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St Jean - 60 Days of Fitness Training

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Army.ca Veteran
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I'm looking for a little information.  I have tried site after site with no luck.  The St Jean site won't let me in for some reason (has anyone else encountered this problem?) and i've gone through many news archives with no luck.  Here is what i'm looking for - anything that describes what happens now when a recruit does NOT pass their 20 MSR upon enrollment.  I know that the testing is not done prior to signing on, but once they arrive at the basic.  If either part of the test has not been passed, they will have a choice - St Jean for 60 days or bubye, see ya hate ta be ya.  But what is this 60 days about?  Does anyone have any insight that they can share?  ???
I will pull up the SOP this afternoon for CLFRS trainee's who fail the Vo2Max.  Wait out.

Search RFT on this site in the mean time.  You should get some hits off that to start off with.
I was at the recruiting office about two months ago when the recruiter was going on his usual rant about how physical fitness is now tested on basic and he said "that if one was to fail the fitness test then they would be put on restricted diet and basically be put through PT until they achieved the minimum physical fitness standard.  Your days would be spent between the gym and healthy living classes." As for what else happens during this time period I'm not 100% sure but I hope that helps.
As promised.  This is the current process (SOP) in place, with certain parts removed as required, but here's the meat of it...

Week 0 PT test
- If a candidate fails the V02 Max (shuttle run) he/she will be transferred to RFT PL for a maximum of 90 days the Monday morning of week 1.
- If a candidate fails one or more strength components other than the V02 max (shuttle run) he/she will have a retest in week 10.

Week 10 1st Retest
-The candidate will carry on with training and must pass the remaining POs. Candidates who don’t succeed all three test components will be retested in week 13.
- If a candidate fails the shuttle run or two strength components in the retest of week 10, they will be transfer to RFT PL for 90 days maximum.
- All candidates will do a second CF EXPRES test in Week 10, to determine best athlete, and progression of physical fitness of trainee's.

Week 13 2nd Retest
- If a candidate fails, he/she will be transferred to RFT PL for a max of 4 weeks.
- The candidate will not graduate with their course.
- Candidates from the detachments who fail will be transferred to CFLRS St-Jean RFT PL. ( this includes PT tests of week 1,10 and 13)

- Upon successful completion of the PT test, the candidate will get his/her qualification and carry on to their next phase of training.
- If the 2nd retest is failed after the 90 day period, the candidate will be released from the CF.

So, in a nutshell there is the process currently in place.  As for the activities RFT Pl does on a daily basis?  Fail the PT test as per the SOP above and you WILL find out.

Of interest is the Note in Week 13 2nd Retest.  All PT failures from...Borden...Gagetown...whereever, are sent here to RFT Pl.  Because of space limitations, this means a few things.
- some candidates that get back "on platoon" from either PAT or RFT are being sent to the "feeder" Det's who are sending people to RFT Pl here.
- candidates who begin their BMQ in "Location X" and fail their PT, and are sent to RFT Pl, could find themselves in St-Jean for BMQ.

There is no quaruntee, nor should their be, that if you fail the PT test and get sent to RFT, that you will end up back where you started to complete BMQ once you are fit.  I have bumped into troops arriving to RFT Pl with kit in tow from Gagetown, who are passing people just off PAT Pl on their way to Borden to continue on with BMQ again as there are no spots for them here in St-Jean platoons.

Thanks Mud-Man, that does answer most of my questions.  You say
whereever, are sent here to RFT Pl
- I am assuming you are either instructing on RFT or in the mega in another capacity?  I would be interested to know the extent of their trg while on RFT.  Unfortunately (Or some would say fortunately) I did basic almost 17 years ago, so failing my VO2Max is not much of an option!! :)

Thanks again and to GetCARTER - I have to wonder what the military's version of a restricted diet is, wouldn't you?  Probably something to do with braised beef tips and celery!!
My condolences!! (Unless you're actually enjoying your time there)  I'll probably be there soon myself - ILQ!!
I just locked another thread......where this exact question had been answered.

army.ca staff
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