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The price tag for passengers’ food, drink on Justin Trudeau’s plane was $1300...

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Army.ca Myth
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From the National Post:

OTTAWA — Passengers who accompanied Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on his first two international trips were apparently well fed.

The government has revealed, in response to a written question by the Conservatives, that the cost of food and beverages supplied aboard a government Airbus used for the trips amounted to just over $1,300 per person.

Conservative MP Blaine Calkins calls the price tag “outrageous.”

But a spokesman for National Defence, which is responsible for the government’s fleet of air craft, says the total includes the actual cost of catering and delivering multiple meals on each round trip, as well as related costs such as disposable cutlery, napkins, dish washing, airport administrative fees and security charges and local taxes.

Daniel Lebouthillier said the defence department “tries to keep costs to a minimum” when choosing items from a catering company’s menu. But the department’s options are “sometimes quite limited” when dealing with caterers at overseas airports.

The total also includes the cost of feeding and watering journalists who covered the trip, which would have been wholly or partially recovered since media outlets pay hefty fees for a seat on the prime minister’s plane.

Given the number of legs in each of the lengthy trips and the number of meals served, the Prime Minister’s Office said the cost actually works out to $54 per person for each meal — which compares favourably to the $41.70 per person the previous Conservative government acknowledged spending in 2009 on meals during trips on Challenger jets, smaller air craft which are used only for short-haul flights within Canada and occasionally the United States.

Calkins was not mollified by the explanation.

More than $1,000 for food and beverages per passenger per trip “is more than the average Canadian earns in two weeks,” he said.

“Again, I’m just not sure anybody’s minding the store when it comes to remembering that it’s taxpayers who are on the hook for all these things.”

Calkins said the meal tab is part of a “pattern” of excessive spending by the Trudeau government, which has been plagued for weeks by the disclosure of generous expenses claimed by political staffers, including the prime minister’s top two aides, for relocating to Ottawa and by ministers for limousine and photographers’ services.

Some of those expenses, including a portion of the Trudeau aides’ moving expenses, have been reimbursed.

The latest disclosure shows that $72,040 was spent on food and beverages for 55 passengers — including almost two dozen journalists — aboard the prime ministerial plane during a trip to Turkey and the Philippines last November for a G20 summit and an APEC leaders’ summit.

Another $81,383 was spent on food and drink for 62 passengers — including more than a dozen journalists — aboard the prime minister’s plane for a trip later the same month to London, where Trudeau met the Queen, Malta, where he attended a Commonwealth summit, and Paris, where he participated in a United Nations climate change conference.

For security reasons, the prime minister is required to fly only on a government plane, even for purely personal trips.

Yes I get it, the Opposition is supposed to oppose, but when the costs are broken down, I'm willing to eat my hat if the lion's share of the money is due to airport administrative fees, security charges and local taxes, AKA the reason your "$99 fare" is more like $699 to fly within Canada. 

Again, never read the comments section.  I lost some brain cells there.

Anyone who is not a government employee or a politician should be paying.  If newspapers want access on an airplane they should be willing to pay the full cost of a seat.  But, yeah, these nickel and dime stories are becoming frustrating, why not go after carbon tax, pipelines, democratic change and jobs with more abandon.  This government is a bunch of do nothings copying and pasting the last government programs but even the opposition is giving them a free ride on that issue. 
But screw me when I try and claim my $17 for breakfast because a muffin and crappy coffee aren't, IMHO, continental breakfast.
BobSlob said:
But screw me when I try and claim my $17 for breakfast because a muffin and crappy coffee aren't, IMHO, continental breakfast.

Nope...It would have to be a Brotchen, a couple slices of cold meats, and an "Autobahn Coffee".  [:D
Lightguns said:
Anyone who is not a government employee or a politician should be paying.
The article stated that journalists did pay.
MCG said:
The article stated that journalists did pay.

Ack, but or "partially recovered".  Full cost should be the only recoverable cost for private persons working for their corporation.
Lightguns said:
Ack, but or "partially recovered".  Full cost should be the only recoverable cost for private persons working for their corporation.
And maybe they were fully recovered.  The article is vague because it has data on what the meals cost but it does not have data on what was recovered.
Lightguns said:
Full cost should be the only recoverable cost for private persons working for their corporation.
Lightguns said:
Ack, but or "partially recovered".
Actually, it says ...
... which would have been wholly or partially recovered since media outlets pay hefty fees for a seat on the prime minister’s plane ...
... and during the election, media outlets were paying ~$12-15K/week to travel with the "big boys" - I'd love to hear how much they pay to get on the Prince Valiant Express now.
milnews.ca said:
Yup!Actually, it says ...... and during the election, media outlets were paying ~$12-15K/week to travel with the "big boys" - I'd love to hear how much they pay to get on the Prince Valiant Express now.

During the election, they are paying the parties not the government, so they are paying exorbitant rates but yeah I would love to see the cost breakdown.  Personally, if I was the penny pinching guvermint bureaucrat in charge of collecting from reporters, I charged the whole inflight service cost to them only.
Mean while inside footage reveals what they enjoyed.....


Prices don't rise 20% in a few months. This $1300 number thrown around is just the media trying to make a headline. The real number is more palatable, but explanations need to be made as to why previous food was insufficient. The Liberals now get some of the karma from complaining about a $16 orange juice.
Funny how much less traction Katie Telford and Gerald Butts claiming over $200k each in moving expenses got, though.

Curious, how many moves would a military family have to make before their claims totaled $200k?
BobSlob said:
But screw me when I try and claim my $17 for breakfast because a muffin and crappy coffee aren't, IMHO, continental breakfast.
I used to have an Admin Clerk that called hotels to check what the breakfast was.
They should be fed box lunches. No coffee or pop either.
Warm milk and warm bottled water too.
Lightguns said:
Anyone who is not a government employee or a politician should be paying.  If newspapers want access on an airplane they should be willing to pay the full cost of a seat.  But, yeah, these nickel and dime stories are becoming frustrating, why not go after carbon tax, pipelines, democratic change and jobs with more abandon.  This government is a bunch of do nothings copying and pasting the last government programs but even the opposition is giving them a free ride on that issue.

It's the Chrétien way of business and he's still in the background calling the shots.  His government should of been known as the "Do Nothing Government".  I remember in 1998 when he went to Edmundston, NB and announced the Feds would be paying for the twinning of Autoroute 185 between Edmundston NB and Rivière-du-Loup, QC.  Well it's 2016 and that is still not finished and the highway is only slated to be finished in 2025!  Yep, nearly three decades after it was originally announced!

Three decades to build 100km of highway, then we wonder why we have no new ships?
Humphrey Bogart said:
... I remember in 1998 when he went to Edmundston, NB and announced the Feds would be paying for the twinning of Autoroute 185 between Edmundston NB and Rivière-du-Loup, QC.  Well it's 2016 and that is still not finished and the highway is only slated to be finished in 2025!  Yep, nearly three decades after it was originally announced! ...
I'm happy to kick Chretien when required, too, but you know there's been one or two other PM's in place since then (not to mention how many premiers from NB & QC), right?  And that highways have this messy constitutional thing about being provincially funded, too?  Here in NW Ontario, we've had all sorts of road widening promised by Liberal and Tory PM's as well as Liberal, Tory AND NDP premiers, but we're still waiting, too.  I'm not going to peg it on one individual PM, premier or party, I'm Ok with the "Ottawa/Toronto tends to ignore the remote bits because most votes are cast in the densely-populated bits" narrative.
my72jeep said:
I used to have an Admin Clerk that called hotels to check what the breakfast was.

Which is funny, because what hotel is ever going to tell someone their breakfast was inadequate?
my72jeep said:
I used to have an Admin Clerk that called hotels to check what the breakfast was.

Unless there was a specific reason for checking a particular claim, that is just plain buddy fuckery.
Thucydides said:
Funny how much less traction Katie Telford and Gerald Butts claiming over $200k each in moving expenses got, though.

Curious, how many moves would a military family have to make before their claims totaled $200k?

Not sure I see how it is relevant as a comparison, but less than 10.  I have likely at least doubled that in my 15 moves so far....
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