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Showers - Nudity

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Hey all. I figured i would treat you all to another one of my stupid questions.

What do you do for showers during your stint at St Jean, as well as during the rest of your training? Do you have one in your room? Or is there a giant communal shower?

Hehehe, and on a more humourous note, what does everyone do regarding shower "ettiquette"? Do people go and change into swim suits under the cover of a towel, like we used to do in high school? Or does everyone just not give a shit and go in the nude? hehehe sounds silly, but i wouldn't want to embarass everyone by streaking into the showers whilst everyone else is covered. Cheers -Cameron
this has been posted before in this same forum, do a search

there is another thread in the recruiting section entitled 'SHOWERS' that has been locked because the question has been answered, start your search there.
oh sorry. I did a search, and nothing came up, so I apologize. Mind you, i generally am a dumb ass, so that could be why. cheers -Cameron
np, from the info I have recieved, the showers could be communal or could be private, depends where you are, (and in one case I had someone say officer/ncm).

as for the 'shower ettiquette' it has been a while since I laughed. how do you expect to get clean if you're wearing a bathing suit, 'suck it up butercup'.  you can't be afraid of a little nudity, everybody has the parts. besides, after a long day, who cares, really.
Get use to being naked with a whole whack of other people and getting only a 10 second shower and barely washing the soap outta your eyes before you're running down the hall hangin' onto your towel 'cause the Masterjack is screaming at you and your course-buddies 'cause you're all freakin late for inspection and extra duties are just around the corner!

Unless, of course, you are female. In that case, you get palatial bathrooms with individual shower stalls that are little used and the water is always warm -- at least, that's the way it was in Gagetown. And, this is not meant to be a knock against women -- it's just how things are set up.
BTW, you get so little time in the shower or to change that you really just don't give a sh!t about being nekkid anymore.
Try not to spend more than a few seconds cleaning your genitals otherwise it gets awkward.
When I was in Gagetown we had to do shifts in the showers (Males then females or vice versa) because of only one shower room on our floor. The showers were private stalls but not always warm.

Now, Aldershot '97 we were living in tent city (At the top of the hill by Range Control, just past Black Watch Square) and our washroom facilities were enclosed in a hut. Troughs were used as urinals (Like the things horses drink out of) and the showers were all in one room and almost never warm. We were warned to never drink the water at the top of the hill because the pipes that carried it were so old that they couldn't guarantee the safety of the water. I thought that this was a jack but didn't chance it. Tent city was an experience and I loved it.

Heres a little helpfull hint for when the time comes.Just think,  atleast your not in the US army cause they dont even have dividers in the toilets so down there you have to be a creative conversationalist. :o :o
argylls_recruiting said:
Unless, of course, you are female. In that case, you get palatial bathrooms with individual shower stalls that are little used and the water is always warm -- at least, that's the way it was in Gagetown. And, this is not meant to be a knock against women -- it's just how things are set up.

WOW.....I the things I've missed.  Everywhere I've been, the showers have either been identical to the mens, or we've had to share.  By share I mean either the females went first....or last.  It was usually dependant on who got there first.  In order to get a warm shower once in a while....I learned to move very quickly!!!!  ;)
hehehehe you guys are great. always telling it like it is.

I'm not worried about the being naked part, i kind of assumed what you guys have stated: You don't have enough time to care. I just didn't want to make an ass of myself if it wasn't what i had assumed. And good call on the washing-of-the-genitals.

No dividers in the toilettes? Those boys are worse than the bloody 10th century vikings. Good conversationalist indeed. cheers -Cameron
Make sure you were flip flops also known as sandals

whys is that?  I heard that if you peed on yer feet you would  be ok?
(Canadian military Urban legend 106)

Make sure you were flip flops also known as sandals

Same in university, guys only get so much privacy to do there thing  :D ;D Just kidding ahaha  :blotto:
Jay Hunter said:
Same in university, guys only get so much privacy to do there thing   :D ;D Just kidding ahaha   :blotto:

See above  :P ;)
Ever heard of athletes foot, or fungus. Anyone who has been in the army should no that some of the guys in the platoon at basic may have foot problems
Ever heard of athletes foot, or fungus. Anyone who has been in the army should no that some of the guys in the platoon at basic may have foot problems

Yep. After spending some time in the showers of my local gym (I believe it was UofT athletic centre) I was lucky enough to develop verrucae. It took me seven years to get rid of them completely. So my advice would be to wear something on your feet in any communal shower without fail. It also keeps you from infecting someone else if you do have something.
the 48th regulator said:
whys is that? I heard that if you peed on yer feet you would be ok?
(Canadian military Urban legend 106)


So foot germs and other nasty things you don't want don't spread.  Goes for any public shower or really any locker room.
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