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SISIP LTD 2002 - 2018

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This is off topic but is another story of SISIPs ways of avoiding to provide benefits.
I had a problem with SISIP that never did get resolved. When I was released I wasn't aware that I was entitled to benefits from SISIP. By the time that I discovered that I could get the benefits the 180 day window to file for benefits had passed. I made application and included with the application a covering letter which covered the perfectly logical reasons for missing the 180 day window. They denied my application and stated that the 180 day limit was firm and that there was no flexibility on it period.

Not being one who gives up on something like this I put together a whole file on the issue with more than enough information to convince any logical person that my reason for not filing before 180 days was completely understandable and that I had not simply neglected to file the application. In fact my health during that period was the reason that I had overlooked the whole matter and there was more than enough documentation to prove the fact. SISIP denied my claim despite all of the evidence.

My dealings with SISIP was before the Office Of The Ombudsman came into being so that route didn't cover me and I have no further way to persue the matter.

Case closed.  Yes, I'm PO'd. >:(
Thnaks Bruce!!! Instead of picking apart my frustrations, why don't you help Veterans by spreading the word.    Call your MP, talk to the media.  Mr Manuge has done one hell of a job and it's our time to carry the torch.  I can't believe that this is not resolved.  Yes this story has been covered before, sorry to bore you!!!  Sort of like a thorn in the side, it will not be gone until resolved!  I have lost great friends, sacrificed my life and given everything, to have people like you around to be entertained.  SISIP CLAWBACKS MUST BE RESOLVED!!!!! I swore an oath to protect the very country that has screwed me  :cdn: Thanks Canada :salute: for nothing.
Ineresting news on the SISIP Clawback class action suit,  all members released medically take note!

Link to Federal Court Order to VAC/SISIP to post and notify all Veterans who have experienced the SISIP Clawback of VAC disability pensions



In layman's terms, what's the purpose of the mailout - is it just to inform all affected about what is going on, or will they be seeking information?
Greymatters said:
In layman's terms, what's the purpose of the mailout - is it just to inform all affected about what is going on, or will they be seeking information?

That anyone that was affected by the clawback, will be part of the Class action suit.  If the Class Action suit is successfull, then you will received compensation from SISP.


My question is should we opt out of this class action or wait for decision and then put a claim in?  If we do not opt out, the lawyer's keep 30% of what they get back for us.
canuck060272 said:
My question is should we opt out of this class action or wait for decision and then put a claim in?  If we do not opt out, the lawyer's keep 30% of what they get back for us.

would you have got the $$ without the lawyers?
canuck060272 said:
that is the question ! Would i get money anyway without the lawyer?

If you have done work then have the customer renage on payment, how would feel?

You have asked the lawyers to represent you, pay them.
As it stands now, SISIP look at various factors to determine what you will get.

The class action suit is fighting the fact that SISIP considers a VAC pension as income, and factors that in to the payment that you get.

I say continue with your process, and if the class action suit is positive, you will get something from that.


There seems to be a lot of focus on the 'money' portion of the issue rather than the fact that a wrong is being righted that will benefit many future recipients... 
Your issue with  " claw-back "  is not inherent to the military alone. Civvy's are under the same practice of  " claw-back " . Insurance companies that pay out medical disability claims require all recipients to provide a list of all taxable income. Which is  "clawed-back"  from there monthly payments.
The insurance companies will even go as far as demanding you to apply for Canada Pension (Medical), which is  "clawed-back" as well.

I agree both systems need looking into. They should ask why those elected to Parliament are exempt from any " claw-back"  while those who serve their country are not.
GUNS said:
Your issue with  " claw-back "  is not inherent to the military alone. Civvy's are under the same practice of  " claw-back " . Insurance companies that pay out medical disability claims require all recipients to provide a list of all taxable income. Which is  "clawed-back"  from there monthly payments.
The insurance companies will even go as far as demanding you to apply for Canada Pension (Medical), which is  "clawed-back" as well.

I agree both systems need looking into. They should ask why those elected to Parliament are exempt from any " claw-back"  while those who serve their country are not.

A VAC is not considered a taxable income by the government, only by SISIP.

Greymatters said:
There seems to be a lot of focus on the 'money' portion of the issue rather than the fact that a wrong is being righted that will benefit many future recipients... 

As for the money issue, well, that is the issue.  The fact that a civilian body, who won the bid to manage our insurance can dictate what is income and what is not.  That goes against what the Government dictates legally what is.


SISIP, in their submission and bids, indicated what would be considered income.  Premiums weer set based on those assumptions.  Change those assumptions and the premiums change.

It's the same as the whiners who complain about the CFSA reduction at age 65 - it's always been there in black and white in the plan.  Pension contributions were based on the assumption that it would happen.

If you can't be bothered to read the fine print, don't complain when it doesn't turn out the way you expect.
dapaterson said:
SISIP, in their submission and bids, indicated what would be considered income.  Premiums weer set based on those assumptions.  Change those assumptions and the premiums change.

It's the same as the whiners who complain about the CFSA reduction at age 65 - it's always been there in black and white in the plan.  Pension contributions were based on the assumption that it would happen.

If you can't be bothered to read the fine print, don't complain when it doesn't turn out the way you expect.

So you say accept a wrong, and don't challenge it?

I am sure you read the fine print, and anticipated that one day you would be recieving a pension for a wound, when you signed the paperwork.

Sorry  Dap, but that is quite the obtuse statement.


Where is the wrong?  SISIP stated from day one that VAC pensions are considered as income.  Don't like it?  Get DND to change the insurance policy.

Who is responsible to look after you?  You are.  Read the fine print.
I'm with DAP on this one - the rates are based on the proposal from SISIP and accepted - nothing wrong as they are doing what was agreed. Same deal with our so called pension claw back - we get what we (at least TB on our behalf) agreed to and paid for.
Note that I'm not saying "Don't lobby for change", but rather that suing the insurer for doing what they said they'd do is not a recipie for success.

In addition, keep yourself informed about benefits BEFORE you require them.  Once the basement is underwater it's too late to read your home insurance policy and discover that you're not covered for water damage.

dapaterson said:
Where is the wrong?  SISIP stated from day one that VAC pensions are considered as income.  Don't like it?  Get DND to change the insurance policy.

Who is responsible to look after you?  You are.  Read the fine print.

So first you claim anyone that says anything is whining, and now you say if one does not like it, get DND to change it (Like what this class action suit is trying to do)....

I would like off of this merry-go-round so that I may retire to Bedlham....

And to reiterate, VAC pension is not an income.



edit for spelling

Per Dictionary.com.

Income - Synonyms  interest, salary, wages, annuity, gain, return, earnings.

Pensions are an annuity.  VAC pension therefore is an income (by definition).

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