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Terms of Service disappeared from MPRR


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So I was looking at my readiness summary in EMAA, which I do from time to time, and noticed I was 'Red' for valid TOS. So I looked up my MPRR in EMAA, and sure enough my TOS is gone, as in my MPRR shows no valid TOS. I signed TOS a few years ago that take me out to 2027, so it's not an issue of expiry.

Any admin types out there have any idea why this may have happened?? I have asked my orderly room to check it out, but they haven't got back to me.
ProPatria05 said:
So I was looking at my readiness summary in EMAA, which I do from time to time, and noticed I was 'Red' for valid TOS. So I looked up my MPRR in EMAA, and sure enough my TOS is gone, as in my MPRR shows no valid TOS. I signed TOS a few years ago that take me out to 2027, so it's not an issue of expiry.

Any admin types out there have any idea why this may have happened?? I have asked my orderly room to check it out, but they haven't got back to me.

Coin toss.  System glitch with the data-uploads from HRMS into EMAA or for some reason a Checklist Item has been missed.    Hard to say without being able to look at your MPRR.
Either that or a passive-aggressive career manager kicking you out...

But I'd bet on a system glitch.
dapaterson said:
Either that or a passive-aggressive career manager kicking you out...


Reminds me of the time I came in from the Field in Gagetown and had the RSM tell me that I was AWOL for reporting into CFB Valcartier.  Apparently someone Posted me and failed to send me a Posting Msg.  Heavy sigh of relief when that got sorted out.....I wasn't Posted.
Your clerk needs to go into HRMS and ensure everything is entered there correctly.  We had the issue with several of our members and still no idea why it happened.

yep - posting without being told.  Always fun when your chief gets the call asking why you haven't reported to the ship you were posted to 3 days ago and the answer is no one knew you were posted.  Too bad we weren't deployed at the time - that would have made it more fun.  Mind you not too much of a surprise for the unit I was leaving, I was posted there and we didn't know either until I tried clearing into the base and asked where I was supposed to go.  Got a few days off out of that one while they figured it out.