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This super armour will solve all the CF's problems (or Revenge of the Bear Suit)


Army.ca Legend
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:o  ... or not  ;D
IIRC, this is the same guy who made that famous bear suit, he also made this cushion type of thing for vehicles to protect them against IED's and landmines and it worked really damn well.

I'd like to try and take a tumble down a hill like in that 2nd video.
As cheesy as those vids might be (Kinda looks like one of those black stormtroopers to me) -- isn't he the same guy that invented those IED resistant pads/cushions for vehicles??  [Edit, should've read....sorry]

I watched a thing on Discovery about him - and as cheesy as it comes across, he's actually got some stuff that has worked pretty well.....or am I thinking of something else??

adaminc said:
... he also made this cushion type of thing for vehicles to protect them against IED's and landmines and it worked really damn well.
I suppose you are referring to "1313 paste"?  Defeating a blast equivalent to an RPG (without shaped charge or frag) is not a particularly impressive feat. 
Starship Troopers here we come!  Heinlein would be impressed.  This begs the question - we've had this technology, why has it not been developed more quickly?
Ok... I'll bite... 

The idea of exoskeleton body armour is appealing, but there are some issue with this particular system (at least that I can see);

1) Bigger armour, bigger bombs. 
    - As with bringing in heavier vehicles with thicker armour, the enemy will just build bigger bombs to destroy it.
    - With bigger bombs, comes bigger collateral damage. Civilians won't want us around because any attacks will result in huge explosions.

2) Hearts and Minds
    - I think it would be pretty hard to win hearts and minds when you look like a storm trooper. It's hard enough connecting with people when you're wearing BV, TV, BEW, Helmet, etc... 

3) Load carriage.
    - Sure, it's light weight... but it'll feel a hell of a lot heavier when you're wearing a load bearing system as well.
    - The inventor states that he used Star wars and HALO (video game) for a source for design... perhaps he should have looked at what soldiers are carrying on the BF.
    - Integrated load carriage systems would just make this thing bulkier.

4) Mechanized Ops
    - I highly doubt this uber-suit would fit into the gunners hatch of a LAV, let alone any other vehicle.  Even for the dismounts; after you add all the extra crap we carry, I doubt that would fit in the back of a LAV.

5) Protection
    - Sure, it may have ballistic protection with large armoured areas... but what about the joints?  I'm sure each armoured area will survive an IED blast, but I doubt they'll all land in the same place.

6) NUT JOB!!
  - This guy loses his creditability by being as eccentric as Tony Little when trying to sell the idea...  And he let a dude drive into him with a truck, slam him with a log battering ram and hit him with a sledge hammer just to prove he could go wrestle bears (which I have yet to see)

Perhaps I'm being a little nit-picky, but seriously; the gear we use in operation has to suit our needs...  And this guy is a bear-wrestling wack-job, albeit with good intentions. And as they say; the road to hell is paved with good intentions... as is the road to the nut house, apparently.

Mind you, it's inventions like his (and that kid out west that invented new body armour the forces are looking at) that get the ball rolling...

All it take is an idea...(I don't know who said that, but someone did somewhere)
I hate that LOL sign smiley... Makes me belly laugh everytime I see it... Now the gophers are looking at me again!
Bzzliteyr said:
Mind you, it's inventions like his (and that kid out west that invented new body armour the forces are looking at) that get the ball rolling...

All it take is an idea...(I don't know who said that, but someone did somewhere)

True... But it's just easier for me to take the kid out west seriously 'cause he doesn't want to get hit by a truck to prove his point... he's actually using the "scientific method" to test and improve his design. He didn't just whip something up in his back yard then try to sell it to people like an infomercial.  The difference in my mind is that this guy is coming to the world and saying "this is it... this works...  I'll prove it."  instead of "here's my idea, lets give it a try."
He just seems like the kind of guy who would make something that may or may not work very well, then before trying to improve it, would market it on a late night infomercial or in a both in a mall with a head set microphone... like the guys who demonstrate the chamois that absorb everything; I'm sure those things work great, but I really don't want to be yelled by some 'snake-oil' peddler when I go out shopping.

Besides, I have a really hard time taking this guy seriously;

I mean, he did make "fire paste", and that seemed to work pretty well...

But I don't think it requires this kind of demo.

Seriously, I don't see that kid out west telling people to shoot him to prove his idea... thats why we have laboratories and the scientific method.

but that's just my skewed take on it.

Teeps74 said:
I hate that LOL sign smiley... Makes me belly laugh everytime I see it... Now the gophers are looking at me again!

Heh... Thats why I use it.... It makes me laugh...
IMO something like this would be more suited for JTF in urban situations. Not the whole of the Infantry
I believe one of his inventions is now incorporated into hockey gear and that pays for his continued work. It is nutty smart people like this that created the technology around us.
adaminc said:
I'd like to try and take a tumble down a hill like in that 2nd video.

Did it, in a sumo suit, three broken fingers.  Was it worth it?  Hell yes.  ;)
Sigger said:
;D Ahahaha! With the wig??!!

You mean the wig thats made of plastic and just looks like short black hair?  The wig that left me concussed as well as broken?!

Why yes Sigger, with the wig.  ;D  :crybaby:
I had to think for a second but didn't someone already invent and use this body armour stuff in battle before??

Nah the impression I got was that suit was deigned to keep you alive should you receive third degree burns to 86% of your body.  ;)
Now, now don't be hard.    It's undoubtedly much more effective than the body armour a Montreal bank-robber fabricated out of flattened beer cans a few years ago in his first and last foray into the field of protective devices.
What ever happened to the Bear Suit?  I had seen a picture about a year ago of a suit that was similar to the Halo  video game armor.  The article said the CF had purchased several.  Then.....nothing.  I had also ready about nano technology fabric that could expand and contract like muscle tissue that could in theory increase strength by 10%.  See thru mags are common in movies and video games, they are out there. 

What do you think?  Are these items viable and worth adding to our kit?
Ok fine I'k bite, even though this has been discussed here before.

The man who invented the suit's name is Troy Hurtubise.  After that nifty little invention he began work on a suit for the Canadian forces.  He asked memebers what they needed in the suit, and built it accordingly.  Whether the suit will ever be used in the Sandbox, meh who knows.  It's quite cool though, so well worth the god knows how much to make it.  My prediction is that one Canadian Soldier is not going to be worth the multi zero price tag, and it will not see mass production.  But thats just my theory.

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Your Welcome!

EDIT: Try searching next time for this kind of stuff though eh?


