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The Bush administration.

  • Thread starter Thread starter RuthlessRandy
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Wish a democrat was running the show right now.
Only reason why I dont like bush is because he just seems like a racist, he uses cheney, condoliza, and powell, as his racist shield.
Another thing is that I think we took a step backwards, becuase of a father and son has run a democratic country, I‘t reminds me too much of a kingdom style pre french revolution state.
There getting rid of real politics and replacing it with tradition.

:flame: BUSH JR.
:mg: BUSH SR.
:rocket: KKK

:cdn: cheers :cdn:
Well that was a good introduction.

Care to give more than just some worthless drible?
If you don‘t kow what i‘m getting at, why did you post a reply?
Look in short it‘s like this, it‘s a comparison of kings giving air to the thrown, Bush Sr, then Bush Jr.
It should not be allowed.
And yes I am aware of clintons time in office.(at least he was a democrat)
cheers :cdn:
First, you mean heir to the throne.
Second, if you‘re glad to be Canadian, why throw an embarrasing little tantrum over the American president who has been dishing out a serious a$$kicking on the sacks of shyt who want all Westerners dead?
Third, apparently you haven‘t read through the forums, since you obviously know how much we agree with the Liberals/Dems.
Lastly, where/when did you serve?
Now, go clean the sand outta your clit, stop wasting our oxygen, and go pay attention in your summer school special ed english class.

Inf, my brotha from another mother, would you rather work the head or the body? Or would you prefer to tag team with me on this winner?
Posting stupid threads may get you the boot.

Just remember that.
I think Bush is a less extreme, modern day Hitler: both Bush and Hitler were devoted Christians, both were staunchly opposed to the use of chemical weapons on the battle field, both were liars to thier own people, both were soldiers before coming to power, both had a pre calculated plan on taking over the world before they rose to power, both wern‘t right in the head, both used scapegoating to have thier policies implemented, and both attempted to restructure the entire globe using thier incredibly powerful militaries.
Bush is less extreme in that he has yet to order the such as the mass extermination of the Islamic faith, although it‘s quite obvious from his previous apperances in public that he harbours no appreciation for it.
It‘s also not clear yet whether or not Bush will fail in his conquest. I‘m just counting the days until he does though.
Well, we‘ve argued this Bush thing to death, but I would check the accuracy of many of the comparisons you make between Bush and Hitler before you expect that statement to be taken seriously.

Moi, I never post anything stupid ;)
Ahh but here are some key diffrences Lui

Bush- Did Cocaine Abusively for a number of years
Hitler- Opium when it all went to pot

Bush- Doesnt Mind the Jewish, Hates the Middle East
Hitler- Hated the Jews, Gypsies, anyone who wasnt Aryan

Bush-Had his power, prestige, money, and ability to come into office handed down from his father
Hitler- Worked his tookus off to get where he got

my two bits
I hate em both, Hitler and Bush, one is in a heir type rulership, and one took a country over by brutal force.
Lack of choice, kinda like the 2000 elections.
I still would wanted Gore though, if it aint broke dont fix it. :cdn: :mad:
I think your diluted RuthlessRandy.

Hitler did not "take over" Germany with brutal force, and Bush government is not an "heir type rulership".

You seem to have a lot of built up rage. Maybe its just because you use the :mad: emoticon so much.
Noam Chomsky :cdn:

Go to your google web search and type in"Noam Chomsky" :cdn:

Read everything, he speaks the truth, and backs up his arguments. :cdn:
The September 11 attacks were major atrocities. In terms of number of victims they do not reach the level of many others, for example, Clinton‘s bombing of the Sudan with no credible pretext, destroying half its pharmaceutical supplies and probably killing tens of thousands of people (no one knows, because the US blocked an inquiry at the UN and no one cares to pursue it). Not to speak of much worse cases, which easily come to mind. But that this was a horrendous crime is not in doubt.

The primary victims, as usual, were working people: janitors, secretaries, firemen, etc. It is likely to prove to be a crushing blow to Palestinians and other poor and oppressed people. It is also likely to lead to harsh security controls, with many possible ramifications for undermining civil liberties and internal freedom.

The events reveal, dramatically, the foolishness of ideas about "missile defense." As has been obvious all along, and pointed out repeatedly by strategic analysts, if anyone wants to cause immense damage in the US,
including weapons of mass destruction, they are highly unlikely to launch a missile attack, thus guaranteeing their immediate destruction. There are innumerable easier ways that are basically unstoppable. But these events will, nonetheless, be used to increase the pressure to
develop these systems and put them into place. "Defense" is a thin cover for plans for militarization of space, and with good PR, even the flimsiest arguments will carry some weight among a frightened public.

In short, the crime is a gift to the hard jingoist right, those who hope to use force to control their domains. That is even putting aside the likely US actions, and what they will trigger -- possibly more attacks like this one, or worse. The prospects ahead are even more ominous than
they appeared to be before the latest atrocities.

As to how to react, we have a choice. We can express justified horror; we can seek to understand what may have led to the crimes, which means making an effort to enter the minds of the likely perpetrators. If we choose the latter course, we can do no better, I think, than to listen to the words of Robert Fisk, whose direct knowledge and insight into affairs of the region is unmatched after many years of distinguished reporting. Describing "The wickedness and awesome cruelty of a crushed and humiliated people," he writes that "this is not the war of democracy versus terror that the world will be asked to believe in the coming days. It is also about American missiles smashing into Palestinian homes
and US helicopters firing missiles into a Lebanese ambulance in 1996 and American shells crashing into a village called Qana and about a Lebanese militia - paid and uniformed by America‘s Israeli ally - hacking and raping and murdering their way through refugee camps." And much more.

Again, we have a choice: we may try to understand, or refuse to do so, contributing to the likelihood that much worse lies ahead. -Noam Chomsky on 9/11.

Now did the Bush administration make the right choices?
You should try reading a bit more Randy, Chomsky has long been regarded as a left-wing stooge.
Mainstream observers of politics.

It is same as me basing my ideas off of Pat Buchanan.
Randy - why don‘t you join the Palestinians, then? I‘m sure your service would be far more meaningful in the grand scheme of things then in service to our country.. Or do you just like to spew this stuff as opposed to really standing up for your convictions? Anyone can tap drivel on a keyboard. Better yet, after you start shaving, pay taxes for a few years, live in the real world for a decade or two, then maybe your opinions will mean something to me :rolleyes:
F@ck that wannabe pseduo-intellectual communist cocksucker Chomsky, f@ck that groping redneck retard Klinton, and a pox on anyone who holds them up as examples of intellect and morality.
Interesting topic, not for its value. But for an example of how you can waste peoples time.

I hate em both, Hitler and Bush, one is in a heir type rulership, and one took a country over by brutal force.
Lack of choice, kinda like the 2000 elections.
I still would wanted Gore though, if it aint broke dont fix it.
Heir Rulership eh? (aka Monarchy). Not quite, he did get it through the elections after all - regardless of how debatable the hole fiasco was.

As for Hitler, he didn‘t take over Germany by brutal force persay, however he most certainly killed off his fair share of political opponents. Ironically enough his party was voted in by the people.

Evenstill, you make quick to criticize the US, but neglect to mention our own problems here in Canada. Lets have a look out our current PM, whos been at the ‘throne‘ if you will for the past ten years. You realize of course, that any time within a fiver year term a PM can call an election as he or she see fits? Thus, if hes having a particularly good year, say two years into his term he can call an election and be voted in again where he can wait up to another 5 years to call another election? The problem with that is, he can call it two years into his term (thus wasting tax payers dollars for campaigns and that bs) just to extend his term.

So yeah, we could all use improvement.