

But criminal lwas required specific standards that need to be met. And they weren't.

And the GOP needs to STFU by claiming a double standard and pointing to Petraeus as an example. He got off lucky, as his ass could have been tossed in a hole. He committed a felony in that he obstructed the investigation. But the decision was made to only charge him with a misdemeanor.

I'm sorry and I don't want to get into a big discussion, but I'm not buying what you're selling.

The whole thing stinks. From the planning visit with Clinton and the Lynch. The bald faced lies that Hillary told about this before and during the investigation and is repeating now again. Obama blatantly stick handling the whole thing. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

If there is one reason why Trump should win, this is it. So he can reopen the investigation.

If Hillary Clinton becomes the next POTUS? It will be the bellwether to the end of democracy in the United States. It will become ancient Rome where you are a citizen or a politician.