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Thousands riot after firecrackers thrown into Nazareth church


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Thousands riot after firecrackers thrown into Nazareth church
Mar. 3, 2006. 02:13 PM

NAZARETH, Israel — At least two people disguised as Christian pilgrims threw firecrackers into one of Christianity’s holiest sites this evening, igniting a riot in this biblical town, police said. At least seven people were injured as police struggled to control the situation.

Officials said the attackers entered the Basilica of the Annunciation late today and threw the firecrackers. Thousands of residents of the Arab-Israeli town rushed to the building and began rioting.

Police said the attackers remained inside the church, and the large crowd prevented police from entering the building to arrest them. Five police officers were injured, officials said.

When an ambulance arrived, the crowd swarmed the vehicle, breaking windows and forcing it to turn away.

Police were trying to determine a motive for the attack.

The church is at the site where Christians believe the Angel Gabriel appeared before the Virgin Mary and foretold the birth of Jesus.

Nazareth, the boyhood town of Jesus, is located in northern Israel. It is inhabited by Christian and Muslim Arabs, and religious tensions have boiled over in the past, with the two sides in a dispute over attempts to build a mosque next to the church.

When is this stupidity going to end???  Maybe Jonh Lennon was right about religion