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The Politics of Yellow Ribbons - MERGED

InterestedCivilian said:
Although Mr. Miller had indicated he wouldn't support the motion, he said today the death of three more soldiers in Afghanistan brought the issue home for him.
Am I the only one who thinks this is sad pathetic on his part?  What, does he need a body-count?
I think he should dye his hair pink (there is no controversy with the breast cancer issue), I mean, it is YELLOW right now.  Unbelievable. 
Although I am happy with the outcome I think I smell politics.  Gosh.
The controversy around the removal issue culminated today in unanimous support at city hall for motion to keep the decals on the vehicles indefinitely.
this news story says the above

The removal of the ribbons will take place as part of the regular maintenance cycle for the vehicles. Starting in September, removal of the ribbons from all emergency services' vehicles will take 5 or 6 months as they come in for maintenance.

So joanne miller sent this email to you before the vote obviously. I hate those letters that start with "thank you" and end with "we are doing what we want to anyways".

Maybe more people then we know wrote in expressing their feelings.
The city of Toronto was also the first to lower its flag in respect when the federal government would not for a fallen Torontonian.

And this is not a political statement, does she even realize why the Government did not do that?

Doodleloo....Doodleloo.....Doodleloo...we were the ones that did not them not them.  we really suppot them better, and we can run our government better.

It's all the media's fault.  Which was why they decided on their own for the vote, it was already planned really....by the way we were first to lower the flag, and Mayor Miller signed a banner sometime last year so he did..



I saw on the news just a few minutes ago that they have decided to keep the ribbons!, woo!
Blindspot said:
Noticeably, Janet Davis, among a handful of other councillors were absent for the vote. She and Pam McConnell reappeared promptly after the vote. To me, this speaks to political cowardice of the basest level.

A bit of a retraction here: Janet Davis voted in favour for the first vote. She did not vote in the second vote. Pam McConnell refused to vote despite having a nephew who returned home from Afghanistan injured.
Naturally, there's always one.....  ::)

Article Link

Youth worker will wear only black on Fridays to protest "Support our Troops" stickers

June 22, 2007
Angered that Toronto city council voted to allow the continuation of decals on city fire trucks and ambulances, a youth worker employed by a city-funded community centre is protesting the decision.

As part of his "Black Friday'' campaign Davis Mirza, 40, a part-timer at the Cecil Street community centre, will wear only black clothing today to show displeasure with the city's move.

Mirza says he was "outraged'' that city council voted 39-0 Wednesday to continue allowing city fire trucks and ambulances to carry the ribbons.

On Tuesday Toronto Mayor David Miller said it was "appropriate'' the decals be phased out in September as originally planned.

But after a public outcry and the death this week of three Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan, Miller and city officials reversed their position.

The decals, which say "Support our Troops," will now stay on the fire trucks and ambulances indefinitely to show support for "all Canadian troops."

But Mirza, who describes himself as a pacifist – his parents protested the Vietnam War and other conflicts, and he has marched in anti-war demonstrations – will be wearing a T-shirt that says "War resisters welcome here."

He plans to continue his protest every Friday until the decal program stops.

He says he supports Canadian troops when they're doing peacekeeping work, but not their presence in Afghanistan.

"I was outraged when I heard the vote was (39-0) and council reneged on (phasing out the ribbons)," he said yesterday.

The words on the decals should say "We support the troops, bring them home now,'' Mirza said.

He sent out an email yesterday encouraging city employees and others to join him in the protest.
The words on the decals should say "We support the troops, bring them home now,'' Mirza said.

That's right. Because it's only ok for the decals to have a political message, as long as it's the one you support.
I don't understand people like this Mirza guy. Where does it say on the magnet "I support the war"? Saying that you care about the Soldiers we send into harm's way is a simple thing and to my way of thinking, doesn't have a political message. The troops aren't a political football to be batted around. They're human beings.
He said he only supports troops in peace keeping roles. So why should he be against these ribbons? It says "Support ou Troops". That covers everything from war to PEACE KEEPING. I think he is just crying out for attention but in the process he is making him self look like a moron.

And I agree with Blindspot, What a hypocrit.

"I don't think that public service vehicles should have a political message on them that alot of people don't agree with, they should have "Out of Afghanistan now!" on them."

Why do we even publish this crap?  ::)
Toronto Police are getting onboard.

Shared in accordance with that "Fair Dealings" thingy. (http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Canada/2007/06/22/4281317-sun.html)

T.O. cops to join troop campaign
'It means a lot to us,' wounded vet says

Toronto Police officers are standing with their firefighting and paramedic cousins and will also soon display Support our Troops decals, too.

In a symbolic move, Toronto Police Association (TPA) president Dave Wilson placed the first yellow magnetic ribbon on a squad car in 33 Division last night.

The troops will appreciate it, says Master Cpl. Jody Mitic, a Brampton native who is home from Afghanistan on medical leave after losing both legs from stepping on a landmine in January. "It means a lot to us," Mitic said.

The TPA and Toronto Police will eventually design their own decal but the ribbon Wilson used is one of the 500 the Toronto Sun purchased to hand out at our building today.

"We are pleased with the mayor and council's decision to extend the support decals not only past the one year but now to allow police cars as well," said Wilson, a veteran cop who is in his second term as president of the close to 8,000-member association.

His gesture of putting the decal on the car sends a message they want it to happen sooner than later. "This is a perfect opportunity for the association, the service and the board to all work together to boost morale of our fine troops."

The TPA understands there is still some protocol to be followed but Wilson said he will work with Chief Bill Blair and the political masters to ensure it happens soon.

"The association's board met yesterday and we have agreed we will pay for all the cost," he said. "It will be a great honour to do so."

It's something most agree is long overdue. The problem has been the political procedure put in place that did not allow police to display any ribbon or support decal.

In fact, prior to Wednesday there was a decision to have all of the decals removed this September from all city owned emergency vehicles -- saying it was only supposed to be a one-year support period and did not meet "certain corporate standards."

The public was outraged and pressured council to change its tune.

Publicly, police brass said they would wait until they were delivered the council's motion before moving ahead with the support ribbons but privately they are thrilled.

The association made the first move last night. "I know the vast majority of all the service, from senior command to civilian members, are 100% behind our brave men and women in the military," said Wilson. "There will always be a special bond between those who serve and protect, and these decals send the troops and their families the message from us that they are not alone."

You can congratulate him yourself at the Sun building today. Wilson will be one of many coming to a special mini-Red Friday rally we are going to have in the Toronto Sun lobby at 333 King St. E. at 1 p.m. where there will be a moment of silence to honour our war dead. You will also get a chance to meet Jody Mitic, who was told he would never walk again. You will see for yourself, they were wrong. His titanium legs are so good, he's able to drive around in his pickup truck -- now filled with support ribbons.

Come meet Julie Brown, too. The Cookstown resident is just back from working at the Tim Hortons in Kandahar. You will read more about her in my Monday column.

No matter what happened this week Toronto is unequivocally behind our troops. And the Police Association boss wanted to send that message loud and clear last night.


The first 500 people who come down to the Toronto Sun building at 333 King St. E. between 1 and 2 p.m. today will receive a yellow ribbon for free. The military will also be on hand with a banner for people to sign to send over to the troops in Afghanistan. Military wrist bands and dog tags will also be handed out. A moment of silence will be held to honour our war dead.
But Mirza, who describes himself as a pacifist – his parents protested the Vietnam War and other conflicts, and he has marched in anti-war demonstrations – will be wearing a T-shirt that says "War resisters welcome here."

Hey folks

Please...take it easy on the poor little protester...after all he's just carrying on a time-honoured family tradition here! Looks like members of his family were civily disobedient going back several generations now!

I don't support my country!

And on a happier note the "silent majority" has now spoken and let the mayor know EXACTLY how the majority of Torontonians does feel.

However I still don't like David Miller very much.

Slim said:
And on a happier note the "silent majority" has now spoken and let the mayor know EXACTLY how the majority of Torontonians does feel.

Well I found out just how one Torontonain feels.


And from what I've seen and heard since then, he is one of the majority.
Slim said:
However I still don't like David Miller very much.
Couldn't agree with you more Slim.  And it drives me nuts that those of us in the GTA don't have a "vote" as far as he's concerned, although what he does affects us Big Time.  And good on the cops!


Note: was following a Halton Region EMS vehicle on my way home today...no S.O.T. ribbon...I'm going to start working on that.  :)
Haggis said:
Well I found out just how one Torontonain feels.


And from what I've seen and heard since then, he is one of the majority.

Good Brother

Makes me happy to read that!
Slim said:
Good Brother

Makes me happy to read that!

Yep, I hear ya!  Told the story this morning on PT and nobody could believe it was a guy from Toronto that did this.

Man, has The Big Smoke ever got a bad rep!
Here in BC, I've yet to see any vehicle from the RCMP, BC Ambulance, or any fire department with a yellow ribbon magnet.


Edited for clarification.
ArmyVern said:
Apparently she may not be old enough to remember as far back as a couple of years ago when the Liberal Party was governing...and those exact same yellow "Support Our Troops" ribbons were being worn on the ***-end of vehicles nation-wide (including those of various Provincial/City level services).

Or, perhaps she chooses to ignore that little factoid.

  Alot of people have ignored some factoids like it was the Liberals that sent us to Khandahar, I guess those little facts seem to be forgotten by Stephane Dion. But after the PM's recent anouncement I reminded them of it. I emailed him, Taliban Jack and Duceppe and called them all hypocrites and cowards. I also said Duceppe was a traitor. The left wing of this country wants it all and they want it now. 
CF Enthusiast said:
He said he only supports troops in peace keeping roles.
To bad most Canadians do not even realise how much of a bunch of BS the UN is.
Boxkicker said:
To bad most Canadians do not even realise how much of a bunch of BS the UN is.
Well, the UN's support for the ISAF mission is lost on the loons, in any respect...