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Things you just shouldn't say to certain people in the army...


Army.ca Veteran
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Alright, the bunny is dead, and will hopefully soon be a delicious stew... so we need somthing else to ramble about...

Things you shouldn't say to certain people in the army...

(To a member of a highland unit) "I like the pom-pom on your hat..."

(To a member of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment) "Nice moose."
Im sure most of us have had this one....."Your in the army? Have you ever killed anybody? My usual respose is ...NO, but I'm thinking really hard about doing it now.
Cdn. Royal said:
Im sure most of us have had this one....."Your in the army? Have you ever killed anybody? My usual respose is ...NO, but I'm thinking really hard about doing it now.

In a similar vein: 

Them: "Hey soldier!  Kill anybody today?"
Me:  "Day ain't over yet."

Just a Sig Op said:
(To a member of a highland unit) "I like the pom-pom on your hat..."

Or as one drunken fool found out the hard way, in a downtown T.O. bar on a cold decemember night a few years ago, this is NOT a phrase you say when you are severely outnumbered by about 30 Highlanders to 1 dumb civy.

"Your are all F@ggots wearing skirts!"

What was wrong with that....F *&^%) Army Guys - FAG for short?   ;D  I can see where the skirt would be offensive, unless you looked at history and what they were called by the enemy, and then that too has a bit of a different 'pride' to add to the statement....
George Wallace said:
I can see where the skirt would be offensive, unless you looked at history and what they were called by the enemy, and then that too has a bit of a different 'pride' to add to the statement....

Not a lot of youngun's understand the "Ladies From Hell" nickname.

MP: "Your eyes look glassy.  Have you been drinking?"

You:  "No.  Your eyes look glazed.  Have you been eating doughnuts?"
Civie:  " You don't have to pay Taxes!"

Civie:  "You don't pay Rent."

Civie:  "You don't pay Room and Board."
Hatchet Man said:
Or as one drunken fool found out the hard way, in a downtown T.O. bar on a cold decemember night a few years ago, this is NOT a phrase you say when you are severely outnumbered by about 30 Highlanders to 1 dumb civy.

"Your are all F@ggots wearing skirts!"

You have to give him some credit, he has brass the size of pomegranates, not too bright, but brass none the less...
1.  "Listen, you quick-pick insta-corporal meathead, put that ticketbook away, I outrank you..."

2.  In response to "My taxes pay your salary..."
     "Your taxes pay me to defend you.  If I offer you a refund, can I kick the snot outta you?"

3.  Picklie
Spring_bok said:
That sounds like something Chummy Dave used to say

Now that is something you wouldn't call just anyone....Chummy Dave......But he was only one of the many Dave's in Tpt.
A lesson I quickly learned during my very first course in Pet.

Me: "Where can I buy one of those maroon coloured berets"
Course Staff: "You !!! come with me and we'll be sure you get one."

Lesson learned:  Be the grey man it's less painful :(
Could've been worse, could've asked where you buy one of those purple hatty things
Hatchet Man said:
Or as one drunken fool found out the hard way, in a downtown T.O. bar on a cold decemember night a few years ago, this is NOT a phrase you say when you are severely outnumbered by about 30 Highlanders to 1 dumb civy.

"Your are all F@ggots wearing skirts!"

hahaha ah those were the days I  rememeber!!

Or how about a civvy asking this when we wore the kilt....

"Hey what instrument do you play?"

...The assault rifle....care to hear my rendition of double taps...


The morning after a battalion smoker in Wainwright.

"Ummmm Warrant _____, the sections C-9s are missing."

"#@## off, get back to work!"

"ummmmm no, seriously warrant, the C-9s are missing."

"Wadda mean missing??"

"As in, 'Not there,' warrant."

Carry on with your own variety of expletives.

the 48th regulator said:
hahaha ah those were the days I  rememeber!!

Or how about a civvy asking this when we wore the kilt....

"Hey what instrument do you play?"

...The assault rifle....care to hear my rendition of double taps...

At a mixed fucnction (civ and mil) years ago my wife was asked by another lady "What's worn under your husband's kilt?".  She smiled politey and replied "Nothing is worn.  Everything works just fine.".

I snorted beer up my nose.
Haggis said:
At a mixed fucnction (civ and mil) years ago my wife was asked by another lady "What's worn under your husband's kilt?".  She smiled politey and replied "Nothing is worn.  Everything works just fine.".

I snorted beer up my nose.

hehehe, now that is a good one!

Beats the old shoes and socks line any day.



Yes the kilt always garners some comments...

"so what do you wear under the kilt?"
"good girls don't ask that question, bad ones find out for themselves..."  >:D