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Total mystery here (drill commands)


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Ok, so this is something that has been baffling me and large parts of the world for quite some time (this sample is used in a song that is quite famous in computer game circles):

What is the officer shouting in this clip? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJlZWmyNAYY

There's one command 2 seconds into the clip and another one at about 17 seconds. No one seems to know what he is shouting - and if you Google the phrase "die waffen legt an", you'll see hundreds of thousands of hits on the erroneous belief that he shouts a German command (which doesn't even exist and does not even make sense in the context).

Does anyone have a clue what it might be or where I might search next in my quest?
The second command sounds like, "by the centre, march" to me.
Thanks for the reply!

Hmm, sounds pretty far from it to my ears :( The reason I posted this here is because the fourth syllable from the beginning sounds a lot like "quick" (and hence the word after would be "march" but sort of distorted), which seems to be used in English and Canadian armies, and the accent sounds a bit North American.

But seems like no one can really tell - maybe it's Irish or something!
The first two syllables of the first phrase sounds like "Re-form", the middle part I can't make out ("plan"?, "clan"?, maybe, but it makes no sense either way), and the last part of the first phrase sounds like "quick march".

Harris said:
The second command sounds like, "by the centre, march" to me.
Same for me.

As a huge fan of C&C Red Alert and even more so of that song, Its nice to hear what the actual drill command might be.  It sounds like "Reform ranks, quick march" to me.
milnews.ca said:
The first two syllables of the first phrase sounds like "Re-form", the middle part I can't make out ("plan"?, "clan"?, maybe, but it makes no sense either way), and the last part of the first phrase sounds like "quick march".
Same for me.

Yeah, "plan" or similar is what it sounds like to me too but doesn't seem to make sense. That second command at 17 seconds in doesn't sound like it starts with a consonant (sounds like "honest heather" so more like "on the center" even though I guess that command doesn't exist).
*by the center*?

Thats what always should preceed the "quick...MARCH!", tells the lads where to take the dressing off of "by the left/center/right"
The second command absolutely sounds like "By the center...March!"

The first one (as has been said before  :deadhorse: ) Sounds like "Re-form ______...Quick...March!" Which also makes sense.

It to me sounds like "File" "Ranks" or "Lines"

It would make sense if the troops are marching formed in some odd formation (like a single file), are called back into their original formation on the march, and then are given a dressing to march off of.


EDIT: They arent on the march at the start
The first one definitely sounds like "Re-from (flanks? ranks?), quick MARCH."  This makes sense in there is an actual drill command that sounds like that (e.g. "Re-form threes, quick MARCH" is used to move one rank into three after they've been sized).

The second one sounds like "By the centre, LEFT."  The "by the centre" part makes sense as that would be used to change the guide file in a marching column, but I can't make out the last word.  "Left" doesn't make sense, unless there is a "touch" we can't hear (i.e. "touch left", which would mean that the guide file is the centre, but he wants the whole column to move slightly to the left).
Kuros said:
What is the officer shouting in this clip? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJlZWmyNAYY

Most of the time we have no idea what officers are shouting on parade. We just know what we're supposed to do next and do that.  >:D

Watched the clip, first part I'm 99% sure is "Re-form lines", then he says "By the center" and what appears to be left...
This is starting to remind me of this:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9_3nQFNy-w

No offence to the officers here, but many a time on the parade square we'd practice and practice and practice with all the commands given by an NCO.  Later when the real parade happens, the officer tasked with giving these commands and maybe having had one rehearsal to our dozens screws it up.  Not that it matters... the troops know what's coming and respond regardless, but just saying that it could well be that the guy giving those commands is all messed up.  ;D
I hear "Reform Lines, Quick March!" then "By the Centre, Dress!" But then again what do I know (machine gun ear and all...)
There is a member here who, on Infantry Officer Phase II a few years ago, occasionally spoke a convincing but made-up language called "Foreign National". He would occasionally give drill commands in that language when given the opportunity to do so. It baffled onlookers.
Loachman said:
There is a member here who, on Infantry Officer Phase II a few years ago, occasionally spoke a convincing but made-up language called "Foreign National". He would occasionally give drill commands in that language when given the opportunity to do so. It baffled onlookers.

Also known as french? :P