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US Election: 2016

recceguy said:
I get a kick out of how everyone is concerned about Trump and his rhetoric. I know it, you know it and they know that if he wins there are enough checks and balances within the government machinations that he can't be the tyrant that his detractors fear.

Well if I were a Muslim, or of Latin American descent or even black for that matter (given the fact that the KKK backs him) I would be concerned. As a white male who understands not everyone else has it as easy as me, I AM concerned.

The Republicans have already been gerrymandering and passing voter fraud legislation in an overt attempt to prevent blacks from exercising their franchise for years. We don't have to go back to the 60s to see the racism that this party courts.

Trump doesn't need to have all branches of the government on his side to make life harder for the minorities he has targeted with his rhetoric. It wasn't that long ago that lynchings were a regular occurrence in some states. If you're a black American, you have relatives who are still living that remember segregation, unabated police brutality, and the Jim Crowe Laws. So yes, seeing white supremacists and the KKK at Trump rallies is a concern for many people, not just minorities.

Kilo_302 said:
Well if I were a Muslim, or of Latin American descent or even black for that matter (given the fact that the KKK backs him) I would be concerned. As a white male who understands not everyone else has it as easy as me, I AM concerned.

The Republicans have already been gerrymandering and passing voter fraud legislation in an overt attempt to prevent blacks from exercising their franchise for years. We don't have to go back to the 60s to see the racism that this party courts.

Trump doesn't need to have all branches of the government on his side to make life harder for the minorities he has targeted with his rhetoric. It wasn't that long ago that lynchings were a regular occurrence in some states. If you're a black American, you have relatives who are still living that remember segregation, unabated police brutality, and the Jim Crowe Laws. So yes, seeing white supremacists and the KKK at Trump rallies is a concern for many people, not just minorities.

The KKK supports him. The FACT is that he does not control who endorses him. We've already been down this road, so don't start the 'He didn't denounce them fast enough' bullshit.

Voter fraud is huge in the States. Asking for ID to vote should never be a problem.

He also has much support from the blacks and latinos.
recceguy said:
The KKK supports him. The FACT is that he does not control who endorses him. We've already been down this road, so don't start the 'He didn't denounce them fast enough' bullshit.

Voter fraud is huge in the States. Asking for ID to vote should never be a problem.

He also has much support from the blacks and latinos.

Right but the fact that the KKK is comfortable supporting him, that many of his supporters have hurled racists insults at protesters of colour, AND that he refused a few times to disavow David Duke when he clearly knew who he was understandably makes people concerned.

Voter fraud is not a "huge" issue at all.


To put this in perspective, the 31 incidents below come in the context of general, primary, special, and municipal elections from 2000 through 2014. In general and primary elections alone, more than 1 billion ballots were cast in that period.

As for support from Latinos and blacks:

This would seem to suggest that his supporters are 91% white.


Kilo_302 said:
So yes, seeing white supremacists and the KKK at Trump rallies is a concern for many people, not just minorities.

Maybe there are certain parties paying those numbskulls to be Trump fans with the intention of causing him grief.
Kilo_302 said:
Trump doesn't need to have all branches of the government on his side to make life harder for the minorities he has targeted with his rhetoric.

You've been asleep for the past 12 years if you believe this statement is true. The last few years of Bush 43 and almost the entirety of Obama's presidency are examples of how limited a President's power really is when Congressional control lays in the hands of the opposite party.
Kilo_302 said:
What factors do YOU attribute to the Trump's success?

Trump is a beast of the GOP's making. There were plenty of times over the years to remove him from the party. Especially in the previous presidential cycle, with his birther BS. But it served them well as a tool in the campaign to make Obama a one term president.

Then in the aftermath of the fiasco of the long drawn out primary clown show, they decided to change the rules for how the primaries were run, creating winner take all states with large delegate numbers. Other changes helped as well. And Trump played the voters like a violin. and gained every advantage from the changes to the system.

The media has allowed him to manipulate their reporting to work in his favour, regardless of positive or negative coverage. As indicated in the post I made upthread, Trump was able to kept himself in the media spotlight after each debate right up to the next primary or caucus day, gaining lots of free publicity. And knowing that an attack only strengthened his support, bad publicity paid off better than good. Trump is a crap business man, as Mitt Romney expounded upon. But he knows how to sell, and he knows how to use media to his favour.

The more important question that you should be asking is why the GOP didn't learn from the last two presidential elections, and why couldn't the so-called establishment candidates gain any traction.

As I've said before, the GOP needs to have a Trump nomination in order to effect the changes that they truly need to move forward. Like the addict, they need to hit bottom before they can begin recovery. 
An ever growing "Vast right wing conspiracy?"


Hillary Has an NSA Problem
The FBI has been investigating Clinton for months—but an even more secretive Federal agency has its own important beef with her
By John R. Schindler • 03/18/16 8:45am

For a year now, Hillary Clinton’s misuse of email during her tenure as Secretary of State has hung like a dark cloud over her presidential campaign. As I told you months ago, EmailGate isn’t going away, despite the best efforts of Team Clinton to make it disappear. Instead, the scandal has gotten worse, with never-ending revelations of apparent misconduct by Ms. Clinton and her staff. At this point, EmailGate may be the only thing standing between Hillary and the White House this November.

Specifically, the Federal Bureau of Investigation examination of EmailGate, pursuant to provisions of the Espionage Act, poses a major threat to Ms. Clinton’s presidential aspirations. However, even if the FBI recommends prosecution of her or members of her inner circle for mishandling of classified information—which is something the politically unconnected routinely do face prosecution for—it’s by no means certain that the Department of Justice will follow the FBI’s lead.

What DoJ decides to do with EmailGate is ultimately a question of politics as much as justice. Ms. Clinton’s recent statement on her potential prosecution, “it’s not going to happen,” then refusing to address the question at all in a recent debate, led to speculation about a backroom deal with the White House to shield Hillary from prosecution as long as Mr. Obama is in the Oval Office. After mid-January, however, all bets would be off. In that case, winning the White House herself could be an urgent matter of avoiding prosecution for Ms. Clinton.

That said, if DoJ declines to prosecute after the Bureau recommends doing so, a leak-fest of a kind not seen in Washington, D.C., since Watergate should be anticipated. The FBI would be angry that its exhaustive investigation was thwarted by dirty deals between Democrats. In that case, a great deal of Clintonian dirty laundry could wind up in the hands of the press, habitual mainstream media covering for the Clintons notwithstanding, perhaps having a major impact on the presidential race this year.

Neither is the FBI the only powerful Federal agency that Hillary Clinton needs to worry about as she plots her path to the White House between scandals and leaks. For years, she has been on the bad side of the National Security Agency, America’s most important intelligence agency, as revealed by just-released State Department documents obtained by Judicial Watch under the Freedom of Information Act.

‘What did she not want put on a government system, where security people might see it? I sure wish I’d asked about it back in 2009.’

The documents, though redacted, detail a bureaucratic showdown between Ms. Clinton and NSA at the outset of her tenure at Foggy Bottom. The new Secretary of State, who had gotten “hooked” on her Blackberry during her failed 2008 presidential bid, according to a top State Department security official, wanted to use that Blackberry anywhere she went.

That, however, was impossible, since Secretary Clinton’s main office space at Foggy Bottom was actually a Secure Compartment Information Facility, called a SCIF (pronounced “skiff”) by insiders. A SCIF is required for handling any Top Secret-plus information. In most Washington, D.C., offices with a SCIF, which has to be certified as fully secure from human or technical penetration, that’s where you check Top Secret email, read intelligence reports, and conduct classified meetings that must be held inside such protected spaces.

But personal electronic devices—your cellphone, your Blackberry—can never be brought into a SCIF. They represent a serious technical threat that is actually employed by many intelligence agencies worldwide. Though few Americans realize it, taking remote control over a handheld device, then using it to record conversations, is surprisingly easy for any competent spy service. Your smartphone is a sophisticated surveillance device—on you, the user—that also happens to provide phone service and Internet access.

As a result, your phone and your Blackberry always need to be locked up before you enter any SCIF. Taking such items into one represents a serious security violation. And Hillary and her staff really hated that. Not even one month into the new administration in early 2009, Ms. Clinton and her inner circle were chafing under these rules. They were accustomed to having their personal Blackberrys with them at all times, checking and sending emails nonstop, and that was simply impossible in a SCIF like their new office was.

This resulted in a February 2009 request by Secretary Clinton to NSA, whose Information Assurance Directorate (IAD for short: see here for an explanation of Agency organization) secures the sensitive communications of many U.S. Government entities, from Top Secret computer networks, to White House communications, to the classified codes that control our nuclear weapons.

The contents of Sid Blumenthal’s June 8, 2011 email to Hillary Clinton—to her personal, unclassified account—were based on highly sensitive NSA information.

IAD had recently created a special, custom-made secure Blackberry for Barack Obama, another technology addict. Now Ms. Clinton wanted one for herself. However, making the new president’s personal Blackberry had been a time-consuming and expensive exercise. NSA was not inclined to provide Secretary Clinton with one of her own simply for her convenience: there had to be clearly demonstrated need.

And that seemed dubious to IAD since there was no problem with Ms. Clinton checking her personal email inside her office SCIF. Hers, like most, had open (i.e. unclassified) computer terminals connected to the Internet, and the Secretary of State could log into her own email anytime she wanted to right from her desk.

But she did not want to. Ms. Clinton only checked her personal email on her Blackberry: she did not want to sit down at a computer terminal. As a result, NSA informed Secretary Clinton in early 2009 that they could not help her. When Team Clinton kept pressing the point, “we were politely told to shut up and color” by IAD, explained the State security official.

The State Department has not released the full document trail here, so the complete story remains unknown to the public. However, one senior NSA official, now retired, recalled the kerfuffle with Team Clinton in early 2009 about Blackberrys. “It was the usual Clinton prima donna stuff,” he explained, “the whole ‘rules are for other people’ act that I remembered from the Nineties.” Why Ms. Clinton would not simply check her personal email on an office computer, like every other government employee less senior than the president, seems a germane question, given what a major scandal EmailGate turned out to be. “What did she not want put on a government system, where security people might see it?” the former NSA official asked, adding, “I wonder now, and I sure wish I’d asked about it back in 2009.”

He’s not the only NSA affiliate with pointed questions about what Hillary Clinton and her staff at Foggy Bottom were really up to—and why they went to such trouble to circumvent Federal laws about the use of IT systems and the handling of classified information. This has come to a head thanks to Team Clinton’s gross mishandling of highly classified NSA intelligence.

As I explained in this column in January, one of the most controversial of Ms. Clinton’s emails released by the State Department under judicial order was one sent on June 8, 2011 to the Secretary of State by Sidney Blumenthal, Hillary’s unsavory friend and confidant who was running a private intelligence service for Ms. Clinton. This email contains an amazingly detailed assessment of events in Sudan, specifically a coup being plotted by top generals in that war-torn country. Mr. Blumenthal’s information came from a top-ranking source with direct access to Sudan’s top military and intelligence officials, and recounted a high-level meeting that had taken place only twenty-four hours before.

To anybody familiar with intelligence reporting, this is unmistakably signals intelligence, termed SIGINT in the trade. In other words, Mr. Blumenthal, a private citizen who had enjoyed no access to U.S. intelligence for over a decade when he sent that email, somehow got hold of SIGINT about the Sudanese leadership and managed to send it, via open, unclassified email, to his friend Hillary only one day later.

NSA officials were appalled by the State Department’s release of this email, since it bore all the hallmarks of Agency reporting. Back in early January, when I reported this, I was confident that Mr. Blumenthal’s information came from highly classified NSA sources, based on my years of reading and writing such reports myself, and one veteran Agency official told me it was NSA information with “at least 90 percent confidence.”

Now, over two months later, I can confirm that the contents of Sid Blumenthal’s June 8, 2011 email to Hillary Clinton, sent to her personal, unclassified account, were indeed based on highly sensitive NSA information. The Agency investigated this compromise and determined that Mr. Blumenthal’s highly detailed account of Sudanese goings-on, including the retelling of high-level conversations in that country, was indeed derived from NSA intelligence.

Specifically, this information was illegally lifted from four different NSA reports, all of them classified Top Secret / Special Intelligence. Worse, at least one of those reports was issued under the GAMMA compartment, which is an NSA handling caveat that is applied to extraordinarily sensitive information (for instance, decrypted conversations between top foreign leadership, as this was). GAMMA is properly viewed as a SIGINT Special Access Program or SAP, several of which from CIA Ms. Clinton compromised in another series of her “unclassified” emails.

Currently serving NSA officials have told me they have no doubt that Mr. Blumenthal’s information came from their reports. “It’s word-for-word, verbatim copying,” one of them explained. “In one case, an entire paragraph was lifted from an NSA report” that was classified Top Secret / Special Intelligence.

How Sid Blumenthal got his hands on this information is the key question, and there’s no firm answer yet. The fact that he was able to take four separate highly classified NSA reports – none of which he was supposed to have any access to – and pass the details of them to Hillary Clinton via email only hours after NSA released them in Top Secret / Special Intelligence channels, indicates something highly unusual—as well as illegal—was going on.

Suspicion naturally falls on Tyler Drumheller, the former CIA senior official who was Mr. Blumenthal’s intelligence fixer, his supplier of juicy spy gossip, who conveniently died last August before EmailGate became front-page news. However, he, too, had left Federal service years before and should not have had any access to current NSA reports.

There are many questions here about what Hillary Clinton and her staff at Foggy Bottom were up to, including Sidney Blumenthal, an integral member of the Clinton organization, despite his lack of any government position. How Mr. Blumenthal got hold of this Top Secret-plus reporting is only the first question. Why he chose to email it to Ms. Clinton in open channels is another question. So is: How did nobody on Secretary Clinton’s staff notice that this highly detailed reporting looked exactly like SIGINT from NSA? Last, why did the State Department see fit to release this email, unredacted, to the public?

These are the questions being asked by officials at NSA and the FBI right now. All of them merit serious examination. Their answers may determine the political fate of Hillary Clinton—and who gets elected our next president in November.

Thucydides said:
An ever growing "Vast right wing conspiracy?"


The Clinton email "scandal" is a distraction from real issues. I agree it should disqualify her from being a candidate for President, but we have to ask ourselves why the Republicans are focusing on this issue so much. Could it be that as far as foreign policy is concerned the Republicans and Hillary Clinton share a lot of the same ideas? She's a hawk, and willing to use force recklessly (see Libya) and so is much of the Republican establishment (see Iraq and the drums beating incessantly for Iran). This is an attempt to create daylight between Clinton and her Republican opposition where there really isn't any.

I will reiterate that this isn't a defense of Clinton, it's more a condemnation. The Democrats have a long history of trying to "outhawk" the Republicans in some sort of pissing match and Clinton is part of this.
Kilo_302 said:
Well if I were a Muslim, or of Latin American descent or even black for that matter (given the fact that the KKK backs him) I would be concerned. As a white male who understands not everyone else has it as easy as me, I AM concerned.

The Republicans have already been gerrymandering and passing voter fraud legislation in an overt attempt to prevent blacks from exercising their franchise for years. We don't have to go back to the 60s to see the racism that this party courts.

Trump doesn't need to have all branches of the government on his side to make life harder for the minorities he has targeted with his rhetoric. It wasn't that long ago that lynchings were a regular occurrence in some states. If you're a black American, you have relatives who are still living that remember segregation, unabated police brutality, and the Jim Crowe Laws. So yes, seeing white supremacists and the KKK at Trump rallies is a concern for many people, not just minorities.

You do realize that, until the early 1970s, the Democrats (not the Republicans)* in the US were the party of Jim Crow and Segregation, right?

I mean- you are clearly smarter (by orders of magnitude) than everyone else here. You couldn't possibly make that basic an error of fact. Unless- I wonder what else you have posted on that you are also factually incorrect about....  ::)

*full disclosure- I am Canadian. I could not give a crap who wins the 2016 US election.
SeaKingTacco said:
You do realize that, until the early 1970s, the Democrats (not the Republicans)* in the US were the party of Jim Crow and Segregation, right?

I mean- you are clearly smarter (by orders of magnitude) than everyone else here. You couldn't possibly make that basic an error of fact. Unless- I wonder what else you have posted on that you are also factually incorrect about....  ::)

*full disclosure- I am Canadian. I could not give a crap who wins the 2016 US election.

Actually both LBJ and Nixon were very strong on civil rights (LBJ's "civil society" was quite progressive for the times). It's in the last couple of decades (particularly due to the rise of the "moral majority" in the late 70s) that the Republicans have become very reactionary and very regressive when it comes to the progress achieved during the civil rights movement. This isn't isolated to race relations. A woman's right to have an abortion is under threat in nearly all the red states.

Are you denying the Republican gerrymandering efforts to date and their "voter fraud" legislation is actually designed to disenfranchise voters who may lean towards the Democrats? This is all well documented.

Save for Ohio, Trump seems unstoppable.

Canadian Press

Conservatives plot Trump demise as he eyes Arizona win

Steve Peoples And Nicholas Riccardi, The Associated Press
The Canadian Press
March 17, 2016

SUN CITY, Ariz. - Fearful of a Donald Trump nomination to lead the Republican party, conservative leaders huddled privately in Washington on Thursday in search of a plan to stop the billionaire businessman. His Republican rivals braced for another Trump victory next week, this time in delegate-rich Arizona.

The Republicans have an eager alternative in Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, yet some party leaders are exploring "other avenues" instead of rallying behind the fiery conservative, an ominous sign that Republican leaders' deep dislike of Cruz complicates their overwhelming concern about Trump.

Kilo_302 said:
The Clinton email "scandal" is a distraction from real issues. I agree it should disqualify her from being a candidate for President, but we have to ask ourselves why the Republicans are focusing on this issue so much.

If an ordinary US citizen - or I - did what she is alleged to have done, he/she/I would be well into our jail sentences by now - but still nowhere near the end.

She believes herself to be above the law.

That should be a concern.
Loachman said:
If an ordinary US citizen - or I - did what she is alleged to have done, he/she/I would be well into our jail sentences by now - but still nowhere near the end.

She believes herself to be above the law.

That should be a concern.

Again I agree.

But the Republicans are focusing on this because it's really the only thing that separates them from Clinton when it comes to FP. Likewise, she's handicapped in attacking a party that mismanaged the Iraq War so badly because she herself voted for it. When it comes to FP, Clinton and the Republicans are largely equivalents.
Now what's really worrying is Ted Cruz's insane theological slant to, well everything.

He's said nothing that would suggest he doesn't believe this too. He references god in just about every policy idea he has. How are Americans even considering this nutbar? Truly disturbing, and I think people like this can accurately be referred to as "American Taliban."


"The pastor [Huch] referred to Proverbs 13:22, a little while ago, which says that the wealth of the wicked is stored for the righteous. And it is through the kings, anointed to take dominion, that that transfer of wealth is going to occur." - Rafael Cruz, August 26, 2012
In a sermon last year at an Irving, Texas, megachurch that helped elect Ted Cruz to the United States Senate, Cruz' father Rafael Cruz indicated that his son was among the evangelical Christians who are anointed as "kings" to take control of all sectors of society, an agenda commonly referred to as the "Seven Mountains" mandate, and "bring the spoils of war to the priests", thus helping to bring about a prophesied "great transfer of wealth", from the "wicked" to righteous gentile believers. link to video of Rafael Cruz describing the "great transfer of wealth" and the role of anointed "kings" in various sectors of society, including government, who are to "bring the spoils of war to the priests".

Rafael Cruz' dominionist sermon given August 26, 2012, at the New Beginnings Church of pastor Larry Huch, in Irving, Texas has already received considerable scrutiny due to an excellent Huffington Post commentary by Methodist Associate Pastor Morgan Guyton, who noted the explicitly dominionist nature of pastor Cruz' sermon, which concerned the divine mandate for believers, with anointing of "kings" in their respective spheres, to take control over all sectors of society.

Cruz spoke of "Kings who are anointed to go to war, win the war, and bring the spoils of war to the priests."

Discussion of the now-notorious speech by Rafael Cruz has missed the fact that Ted Cruz was subsequently blessed and anointed by prominent dominionist pastors, in effect as a "king" in the political/governmental sphere, at a special blessing ceremony at the Marriott Hotel in Des Moines, Iowa, at a July 19th-20th 2013 rally designed to draw pastors into politics.

But in a very real, mundane sense Ted Cruz has already helped deliver hundreds of millions of dollars, or more, to the evangelical right. Cruz' past service - as a "king" who brought "spoils to the priests" - is a matter of established record; as I revealed in a prior story, no less than a top adviser to President George W. Bush has stated that in 1999 Ted Cruz played a major role in helping the Bush for President campaign lock down the conservative evangelical vote in the 2000 election.

One can interpret the "great transfer of wealth" -- predicted by Ted Cruz' father Rafael Cruz, and by Pastor Larry Huch, who threw his Texas megachurch's considerable heft behind the 2012 Cruz for Senate campaign -- in magical terms, sure.

But Ted Cruz' apparently notable role in getting George W. Bush into the presidency led in turn to Bush's "Faith Based Initiative" - that continues to this day under two successive Obama administrations and which, during the Bush years, funneled billions of dollars to churches and institutions associated with the religious right.

In other words, the "great transfer of wealth" is about more than wishful thinking. It's about an ongoing effort, by leaders and institutions of the evangelical right, to gradually gobble up the secular sphere of government.

Thus, for example, fast growing Christian schools such as the late Moral Majority co-founder Jerry Falwell's Liberty University, which now vacuums up hundreds of millions of dollars in federal student aid money each year. Or the hundreds of millions of diverted tax dollars now flowing, in a least 12 U.S. states, under so-called "neo-voucher" schemes, to private schools - many of which, as explored in a new Rolling Stone story, have virulently anti-LGBT policies. Under Bush, too, several billion dollars per year in USAID funding were shifted from secular aid nonprofits to religious ones, some them holding anti-gay and reactionary, even theocratic, underlying ideology.

I could go on at length about this dreary subject, which involves major shifts in government social service funding streams. But instead, let's turn now to the "kings for dominion":

In his August 26th, 2012 guest sermon at Larry Huch's Irving, TX megachurch, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz' father Rafael Cruz, in what was not the first of his guest appearances at the church, explained,

"The pastor [Huch] referred to Proverbs 13:22, a little while ago, which says that the wealth of the wicked is stored for the righteous. And it is through the kings, anointed to take dominion, that that transfer of wealth is going to occur. God, even though he's sovereign, even though he's omnipotent, he doesn't let it rain out of the sky - he's going to use people to do it."
Introducing pastor Cruz, in the context that it would soon be Rosh Hashanah, which would ring in the Jewish New Year of 2012, Larry Huch had stated, invoking dominionist numerology,

"The number 12 means 'divine government', that God begins to rule and reign. Not Wall Street, not Washington - God's people and his kingdom will begin to rule and reign"
As Huch spoke, Rafael Cruz could be seen in the audience, standing next to Huch's wife Tiz, hand upraised to receive and magnify Huch's prophetic blessing. Huch continued,

"I know that's why God got Rafael's son elected - Ted Cruz, the next Senator. But here's the exciting thing - and that's why I know it's timely for him to teach this, and bring this anointing. The rabbinical teaching is, especially amongst gentiles, who God opens their eyes, that in a few weeks begins that year 2012, and that this will begin what we call the "End Time Transfer of Wealth.
And that when these gentiles begin to receive this blessing, they will never go back financially through the valley again. They will grown and grow and grow. It's said this way - that God is looking at the church, and everyone in it, and deciding, in the next 3 and 1/2 years, who will be his bankers. And the ones that say, "Here am I, Lord, you can trust me", we will become so blessed that we will usher in the coming of the Messiah. This message if for you. Would you welcome our good friend Rafael Cruz ? What a tremendous man of God."

Pastor Cruz could not have made himself more clear:

"There are some of you, as a matter of fact I will dare to say the majority of you, that your anointing is not an anointing as priest. It's an anointing as king. And God has given you an anointing to go to the battlefield. And what's the battlefield ? The battlefield is the marketplace. To go to the marketplace and occupy the land. To go to the marketplace and take dominion. If you remember the last time I was in this pulpit, I talked to you about Genesis chapter 1, verse 28, where God says unto Adam and Eve, "Go forth, multiply, TAKE DOMINION over all creation." And if you recall, we talked about the fact that that dominion is not just in the church. That dominion is over every area - society, education, government, economics...
Describing the anointing of kings, pastor Cruz spoke of,

"Kings who are anointed for a totally different reason than priests. Kings who are anointed to take dominion. Kings who are anointed to go to war, win the war, and bring the spoils of war to the priests. So the work of the kingdom of God could be accomplished. And I'll tell you - the king needed the blessing of the priest in order to be successful in battle... [in Deuteronomy] Before the king went to battle, the priest came and blessed the king and blessed the warriors. And the king needed the blessing of the priest in order to be successful in battle... Now, the priest also needed for the king to be successful in battle, because the priest needed the spoils of war in order to repair the temple, in order to carry out the ministry that God had entrusted him. So the king and the priest complimented each other, and they were both very, very interested in blessing one another.
Concluding the service, the two men, Huch and Cruz, met onstage and pastor Huch conveyed a "word", a prophetic message from God relayed through one of his believers, from Rafael Cruz to his New Beginnings Church audience,

"God laid this on Rafael's heart, for right now - listen to me - In the next 3 and 1/2 years, and we're not waiting 3 and 1/2 years, it's the End Time Transfer of Wealth... You know, during the elections - and it just hit me, Rafael was up there and he was saying, "this is the anointed by God" - when I got a phone call, would I come to a meeting to meet Rafael Cruz and Ted Cruz, Tiz and I had already received about ten phone calls asking if we would get behind a candidate - 'could we come and speak at your church ? Can we come ?" I mean one after another.
And when we were asked by some friends to come to this house. They said we would not only meet Ted but we would meet Rafael. Before I ever met Ted, I met Rafael. And I knew that if the son was like the dad we could trust him to be our Senator. Amen ?

But here's what, here's when it came to me - Ted will be our next Senator, and I gave Rafael a word the other day... this is just the beginning. It's going to be much, much, much higher. But here's the deal - Ted Cruz is the real thing. But he hasn't become the real thing now that he's going to be Senator. He was the real thing when he was working as a clerk, he was the real thing when he was going through college, he didn't become faithful now that he's Senator. He's going to become Senator - and I believe some day either Supreme Court justice of Vice President - but he was faithful back when he was his [Rafael Cruz'] boy and God took that faithfulness."

As a final note, consider what's implicitly packed into Rafael Cruz' and Larry Huch's "great transfer of wealth" -  According to Huch and Cruz, this is a transfer of wealth, "from the wicked", to "righteous" gentiles.

In the generally accepted English meaning of the term, "gentile" refers simply to non-Jews. And because "righteous Jews" were not included among those predicted to benefit from the "great wealth transfer", the logical import is that those Christians anointed as "kings" would plunder - remember, Huch and Cruz spoke of this specifically in terms of war, and combat - the fortunes of non-righteous gentiles and, you guessed it, Jews.

Given the noisily Christian Zionist milieu in which the "great wealth transfer" service was given - Larry Huch opened Rafael Cruz' sermon with a blast from a shofar, there was a huge Menorah looming over the stage, the main pulpit featured a cross superimposed on a Star of David, and some of the men in the audience wore yarmulkes - it's more than a little creepy.

Adding to the creepiness, this isn't the first time in recent political history we've heard Proverbs 13:22 from a stage.

In September 2008, with the election looming and John McCain and Barack Obama readying their final battle plans, a strange video surfaced, from an August 2005 ceremony held at the most significant Alaska church of 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

In the video, which became briefly notorious and unsettled many uncommitted moderate voters, Sarah Palin, who would soon run for and win the Alaska governor's seat, was shown being blessed and anointed by a Kenyan pastor with a croaking, raspy voice who called upon God to bless candidate Palin and protect her against witchcraft.

While that part of the video received considerable mockery from mainstream media, few seemed to notice a short speech by Muthee, which preceded the blessing and anointing of Palin. In the nakedly dominionist speech, Thomas Muthee - a close colleague of New Apostolic Reformation kingpin C. Peter Wagner - called upon believers to "invade" and "infiltrate" seven leading sectors of society:

"In a moment, I'll be asking you that we pray for Sarah, and I'll tell you the reason why. When we talk about transformation of a community, we are talking about God invading seven areas in our society. Let me repeat that one more time. When we talk about transformation of a society, a community, it's where we see God's Kingdom infiltrate, influence seven areas in our society.
Number one is the spiritual aspect of our society...

...the second area whereby God wants to penetrate in our society is in the economic area. The Bible says the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous. It is high time that we have top Christian businessmen, businesswomen, bankers, you know, who are men and women of integrity, running the economics of our nations. That's what we are waiting for. That's part and parcel of transformation. If you look at the Israelites, you know, that's how they won. And that's how they are, even today....

So we go to the third area, it's in the area of politics... There are people who are wired to politics because God wants to take the political, you know, dimension of our societies. And those people should be prayed for. That's why I was, you know, I was so glad to see Sarah here. We should pray for her, we should back her up. And, you know, come the day of voting, we should be there, not just praying, we should be there. And I'm saying this because that's what I'm telling our church. I'm telling them that we need this in Parliament. In here is what you call Congressmen, you know, you know, the, the Governors, we need the brethren right inside there. Is anybody hearing me?

You know, because who will change the laws of the lands? The problem is do we just pray, but we do nothing about it. If the believers had not done something in this country, your president would not be in office today. Yes or no? Am I right?

Number three, or number four, it's the area of education. We need believers who are educationists. If we had them, today we would not be talking about the Ten Commandments being kicked out of the church, I mean out of our schools. They would still be there. One of the things that you, you know, I would love you to know, I'm a child of revival of the Seventies, and that revival swept through the schools. They are open to preaching, you know, open. Open. Wide open. You go to any school, there is what we call Christian Union. Christian Union is nothing more but a bunch of kids that are born again, spirit-filled, tongue-talking, devil-casting. Is anybody hearing me? All over the country! Is anybody hearing me?

We need God taking over our education system! Otherwise, we, if we have God in our schools, we will not have kids being taught, you know, how to worship Buddha, how to worship Mohammed, we will not have in the curriculum witchcraft and sorcery. Is anybody hearing me?

The other area is in the area of media. We need believers in the media. We need God taking over the media in our lands. Otherwise we will not have all the junk coming out of, you know, coming out of the media... Why can't we have our living church in Hollywood? Guess what will happen. If we have a living church right in Hollywood, we would not have all the kind of pornography that we are having. Is anybody hearing me?

And the last area is in the area of government. Hello? We need believers there. We need men and women of integrity. You know, as the Secretaries of State. We need them right there. People that are born again, spirit filled, people who know God, and people who are serious with God.

So in a moment if you do not mind, I'll ask, you know, even before I go to do this thing, you know, I'll ask Sarah, would you mind to come please? Would you mind? Come, please. Let's all stand up, and let's hold hands all over this house. Come, Pastor, come.

[Sarah Palin joins Muthee and two Alaska pastors onstage]

Thank you, Jesus. Let's all pray. Let's pray for Sarah. Hallelujah! Come on, hold your hands up and raise them. Hold them and raise them up here! Come on, talk to God about this woman! Come on, talk to God about this woman we declare favor from today. We say favor, favor, favor! We say praise my God! We say grace to be rained upon her in the name of Jesus. My God, you make your judgement, you make room. You make ways in the desert, and I'm asking you today, we are asking you as the body of Christ in this valley, make a way for Sarah, even in the [inaudible]. Make her way my God. Bring finances her way, even in the campaign in the name of Jesus, and above all give her the personnel, give her men and women that will back her up in the name of Jesus. We want righteousness in this state. We want righteousness in this nation. Because you say [inaudible] in the name of Jesus. Our Father, use her to turn this nation the other way around. Use her to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers so that the curse that has been there long can be broken. In the name of Jesus. Father, we thank you today. We come in the hindrance of the enemy, standing in her way to there. In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus! Every form of witchcraft, it will be rebuked in the name of Jesus. Father, make her way now. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Let's all be seated."

Sarah Palin, as I helped document in 2008 and 2009, was extensively tied to the unabashedly dominionist New Apostolic Reformation, whose seminal theorist and organizer C. Peter Wagner has called, in a December 2012 op-ed in Charisma magazine, for his followers to "take over everything".

Last Sunday at a rally against Obamacare, both anointed politicians Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz could be found side-by-side, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Kilo_302 said:
Again I agree.

But the Republicans are focusing on this because it's really the only thing that separates them from Clinton when it comes to FP. Likewise, she's handicapped in attacking a party that mismanaged the Iraq War so badly because she herself voted for it. When it comes to FP, Clinton and the Republicans are largely equivalents.
Now what's really worrying is Ted Cruz's insane theological slant to, well everything.

He's said nothing that would suggest he doesn't believe this too. He references god in just about every policy idea he has. How are Americans even considering this nutbar? Truly disturbing, and I think people like this can accurately be referred to as "American Taliban."


Makes Donald Trump look good by comparsion, doesn't it?  [:D
cavalryman said:
Makes Donald Trump look good by comparsion, doesn't it?  [:D

Actually I agree with that as well in some ways. There's definitely a case to made that Cruz is more dangerous. Trump seems to have no ideology, so there's a chance he becomes more moderate once he's the official candidate. But Cruz is driven by extreme ideology, much of which is tied to a very specific interpretation of Christianity.

That's the thing about this election. If Clinton wins the Democratic nomination, it'll be her (the most cynically establishment politician of them all) against either a neo-fascist or a theocratic lunatic. If I were an American, I would vote for whoever, and then promptly go outside and throw up/put a shot gun in my mouth.