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Suggested Reading: The Pentagon's New Map


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As I said earlier I found this site through google because I had some questions.

Has anyone here read this book? It's quite an interesting read because of the state of world affairs at present. One of the impressions that I got from this book however was that Canada should be assimilated into the United States. I'm not exactly comfortable with that idea.

As I've said it makes sense to merge Canada's military into the US but thats strickly from a strategic point of view. Politically I think it's unacceptable because we're such different countries. America is much more of an aggressive nation militarily and I disagree with that approach.

You missed.  The forum you are looking for is www.breakthesilence.com
Me personally, I like the poetry.  Nothing says insanity like poetry backed political discourse.
Next time you want to ask us about the American take over and institution of the draft in between tactical nuclear strikes, please do it in a haiku.
George, cronies...all men,
Dominate all of the world,
The earth grows more cold. :'(
Guess said:

As I said earlier I found this site through google because I had some questions.

Has anyone here read this book? It's quite an interesting read because of the state of world affairs at present. One of the impressions that I got from this book however was that Canada should be assimilated into the United States. I'm not exactly comfortable with that idea.

As I've said it makes sense to merge Canada's military into the US but thats strickly from a strategic point of view. Politically I think it's unacceptable because we're such different countries. America is much more of an aggressive nation militarily and I disagree with that approach.

Here is a better book about the direction that society should be moving in.  If we follow this blueprint, we will have no more societal problems in our lifetime!!



- Read a bit of Joe Haldeman, while you are at it.


Since we are Canadians does that mean we take the red one?
Guess said:

As I said earlier I found this site through google because I had some questions.

Has anyone here read this book? It's quite an interesting read because of the state of world affairs at present. One of the impressions that I got from this book however was that Canada should be assimilated into the United States. I'm not exactly comfortable with that idea.

As I've said it makes sense to merge Canada's military into the US but thats strickly from a strategic point of view. Politically I think it's unacceptable because we're such different countries. America is much more of an aggressive nation militarily and I disagree with that approach.

I'm sorry but your a bloody space cadet!

How, possibly does it make sense to "merge" our military with the USA military??? How? Our military is so small in comparison that we wouldn't even make much of a difference to their overall scheme of defence. Sure it'd boost thier current capabilities but it certainly wouldn't make a heck of a difference, other than the fact you might as well start flying the stars and stripes over your front lawn the moment it happens.

We have our own country because we've been able to keep hold of it for so long. To take and hold the land we live upon, why would we disband our entire military forces and hand them over?

No, I'm sorry Sir civvy, it doesn't make any sense at all.
I have recently finished "The Penatagon's New Map", and can't see anyplace where Barnett implies Canada should merge anything with the United States. (In fact, I can't think of where he mentions Canada at all, except maybe in passing).

Perhaps a re read, with your highlighter and a notepad in hand is in order.

                                                              Men fall down
                                                              Women fall down

bboyintown said:

                                                              Men fall down
                                                              Women fall down

WTF ???

Did you post that by accident?
zipperhead_cop said:
WTF ???

Did you post that by accident?

I think he's probably one of the people you'd pick up downtown Zipperhead_Cop, you know the type, mumbling and walking in zig-zags and smells of an alcoholic substance... :P
Ahhh.  Tinfoil viking helmet and cardboard butterfly wings,  got it. 
Many of our mumblies like to pinch Listerine from the drug stores, so even though they are filthy and crazy, they have minty fresh breath.
Guess said:
One of the impressions that I got from this book however was that Canada should be assimilated into the United States.
In an attempt to drag this thread kicking and screaming back on topic..... I'd previously gone through the book several times, reading with different purposes in mind each time.

The absence of anything remotely supporting your fears within the book leads me to suspect that you may have been reading with some predetermined conclusions in mind.

There's no mention of assimilating Canada, militarily or otherwise. He counsels expanding security organizations, like NATO, and creating a similar arrangements in the Pacific/Asia realm. (He neglects the death of SEATO in 1975; CENTO lapsed into a fatal coma in 1974, with the coffin being lowered into to ground in 1979). His main argument's however, are not military, but based on globalization and interconnected economic development. Yes, these require an underpinning of security before anything else can happen, but Canada is amongst his "Core" nations, not the "Non-Integrating Gap" - - we are not the target

Thus your observation....
Guess said:
Politically I think it's unacceptable [merge Canada's military into the US] because we're such different countries.
....is wrong, as stated (we're not all that different), but that's fine because it's irrelevant to Barnett's argument.

I've not yet read his follow-on book, Blueprint for Action: A Future Worth Creating