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Russias has their hands on western Europes throat.

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>Here is a terrifying thought: Europe is now dependent on Russian energy exports for about 40 percent of its daily needs.

In a bidding (ie. commodities futures and speculation) war, Europeans could pony up enough cash to get what they _need_ (albeit maybe not what they would _like_) on world markets from other sources.  It's a rich continent.  But, depending on how well equipped the Russians are to deliver oil to other destinations, here's a scarier thought: Russia is now dependent on hard European cash imports for about "X" percent of its daily needs.
Thats Europe's own doing, and IMHO, Russia's right. If you own energy, its your right to demand whatever price and terms you want for it. (just as its the consumers right to find alternates, or refuse)
If russia,china and Iran(along with a few other middle eastern countries teamed up) there could be some trouble. If an all out war broke out, the man power, resources , land mass, extreme climate etc etc, would be  pretty tough to go against.personally I dont think we are very far away from some tensions.
If Russia plays hardball, the European Union can buy on the world market while initiating an economic blocade of Russia.....

Russia does what Rusia does best, it postures, makes demands and cashes in it's chips on a regular basis.
New Brunswicks son said:
If russia,china and Iran(along with a few other middle eastern countries teamed up) there could be some trouble. If an all out war broke out, the man power, resources , land mass, extreme climate etc etc, would be  pretty tough to go against.personally I dont think we are very far away from some tensions.

Could you be a little more specific on what threat you are envisioning, please detail the overall and separate objectives and intents of such a coalition, and exactly what threat they will pose, and to whom?  What response or intervention do you beleive would be required?  Please extrapolate on the significance of the factors you decided to highlight.  Feel free to detail the economic, environmental and political climates throughout your perceived 'tensions.'

FWIW, the OPEC countries have time and again attempted to band tobether, form a common front to stare down the world and dictate their demands.....

And every time, one of their members attempts to strike a side deal in secret - but the secret always appears to come out and the cartel's united front vanishes in the wind..... nothing new
Could you be a little more specific on what threat you are envisioning, please detail the overall and separate objectives and intents of such a coalition, and exactly what threat they will pose, and to whom?  What response or intervention do you believe would be required?  Please extrapolate on the significance of the factors you decided to highlight.  Feel free to detail the economic, environmental and political climates throughout your perceived 'tensions.'

The overall objectives of such a coalition would be to compete with the west, in economic, and military build up, much like that of the soviet union, during the cold war. The threats that they would pose would be economic. I think the only conflict that would come about, would be much like the Korean, and Vietnam wars. The two main players in the conflict backing smaller groups. Sort of like in Iraq,  or Israel, Western nations funding Israel, while Syria, Iran, and even Russia, supply the other side with weapons and money.Maybe I'm pessimistic, but just the way the world is right now, it does not seem impossible that these things could happen. I think the environmental and political backlashes this would have, is things like global warming, would be put on the back burner, along with poverty in the poorer nations, and even our own. however this is merely my opinion.
OK.  That is just gibberish.

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