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Taliban Tells CBC to Stop "destructive and inhumane mission"

The Bread Guy

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Canada must withdraw from 'inhumane' war: Taliban spokesman
CBC.ca, 13 Jun 08, 0529 ET
Article link - .pdf version

A Taliban spokesman is urging Canadians to pressure their government to pull its troops out of war-torn Afghanistan.

In an interview with CBC News, Qari Yousef Ahmadi said the only reason Canadians are involved in the war is because the United States influenced them to join.

"I ask the Canadian people to ask their government to stop their destructive and inhumane mission and withdraw your troops," said Ahmadi, speaking on his cellphone from an undisclosed location in Afghanistan.

"Our war will continue as long as your occupation forces are in our land."

Ahmadi, considered by Western media outlets to be a legitimate representative of the Taliban central council, said the Taliban will continue to fight occupation forces until they are driven out of the country, just as the Afghan mujahideen resistance continued to fight Russian troops until they withdrew in the 1980s.

Ahmadi said if the public knew the truth about the Afghan war, they would be horrified.

He said NATO countries are hiding the true number of casualties they've had since the mission began in 2001.
Killing more civilians

He also argued that while NATO accuses the Taliban of killing more civilians than soldiers with its suicide bombing, the United States is killing even more civilians when it bombs villages and towns.

"I invite you to contact these people in the villages; you can find out for yourself," he said.

Canadian military analyst Sunil Ram said Ahmadi's points are not completely off base. Ram said independent studies show that the American military has underestimated the number U.S. soldiers killed and wounded.

Ram, a former officer in the Canadian Forces who teaches at the American Military University in Charlestown, W.Va., said Canada's tally of dead soldiers is accurate — a total of 85 soldiers have been killed since Canada first sent troops to Afghanistan in February, 2002.

But Ram noted that the number of wounded has never been made clear.

He also agrees that the U.S. has done widespread bombings during the mission.

"The Americans will come in and flatten a village," he said. "It's standard tactic."
Eradication of poppies 'secondary'

Ahmadi also touched on the Afghan drug trade in his interview with CBC News, denying the allegations that the Taliban is funded by profits from poppy crops and the heroin trade.

He said that while Taliban is against the drug trade, because it is Islamic, the organization is not focused on eradicating Afghanistan's numerous poppy fields.

"Our priority is to expel the foreign soldiers who have invaded our countries," he said. "At the moment, eradication of the poppies is a secondary issue."

I have less issue with the Taliban exploiting a propaganda opportunity than with a Canadian "analyst" aiding them in doing so.  Does Ram honestly believe that the US military has no idea how many of its soldiers have been killed?  Or that it deliberately "flattens" villages?  Or that the CF hides the number of WIA?

For shame...  Why do the media continue to quote people like this as "experts" when they are clearly not?
Teddy Ruxpin said:
For shame...  Why do the media continue to quote people like this as "experts" when they are clearly not?

Because the media is not looking for expertise, it is looking for quotes to support its biases from people who appear experts to the unwashed masses.  The MSM has long since decided that the war in Afghanistan was evil and illegal, so any "evidence" to support that point of view is gleefully published.  Being able to bash the Americans at the same time is a bonus.
Well... the Taliban is doing what the IRA & the Vietminh did before them.....
Presenting a "spin" that shows them as being the righteous ones & everyone else are the baddies.
milnewstbay said:
He said NATO countries are hiding the true number of casualties they've had since the mission began in 2001.

milnewstbay said:
He also agrees that the U.S. has done widespread bombings during the mission.

"The Americans will come in and flatten a village," he said. "It's standard tactic."
Well the point that Canada has never truely released consolidated WIA numbers is true.  What is accurate in doing though is releasing the number of WIA's per incident. meaning that if a reporter wanted to know, it would be simple to reasearch the number by going through the archives of those incidents.

As for the rest well Jungle said it best!

Edit: added a word for clarity
well, i dont know about you guys but im sick and tired of only talking about our casualties over there. I would be less then eager to start publishing WIA numbers, just because theres so much more goin on, more important things IMHO, that the media is ignoring already. The information is probably available if those so called journalists cared to find it.
BulletMagnet said:
Well the point that Canada has never truely released consolidated WIA numbers is true.  What is accurate in doing though is releasing the number of WIA's per incident. meaning that if a reporter wanted to it would be simple to reasearch the number by going through the archives of those incidents.

As for the rest well Jungle said it best!

Perhaps, kind of accurate anyway. Some soldiers may account for a "stated WIA in an incident" ... themselves more than once. They'll spin this in an attempt to get a "detailed & accurate" (ie list of pers names and specific injury, injury date) ... sometimes I really think anything without those deatils would be considered by loonies to be "inaccurate". So, I hope we never even go there, because if we do ... they'll just keep demanding more and more. Twits.

Let's face it though, some wouldn't be happy with any number of WIA listed; some of them might even expect the CS taking the contact report to "report" his papercut suffered while logging the TIC as an "in action" item for their tally -- it'd just make their spin all that much better on the public and their inflated "toll" upon soldiers look that much more dire in the eyes of the uninformed and average Canadian.
"I ask the Canadian people to ask their government to stop their destructive and inhumane mission and withdraw your troops," said Ahmadi, speaking on his cellphone from an undisclosed location in Afghanistan...

If you DON'T stop your desrtructive inhumane mission we will continue to indiscriminately use IEDs which mainly kill Afghan men women and children just going about their daily lives.
Oh hold a second I have another call.
Listen I have to cut this interview short we just found out a teacher in the next village over was teaching math and suggesting women were human beings-were going to go burn down the school with them inside.

There fixed that.
If the Taliban are so confident they're going to win, why is this guy speaking on a cell phone from "an undisclosed location?"  ;)
Red 6 said:
If the Taliban are so confident they're going to win, why is this guy speaking on a cell phone from "an undisclosed location?"  ;)

Well, as far as we know, undisclosed ONLY to the reporter.....  ;)

+100 FlawedDesign
cbc ...5th estate or 5th COLOUMN ..next story" YELLOWJACK LAYTON FOR LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD" and it certainly would be free 'if a liitle black spider came down beside her' said BOO and frightened Miss Layton away
Since Mr. Ram posts on this site, I would be interested to see his primary sources for his accusations, particularly the one that states "flattening a village" is a "standard "tactic and those that show that the US military has "underestimated" casualties in Afghanistan.

I would also be interested in hearing which "wounded" casualties he would count as part of an overall tally, how he would release that information without contravening the Privacy Act (as the tally would surely have to refer to specific instances to provide an overall view and context) and what yardstick he would use to differentiate between combat and non-combat injuries...
"In a related story: Government sources say that the Taliban spokes person has been located and that a warm response has been sent via something called the Joint Delivery-Air Mail system"
milnewstbay said:
Canadian military analyst Sunil Ram said Ahmadi's points are not completely off base. Ram said independent studies show that the American military has underestimated the number U.S. soldiers killed and wounded.

Ram, a former officer in the Canadian Forces who teaches at the American Military University in Charlestown, W.Va., said Canada's tally of dead soldiers is accurate — a total of 85 soldiers have been killed since Canada first sent troops to Afghanistan in February, 2002.

But Ram noted that the number of wounded has never been made clear.

He also agrees that the U.S. has done widespread bombings during the mission.

"The Americans will come in and flatten a village," he said. "It's standard tactic."
Eradication of poppies 'secondary'

Alright Mr. Ram, enlighten me will you?

Which villages have been flattened and can you back up your statements with any facts? Can you show anyone where in the Operation Enduring Freedom ROEs (the ROEs that the US use in theater if they are not part of ISAF) that state specifically where it is allowed to flatten villages?

Having actually used them I don't seem to recall that clause.

Your statement is nothing more than conjecture and speculation with a liberal sprinkling of your own prejudiced, anti-American opinion and nothing more. Makes for a great sound bite on the news though doesn't it?

As for the wounded, why do you want numbers? Do you want numbers of how many have been repatriated due to PTSD? How about personal family issues?

How about sprained ankles?

I, along with many serving members of the CF, grow tired of your and Mr Staples' rantings.

I want to know how he can teach at the American Military University in Charlestown, W.Va., and get away with this kind of rhetoric.

Of course then his beloved Taliban blows up the main prison, in Kandahar, and lets all the criminals out.
The Taliban can feel free to surrender if it's too "destructive and inhumane" for them.
What Mr. Ram fails to report  on is the "atrocities" the Taliban advocated against the Afghan people while they were in power. Killing and torturing women, killing children or anyone who didn't agree or abide by their twisted philosophy. Call them what they are "terrorists"!

Mr. Ram I would brush up on your history before you go and shoot your fool mouth off or give any credence to an organization who by the way the world has labeled "terrorists and have committed heinous crimes against humanity. It would be no different if you were to have interviewed Hitler and came back with a lopsided story of why he justified killed so many Jews in WWII. Get your head out of your ass!

We already know what the taliban want, they want to start up again were they left of and go back to terrorizing the Afghan people into submission and your helping to make that happen with your garbage.

Taliban Tells CBC to Stop "destructive and inhumane mission"

Is that so?
How about pot calling the kettle black? Just in this case the kettle is the one in the "right."