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Tye Dye; because hippies are SOOOOOOOOO cool

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After giving my ghilie suit a wash, I was horrified to find that the color had changed horribly.

My ghilie suit was made by tying two, 8-12 inch long strands of burlap through the holes of a CADPAT Camnet and trying them in a double not/half hitch (whatever, i‘m no lineman). The burlap had a woodland camo pattern dyed on only one side, and thus, the other side was a very, very light brown (like most burlap normally is). After giving it a wash, visually apperant scrim thus became very brownish. Ironic, since it would look great in desert terrain, but horrible in most Canadian forests this time of year.

Anyway, I bought some olive drab dye, and dyed the whole net, as well as some of the extra burlap as well as my scarf (Tie Dye so it‘s no longer just Republican Guard Green).

To anyone who has a ghilie suit, how do you maintain and clean yours? Did you make yours in a similiar fashion as me? I think in retrospect, I should have used jute instead of burlap, but I think that would have tripled the cost of the thing. Also, how do you keep yours woodland green? Do you dye it like I just did or do you have some other magical formula for keeping it that color?

Peace ^^
A ghilie suit?

Linemen have become much more tactical since I last saw one! ;)

I‘d bet that shoe dye won‘t wash out, though I have no idea if it‘s available in olive or not...
I‘m not a lineman so I wouldn‘t know.

I think the dye I used won‘t wash off, at least I hope. Only after the big games this weekend will I know for sure how well it holds up.
I didn‘t think Sigops need gillie suits either.

Ohhhhhh.....LUI, you think you are some kind of sniper! I gues that would mean that you have been to the range twice in the last 12 months?

You are such a flake!!!

Tch, I‘d have more use in the field for my pillow, CD Player and a bag of M&M‘s than I do for my ghilie suit. I do plan to have some fun with it in the field in Kingston over the summer. But my main use for it is for paintball! I finished it a month ago, and already have used it in two big games (much to my success as well).

In response to you‘re comment about my being a snper, a major from my unit came up to me one day in the mess (it was our year end party) and said:
"A ghilie suit, eh? What, you going to be a sniper?"
To which I replied:
"No, sir, as was evidant in the last range ex, I‘m a pretty bad shot."
I think that gave him quite a laugh.

Another thing about that range ex (you‘re right, the only one of the year which I am proud to say, I shot 37/60 the first time, failing, then 59/60 on my retest with a, get this, 80mm grouping). My friend, a little Chinese girl who just finished basic who most peoplewouldn‘t expect to be in the army (by apperance of course), didn‘t even have DEU‘s, and didn‘t even have the current issue of the olive drab uniforms (she had the tuck in type, with no mag pockets) shot 60/60 her first time with a 5mm grouping.

At our mess diner, she recieved the top shot award, and when she went to recieve it, she was in a dress most girls would wear to a high school grad. I was driving an L.Col that night, an Airborne gone siggy L.Col I might add, and when he saw her, I could tell he was unimpressed. I think he was even more unimpressed when I told him my score on the range.

As for the ghilie suit, I‘m quite pleased. Last night, I soaked it in leaf green dye and it‘s looking tight! The camnet is square, so what I did was make the burlap very dense around the shoulder/arm part (eg: where the net would lay after I tied it to myself). I soaked that part in dye, and it looks like it permeated the material very, very well. I‘ll post some pics of my ghilie suit someday.
....What IS your point. Is the piont that you have NO friends, and you try to create conversations by invoking agruement?

Your a mindless excuse, all you do is make it harder for those reservists that actually have pride in their work, in themselves, and serve proudly.

Do ALL reservist a favor......GET OUT!!!


It wasn‘t to hard to a three foot screnn with a fig.11 target from the 50 yard line.

Too bad you failed the first round there SNIPER! Too bad if it was in combat, you would be worm food.


Right on.....you think this one is good...you should read the other posts that Lui has put out!

To anyone reading this forum; Lui is not talking about a real ghillie suit, nor is he talking about real shooting or anything to do with the military.

His ghillie suit is some little childish paintball gaming thing, which he takes more seriously than his military career. Somehow he feels the need to talk about paintballing here, thinking it‘s somehow related to the army.
My friend, a little Chinese girl who just finished basic who most peoplewouldn‘t expect to be in the army (by apperance of course), didn‘t even have DEU‘s, and didn‘t even have the current issue of the olive drab uniforms (she had the tuck in type, with no mag pockets) shot 60/60 her first time with a 5mm grouping.
Okay, I know I‘m splitting hairs here, and I do love a tall tale as much as the next guy -- and LUI‘s spun some great ones -- but a 5 mm grouping? Since you‘re firing a 5.56 mm calibre weapon, that would imply . . . well, you get the point. How about a 50 mm grouping? Much more realistic but no less impressive, that‘s for sure.

Since the 10-ring on the 50 m Olympic smallbore target -- my specialty -- is only 10.1 mm, that would make her one h*ll of shot -- especially considering you were probably at what, 200 m?

While I have no doubt she‘s a great shot -- and I‘ve been whomped by many female shooters -- get your facts straight. All you‘re doing is bringing her down to your level, something I‘ve no doubt she‘d be ashamed of.
When Lui went to the range, all his unit more than likely shot was the PWT level 1. So that would mean that they did 2 groupings at the 100, than a mass grouping, taking up the total of two or three serials.

So in short... he‘s full of sh*t. He probable thinks a five inch grouping is great.

Any one know exactly what the PWT level 1 includes?

:sniper: :eek:
TWR: The PWT1 is the really dumbed-down version of the PWT3. You shoot at the 100m and 200m, no run downs, nothing further than the 200m, some for grouping, some for speed, and the whole thing is scored out of 40. Pretty $hit simple to pass, and not too tough to get 100% on.
Thats what I was recalling, I just couldn‘t quite remember exactly...... I guess it‘s the welfare version for DRT.

:sniper: :eek:
I was going to do a long & intense rant about
this silly ghilie suit thing,but you guys
are doing such a outstanding job you all
don,t need me for this.I will just sit back
& enjoy the responses.

Go get,m boys.
It‘s so hard to ignore that sh!tstain... I try but his pollution drifts into every decent thread, thus corrupting it.

I dreamt of throttling him with a clack-handle.
A matter of fact from the uniform grog - but the tuck in type IS the latest issue of the green Combat shirt. It‘s called a Mark III IIRC, and I wore them exlusively before CADPAT.

The type with the mag pockets were the older ones.
Guys, you might not likely lui, or what he says. But thats your perogative. I‘ve read all the recent postings, and commentaries. You guys are just saying sh*t to him now without any real good or valid points.

You don‘t like his attitude, fine, say it and get on with life. Doesn‘t mean you have to deliberately make an as$ out of yourselves just to make him feel worse.

He doesn‘t aspire to be a great soldier like many of you do, it isn‘t his goal or focus in life. And at the end of the day, its his f*ckin choice so lay off.

Many of you say your in the military because of Honour, and its the right thing to do for your country. It strikes me as a load of b*llsh*t when people say that then come on to a forum and degrade a fellow Canadian simply because he doesn‘t see sh*t the way you do. Or because he isn‘t as serious and rightminded as you believe yourselves to be. Remember, when you are protecting this country, your protecting guys like Lui, and many guys who are much worse. The fact of the matter is, that you have to learn to accept that people will be the way they will. Lui has a d*mn right to act the way he does. Its in the constitution. You don‘t have to approve of it, but to slam him every time he makes a post is just ignorant of you.

If you want him to change, why don‘t you change yourselves. Be a good example, cause all I‘m seeing is a bunch of guys pickin on another guy. Wheres the honour in this? Wheres the right attitude in that?

:cdn: :cdn: :cdn: :rolleyes: :cdn: :cdn: :cdn:
These forums are founded on clearly Canadian military themes. Veterans, soldiers, new recruits, and civilians sometimes debate here, usually without incident. If you can‘t tell -- there is a strong undercurrent here of reverence for military service.

I agree that many of us are quick to set Lui ablaze, but most of his posts have come to epitomize the selfish, apathetic, and ineffectual traits which military training aims to eradicate to help build good troops. His words convey a disgustingly cavalier attitude towards the Forces. Repeated exposure to those traits is what insults many of us.

I wish you all the best in defending negligence as a positive "choice" for a soldier.

Again, thats merely your opinion, and your welcome to express it. But at the end of the day, you‘ve never met Lui in real life. You haven‘t a clue what he is really like and how he really acts.

For all you know, he could be saying some of the stuff he says merely to antagonize and to provoke childlish reactions like what we‘ve been seeing lately.

And if you can‘t tell, I fully unterstand the theme of the web site, and the undercurrents therein. I am joining the forces myself, and plan to give it my best 100% of the time. Regardless, I see the behaviour of many of the members of the board here as worse then how Lui has conducted himself.

As for your concerns about repeated exposure to his traits. Who cares? Do you honestly care if you see a guy acting like an idiot in your eyes? Do you honestly feel compelled to change his ways and justified to do so by singling him out and calling him an idiot and trying to make him feel stupid? Do you honestly believe that will change anything? Get real.

As for "defending negligence", get off your high horse. I‘m not defending the mans opinions, I‘m defending the mans right to have those opinions. And last I checked, thats what peace keeping missions were about, defending peoples rights.

So yeah, Cheers!
Everyone has a right to their opinon but with
that right comes responsibility.

Responsibility to not create sesationlist veiws
that cause outrage among people with the same
mind set.

Lui,s view of military life is at the other end
of most of us.So be it. Do not rise to the bait
so that he can get his daily thrill as being
the rebel without a clue.

He may grow up & realize that this type of
baiting is just the weak minded way to feel
important & to justify his lackluster life.

I am just as defensive about the service as you
are,but we are not getting anywhere with him.

Veiw his posts & treat it like t.v.
If you don,t like what you see,change channels.

:cdn: :cool:
uh We dont have a constitution in Canada, we have a charter of human rights and freedoms.

an whos lu,i whys everybody mad at him.

and talking sh*t to each other over the internet is probably alot more retarded then anything this person has ever said or done, but then again i‘ve never ead his posts

thats my 3 cents

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