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The Politics of Yellow Ribbons - MERGED

Captain Sensible said:
Well, the UN's support for the ISAF mission is lost on the loons, in any respect...
  The loony left is very convenient in their version of the truth.
RangerRay said:
Here in BC, I've yet to see any vehicle from the RCMP, BC Ambulance, or any fire department with a yellow ribbon magnet.


I accept that challenge. The VPD has given two officers leave from duty here and they are currently training in Edmonton to go over with 1-08. Management has been very supportive of military troops of late. If someone can advise where or how I can get the magnets I'll do my best to get them on our vehicles.
I don't find anything wrong with a city supporting its citizens. They are not supporting the war, or pro war for that matter, just pro citizen. Good on them for putting the magnets on!

My 2 cents,

PMT 9D said:
I accept that challenge. The VPD has given two officers leave from duty here and they are currently training in Edmonton to go over with 1-08. Management has been very supportive of military troops of late. If someone can advise where or how I can get the magnets I'll do my best to get them on our vehicles.

Cool!  :)

Now you just have to get the Mounties, BC Ambulance, and the fire departments on side!  ;D
I will add though, that I have seen Conservation Officer trucks here with yellow ribbon magnets!  :salute:
VPD has also let a guy go for an 8 week course in gagetown, and I'll add that Saanich Fire has let a few guys go for trg and the westshore RCMP Cars, albeit infrequently display the yellow ribbon magnets (especially on the ghosty cars - makes look not so copish)
From " Joanne's Journey"

http://jojourn.blogspot.com/  (July 7 2007)

Yellow politicans refuse yellow ribbons
My respect for the Record has been restored today. Their awesome editorial takes Waterloo Regional Chair Ken Seiling and Kitchener mayor Carl Zehr to task for their wimpy behaviour regarding the display of Yellow Ribbons in support of our brave troops:

    ...It is understandable that Seiling and Zehr refuse to recognize one club, charity or special interest group out of concern that they might run afoul of the law unless they recognize every group. But the Canadian Armed Forces are unique. They are not an interest group, ethnic club or religion. They have no political allegiance beyond their willingness to serve and protect this democracy.

    The men and women of Canada's Armed Forces wear the uniform of Canada. They fight for Canada. Increasingly they die for Canada. They are in Afghanistan because they were sent there by a federal government democratically elected by Canadian voters -- by us, in other words. No other collection of people can make this claim. No other group stands for the national interest with such authority or risks so much to perform this essential duty...

Also there is a couple of excellent letters to the editor today which express the outrage and embarrassment that I'm sure many K-W residents are feeling today (all relevant links will be provided in 'Comments'):

    I was appalled to read that Waterloo Region is refusing to allow its police cruisers and ambulances to display yellow ribbons under the guise of weak excuses and an obscure Ontario Human Rights Commission ruling issued 17 years ago.

    When observing the wimpy response of our regional leaders, I was reminded of the following poem by Ralph Chaplin:

    "Mourn not the dead that in the cool earth lie, . . . but rather mourn the apathetic throng, the coward and the meek who see the world's great anguish and its wrong, and dare not speak."

    I shudder to think what life would be like today if we had been led by politically correct politicians during the Second World War.

    Our country decided to engage militarily in Afghanistan. Our own soldiers are fighting and dying there. The least we can do is support them.

    Lorraine Williams, Kitchener

Paul Filsinger writes a heartwrenching plea, which was actually Letter of the Day(City should show support for our troops). He asks Mayor Carl Zehr, who had supported the homecoming troops recently, to also support the ones who are still in Afghanistan. Here is an excerpt:

    ...However, there are many who are not home and many more who will leave friends and families over the next several months to serve their country in Afghanistan. In February 2008, my son will be among them. He has chosen to serve his country in the Canadian Armed Forces and we support him in his chosen career path. We are very proud of him and all who serve their country, whether home or abroad.

    As a sign of continued support for our troops, both past and present, I am requesting the City of Kitchener allow the display of "Support Our Troops" ribbons on all fire department vehicles under the jurisdiction of the city...

Please take the time to read the whole letter.

It takes a lot to make Toronto David Miller look good by comparison, but Waterloo Regional politicians have accomplished that very difficult task.
I fail to see why this has become such a huge issue. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean that I don't understand the arguments on both sides. I just don't understand how people who 99.9% of the time are completely dismissive of our puplic services, have decided that STICKERS are what they want to speak out against.

It is not that I don't think they have the right to voice their opinions(it's our troops that protect that right), I just think that there are more pressing issues that they could be concerned with, ie. funding, response times, police presence in certain neighborhoods.

Just my opinion, Brockvegas

EDITED- Spelling
What?! Executive decision on 'higher priority' items, BV? Now where's fun is that? *slowly backs out of room*

All in jest. Valid points either side, even if some are not directly on topic IMO.
Article from my hometown news paper I noted today, in relation to our thread here.

Source: Kitchener-Waterloo Record 07/11/2007

article link http://www.therecord.com/home_page_local_story/home_page_local_story_1095992.html

Article shared here, in accordance with fairdealings of the copyright act

Police can wear pins for troops
Police service opts to let officers, not vehicles, show support for soldiers

Police officers can wear pins to show support for soldiers.

WATERLOO REGION (Jul 11, 2007)

Waterloo regional police officers will soon have the option of adding another accessory to their uniform -- a specially designed pin to show support for Canadian soldiers.

"It's very heartwarming for us . . . that they want to do something," said Jan Daum, a Waterloo mother of two soldiers who served in Afghanistan.

"They (the soldiers) like to know they have support . . . maybe not for the mission but for them."

The pin, expected to be available Aug. 1, features the police service crest surrounded by a yellow ribbon.

Police Chief Larry Gravill said wearing a pin is "a personal display" of support.

"It's a real person wearing a pin that signifies support for our troops," he said.

The move comes on the heels of a controversial debate among local and regional councillors about whether emergency service vehicles should display magnetized Support Our Troops decals.

A couple of things troubled the politicians.

They were concerned about opening the door to similar demonstrations of support for other causes. And they were worried the decals might be offensive to those who disagree with the mission in Afghanistan.

By yesterday, however, Waterloo regional councillors and their counterparts in Kitchener, Cambridge and Waterloo had decided to allow the decals on emergency vehicles -- specifically regional ambulances and city fire trucks.

In a news release, Regional Chair Ken Seiling said he didn't want the move to be construed as "anything more than it is -- support and concern for the safety and well-being of Canadian soldiers everywhere carrying out a job assigned by the Canadian government."

Although it wasn't formally asked, the Waterloo regional police service decided to join the cause. Instead of a decal, a pin is being made for all uniform, civilian and volunteer members of the service.

Insp. Bryan Larkin said the police service has fewer than 100 marked cars but about 900 members.

"This way we get to show more support," he said.

"This allows all of our members the option."

Tom Galloway, chair of the police services board, said the pin is a "very visible show of support for the safe return of the soldiers" and in no way stands as a message on war.

"We are not trying to offend anyone who is opposed to the mission."

The police service has several members who have either served, or are serving, in the Canadian military.

Police staff have been subtly showing support by encouraging staff to wear red on Fridays and sending care packages overseas.

"We do have families locally who are trying to get through every day with their son or daughter in conflict," Galloway said.



proudnurse said:
Tom Galloway, chair of the police services board, said the pin is a "very visible show of support for the safe return of the soldiers" and in no way stands as a message on war.

+1, hope someone can shake his hand for the rest of us.
And on the other side of the coin, if these terrorists were to come to our shores and attack our cities, who do you think these very morons" would call upon first to save their sorry carcases. The only opinion they would have then is for our troops to save their sorry butts.

Its just hunky dorry if its not in our back yard for these blathering idiots to mouth of or not support our troops in Afghanistan, but if the shoe is on the other foot, they run and hide like a scared dog with its tail between it's legs.

I just don't understand what's wrong with many of these people.

Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy."

[/b] "Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf"

     It Doesn't Take a Hero
Tie a yellow ribbon 
Apolitically ribbonating K/W crash wagons 
Adam McGuire - Columnist 
Imprint Univeristy of Waterloo  Official Student Newspaper
Members of the Canadian armed forces must be breathing a sigh of relief today.

Sure, some of the troops may be in constant grave danger or horrifying conditions. But, thanks to local municipal governments, Canadian soldiers now have the difference maker: They have yellow ribbon magnets in the Waterloo region.

Earlier this week, the cities of Kitchener, Cambridge and Waterloo along with the regional municipality of Waterloo all agreed to place “support our troops” magnetic decals on emergency vehicles. Furthermore, while Waterloo Regional Police cars don’t have the ribbons (yet), they have offered a yellow ribbon pin to any officer who wishes to wear one. And, of course, this all culminates into one poignant question: What the hell do these ribbons do?

Short answer — nothing.

Long answer — absolutely nothing.

Supporting soldiers is like supporting oxygen — everyone automatically does it, right? There’s an inherent problem with the yellow ribbons. Some see these things not as supporting the troops, but supporting a war.

People who back the ribbon initiative all say the same thing: this is supporting the troops, not neccesarily a support of war. And as for those who loathe the idea of ribbon decals, they say... well, they say the same thing — they support the troops, but not the war. Seemingly, everybody supports the soldiers, they just can’t figure out how to support them. So why pass a motion for a cause that every Canadian being already believes in?...........................http://imprint.uwaterloo.ca/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1565&Itemid=58&issuedate=2007-07-13


Those who object the yellow ribbon have no issue with flying the Gay Pride symbol.  How far left has this country gone when it's a noble thing to display a ribbon because of whom you have sex with but it's war mongering to display our pride in our Military Members.  Sigh, more socialist dogm that belongs in the PCed groups trash can.

A war monger and proud of it, I've seen nothing positive and decisive ever come from the peaceniks and the tree huggers or socialist leaders in Torona.  I'll display the yellow ribbon with pride and pray for our troops safe return. 
retiredgrunt45 said:
And on the other side of the coin, if these terrorists were to come to our shores and attack our cities, who do you think these very morons" would call upon first to save their sorry carcases. The only opinion they would have then is for our troops to save their sorry butts.

I wonder how many of them would become collaborators?