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Ticking the 'Do Not Contact' Box on Employment History


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I'm about to submit an application for the Reserves and have a brief question, it references the 'Employment History' section.

I have a job that I did for a year, before being fired by the company. The honest truth is that we were just not a good fit (the company only had three people and myself and the President were not a good match). I'd ideally not like this company contacted for a reference as we parted ways on bad terms. It was for the better.

I've not supplied the President as a reference and intent to tick the option for 'Do Not Contact' on the Employment History listings.

I'm assuming this will throw up many suspicions that I had better have quick, legitimate and honest answers for in an interview? I don't believe that this individual can provide an honest account of my character due to our creative 'clashings'. I'm just trying to weigh up if it is worth ticking that 'Do Not Contact' box.

Any wisdom appreciated!

SpittleWit said:
I'm about to submit an application for the Reserves and have a brief question, it references the 'Employment History' section.

I have a job that I did for a year, before being fired by the company. The honest truth is that we were just not a good fit (the company only had three people and myself and the President were not a good match). I'd ideally not like this company contacted for a reference as we parted ways on bad terms. It was for the better.

I've not supplied the President as a reference and intent to tick the option for 'Do Not Contact' on the Employment History listings.

I'm assuming this will throw up many suspicions that I had better have quick, legitimate and honest answers for in an interview? I don't believe that this individual can provide an honest account of my character due to our creative 'clashings'. I'm just trying to weigh up if it is worth ticking that 'Do Not Contact' box.

Any wisdom appreciated!

If you don't want them contacted, then just "tick" off that box.  You have already provided a more than suitable reason as to "why" and that should be sufficient enough.
I ticked off "Do Not Contact" for a couple of mine, it wasn't brought up at all in my interview. With me, one company I worked for had closed up so I didn't have a contact person. The other is for my current job, as they don't know about my application and I plan to keep it that way until I get into the CF. I had been turned down at job interviews when I said I was applying to the CF when I was asked "Where do you see yourself in 5 yrs?"
Seems like you already have a more then reasonable explaination so you dont need to come up with one.  Tick the box, if they ask...explain it. 
Hi whoever reads this,

I have a question regarding employment history.

How important is work history on the application?

There is a company I used to work for (about 6 months) and the owner is also a family friend. My issue is that if I put the company on my application, he will be contacted and my family will find out that I'm joining. I don't want my family to find out that I'm trying to join this early in the process (for personal reasons) and I'm not sure what to do.

Will it be an issue if I don't include it?

Ovitom said:
There is a company I used to work for (about 6 months) and the owner is also a family friend. My issue is that if I put the company on my application, he will be contacted and my family will find out that I'm joining. I don't want my family to find out that I'm trying to join this early in the process (for personal reasons) and I'm not sure what to do.

You may find this discussion of interest,

Ticking the 'Do Not Contact' Box on Employment History 

As always, Recruiting is your most trusted source of official, up to date, information.

"Unofficial site, not associated with DND or the Canadian Armed Forces."
Ovitom said:
Hi whoever reads this,

I have a question regarding employment history.

How important is work history on the application?

There is a company I used to work for (about 6 months) and the owner is also a family friend. My issue is that if I put the company on my application, he will be contacted and my family will find out that I'm joining. I don't want my family to find out that I'm trying to join this early in the process (for personal reasons) and I'm not sure what to do.

Will it be an issue if I don't include it?


Be an adult buddy.

mariomike said:
You may find this discussion of interest,

Ticking the 'Do Not Contact' Box on Employment History 

As always, Recruiting is your most trusted source of official, up to date, information.

"Unofficial site, not associated with DND or the Canadian Armed Forces."

Thanks for the response, but on the application there is no option for 'do not contact' for previous employers, only for my current employer.
Ovitom said:
Fair enough, and thanks for your response.

He’s not wrong. If you’re joining the CAF, fears like your family finding out are gonna be a pretty small challenge, and are something to work on getting over now.

‘Do not contact’ is more for situations like someone’s job potentially being in jeopardy.
Brihard said:
He’s not wrong. If you’re joining the CAF, fears like your family finding out are gonna be a pretty small challenge, and are something to work on getting over now.

‘Do not contact’ is more for situations like someone’s job potentially being in jeopardy.

I agree, I guess in my situation it is a bit different because it could mean being kicked out of the house and losing my current job, and at this point I still don't know if I'll get a job offer. I'm not really sure how I'll proceed. Thanks for the answer btw
Ovitom said:
I agree, I guess in my situation it is a bit different because it could mean being kicked out of the house and losing my current job, and at this point I still don't know if I'll get a job offer. I'm not really sure how I'll proceed. Thanks for the answer btw

I feel compelled to defend you.. Jarnhamar is a tough but straight guy, Brihard is wise.. I just disagree.

But, having said that. Your personal struggles are your own and "being an adult" has squat to do with why you do, or do not, want people to know about things.

You owed them no explanation and in your defense, my own family never hear about many things I do in life.. because it causes me a headache. So they get left out of the loop and I am an adult.

Now, hearing your situation, I would just hit the do not contact box and tell the family when the time is right for you.

Just make sure this issue is not indicative of a larger issue, otherwise Brihards input will be spot on..  and if it is, try to remedy it.

Ovitom said:
I'm not really sure how I'll proceed.

Buck_HRA is our Recruiter. You may wish to discuss your situation with him.
AbdullahD said:
I feel compelled to defend you.. Jarnhamar is a tough but straight guy, Brihard is wise.. I just disagree.

But, having said that. Your personal struggles are your own and "being an adult" has squat to do with why you do, or do not, want people to know about things.

You owed them no explanation and in your defense, my own family never hear about many things I do in life.. because it causes me a headache. So they get left out of the loop and I am an adult.

Now, hearing your situation, I would just hit the do not contact box and tell the family when the time is right for you.

Just make sure this issue is not indicative of a larger issue, otherwise Brihards input will be spot on..  and if it is, try to remedy it.


Thank you Abdullah. I appreciate any input and since my situation is a bit unusual, I don't mind sharing it. This kind of brings me back to my earlier post that there isn't an option to check 'do not contact' for previous employers. So I guess the only other option is to leave it out entirely? I have no issue saying that I worked there, it is more the fact that he will most likely be contacted.

mariomike said:
Buck_HRA is our Recruiter. You may wish to discuss your situation with him.

Thanks, how do I go about doing that? Sorry this is my first time posting.
Buck comes by regularly to read and answer Recruiting questions.
Ovitom said:
Fair enough, and thanks for your response.

Wasn't trying to be a dick or anything. The military is serious business. You'll be away from home for long periods of time, possibly out of touch with family for long periods of time. Cold, wet, tired, little food. Worst case scenario you may have to kill someone and people may want to kill you.

If your parents have that much sway in your life maybe you'll need to put them at arms distance before you think about joining. I know some cultures are generally closer to their family (asian comes to mind?) and that can create a different dynamic so easier said than done to disobey them.

Still, Brihard and I have seen what happens when a soldiers family is overbearing and gets involved in their childs career/choices and it's not pretty.

If I was hiring someone and I caught them leaving out an employer when they're told to list all employers I would think they're hiding something, which you sort of are (or seem to want to do).
If I was a recruiter (which I'm not) and you told me about your parents the first thought that would pop in my head is that you'll be half way through training and your mom or dad will want you to quit and come home and you'll quit - which wastes a valuable spot.

Just things to think about. Good luck  :nod:
Jarnhamar said:
Wasn't trying to be a dick or anything. The military is serious business. You'll be away from home for long periods of time, possibly out of touch with family for long periods of time. Cold, wet, tired, little food. Worst case scenario you may have to kill someone and people may want to kill you.

If your parents have that much sway in your life maybe you'll need to put them at arms distance before you think about joining. I know some cultures are generally closer to their family (asian comes to mind?) and that can create a different dynamic so easier said than done to disobey them.

Still, Brihard and I have seen what happens when a soldiers family is overbearing and gets involved in their childs career/choices and it's not pretty.

If I was hiring someone and I caught them leaving out an employer when they're told to list all employers I would think they're hiding something, which you sort of are (or seem to want to do).
If I was a recruiter (which I'm not) and you told me about your parents the first thought that would pop in my head is that you'll be half way through training and your mom or dad will want you to quit and come home and you'll quit - which wastes a valuable spot.

Just things to think about. Good luck  :nod:

No worries, I didn't think you were :)
I guess another thing I should mention is that I am sort of trapped in a religious cult (have been my whole life) and this is why my family, past employer, and current employer all know each other. I am hoping that if I'm offered a job in the CF, that will be the last I have to do with my family, and I can move on with my own life (please keep in mind that this isn't the only reason I want to join, it is a lifelong dream to be in the CF). My parents don't have any sway in my life apart from the fact that I currently depend on them for a place to live. Once I leave, i will more or less be disowned so they definitely won't be bothering me...
Thank you v much for your honest opinion.
Ovitom said:
I guess another thing I should mention is that I am sort of trapped in a religious cult (have been my whole life) and this is why my family, past employer, and current employer all know each other. I am hoping that if I'm offered a job in the CF, that will be the last I have to do with my family, and I can move on with my own life (please keep in mind that this isn't the only reason I want to join, it is a lifelong dream to be in the CF). My parents don't have any sway in my life apart from the fact that I currently depend on them for a place to live. Once I leave, i will more or less be disowned so they definitely won't be bothering me...

You may find this discussion of interest,

How to get family on board 
20 pages.

Ovitom said:
No worries, I didn't think you were :)
I guess another thing I should mention is that I am sort of trapped in a religious cult (have been my whole life) and this is why my family, past employer, and current employer all know each other. I am hoping that if I'm offered a job in the CF, that will be the last I have to do with my family, and I can move on with my own life (please keep in mind that this isn't the only reason I want to join, it is a lifelong dream to be in the CF). My parents don't have any sway in my life apart from the fact that I currently depend on them for a place to live. Once I leave, i will more or less be disowned so they definitely won't be bothering me...
Thank you v much for your honest opinion.

Well that went in a radically different direction from what I had walked into this one thinking.

Totally fair, man, and I'm sorry you're stuck in such difficult circumstances. I would definitely advise being up front with your recruiter as early as possible... 'here's what I'm getting out of, here are some of the challenges this will present'.