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Unfair Treatment

  • Thread starter Thread starter RMCStudent
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As every one else has said... it is total BS that someone at a recruiting centre has said something like that.
If you find no resolve with the recruiting centre in Kingston... come up to Ottawa.
I guarantee you that as Long gas you are a Canadian Citizen, there should be NO problems with you joining the CF.
granted to pass all the testing, checks and so-on.

Don't give up...  :bullet:
So I got a call from the recruiting centre today regarding my transfer- It is exactly 11mos today. The Cpl was a very nice guy who seemed keen to help me out- unfortunately he had only bad news. Seems one of the forms in application is an old version. So he MAILED me a new one(as opposed to me just driving over and signing the new one) and we cant book my medical until he gets ahold of my old medical file....so thats another month before I can go to BOOK my medical....so Ill book it in a month.....so in 2 mos Ill do my medical...and 3 mos it will come back.....and then in 2 more I might be in....so in total at the earliest my transfer will have taken 16mos.This system REALLY needs to be fixed.
Is there like a Recruiting Zone Headquarters? I mean, the Recruitment Centre in Kingston has to be responsible to someone...
RMC Student,

Have you contacted the Captain directly to clarify his comments and the status of your file?  Do that first, if he says you can not join, drop me a line and I will help you resolve this but without know exactly what the issues is it is hard to offer advice.  Make sure you are clear what he is saying to you and make note of the points about the requirement for the security check.  Don't get lost in the "your a Canadian you have the right to apply" stuff.  It is emotion until we have facts to determine exactly what is at issue.  Like I said in my previous post, call him, confirm exactly what he said and ensure you have a clear understanding.  If at the end of the day he says he hates you, then drop me a line.  First clarify that it is not a misscommunication.  Remember he is correct if he told you that you require an extensive background check before you can join.  Citizenship has nothing to do with it and the requirements are mandated federally not by the CF.

If you have any questions, contact me directly.  Cheers

Patience everyone. You are all reacting to second or third hand information. He will get in, I am sure of that. Heck, join the Engineers, we need hard working officers!

Horsesh1t!!! I personally knew a guy who was from Russia (then USSR) and he applied, and wrote the test the same time as I did and we were in the same unit that summer for training. This McBean guy is in the moc, and you should push this issue - the CAF expects people to roll over and not bother complaining and they usually get away with crap like this. Good luck commrade!  :P
If a person is going officer, they have to be able to gain a secret clearance on recruitment.  A person going NCM is required to be able to gain a confidential clearance on recruitment.  The administrative requirements are different as noted in my other posts.  As I have said before, make sure it is not a misscommunication.  Very simple issue her so everyone relax with the emotions.  Work with facts not emotions.

Hello Jeff,

Thank you for your supportive message. Frankly, I need all the help I can get. Although I don't want to unnecessarily burden you with my problems, I will nevertheless explain in detail the way the Army is stonewalling my application.

Captain McBean:
- He tried to stop me from applying by saying that Canadians born in countries that were formerly part of the Warsaw Pact cannot join the CF;
- It is only after I mentioned filing a complaint with the Canadian Human Rights Commission that he panicked and accepted my application. He, nonetheless, said that the inquiry into my past will take two years or more;
- At the Recruitment Centre, he was abrupt, abrasive and verbally abusive (he kept calling me Soviet Union and stuff like that);

- After I filed a complaint with the Human Rights Commission on the grounds of discrimination (since Canadians are treated differently according to their ethnic background) the CDS refused any negotiation and kept procrastinating by regularly changing their legal team every three months, by that indefinitely delaying a conclusion to my case;
- It is only after I wrote to Graham, in desperation, that things started to move. Suddenly, the Recruitment Centre began to take interest in my case, while the CDS sent their rebuttal to my accusations.

Captain McBean:
- He lied to the Commission and to the CDS by saying that he was desperately trying to contact me.
- Although the inquiry might be justified (though I don't see why I have to be responsible for the political actions of a country I left) the Recruitment Centre he is running should have called me for a physical, psychological and medical exam.
- After one year, and because of Graham's interest in my case, the Kingston Recruitment Centre called asking for fingerprints. The fact that they asked me for a second set of fingerprints led me to believe that they discarded the first set along with my file.
- Because Romania (the country I was born in) is now part of NATO, and chiefly because the Romanians have an intelligence agreement with the Canadians, the inquiry should take 2-4 months not two years or more as McBean said it will.

Thank you.
Frankly, I find that hard to swallow.  I don't mean to be rude RMCStudent, but I've talked in depth with Captain McBean before, and the accusations of his conduct being anything less then whats expected of our officers in todays military is bizarre.

From reading your posts you appear to be livid with the whole process of recruitment so far.  I'll be completely forward with you; If you are going to let Red Tape make you pissed off, to the point where you appear to be letting it cloud your mind, then your going to have a helluva time getting into your MOC. I'm not saying you were not unfairly treated, but what I am saying is that Captain McBean is far to professional, far to honourable to have done, verbatim, what you have claimed.  Especially in the manner you have claimed he has. 

Best of luck to you, but remember simply that it is an honour and a priviledge to serve this country, not a right.

Just a quick reminder that it's OK to complain about someone here, and it's OK to use names, but not OK to do both. This thread has turned from a Recruiting question to a "Discussion of Capt. McBean's Character" and that's not appropriate for these means.

Let's keep it on track and hopefully the issue can be resolved.

Have to love it when a future officer resorts to character bashing whether the person deserves it or not. Stay away from the navy please.
...especially on an public forum with an anonymous username and an empty profile.  Real classy.

Perhaps this should just be chucked into the bin.
Future officer? you gotta be kidding me, right... Not if McBean got a say in it...
Oh, believe me, I'll stay away from the Navy...i wouldn't wanna end up on the Beatles' Yellow submarine
Sounds like the Recruiting Officer was on the right track....
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I think thats about enough, there lad.
I think the good Capt. called this one right, sounds like he saw right though the kind of whiney person you are when the chips are down.
Good on him :salute:
If you wish to fully identify yourself, maybe this could be opened again for a fair debate.

EDIT: 3 posts while I typed, I am slow ;)

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