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ROTP 2011-2012

Yes, I agree, going loony is very easy when you expect it to come at some time before it actually does. I'm telling myself not to get all worked up until mid-April, like I've been told by my recruiter. If it is after mid-April, then I'll be making weekly phone calls to my CFRC until I get an answer.
Yeah, you guys caugh
KY-WPG said:
Now if you are trying to tell the truth none of us will believe you. Should have waited till tomorrow to post if it's true!

I have come to the conclusion that I need to stop expecting it before mid April as I am going to go loony otherwise. Does anyone have an estimate of how many applicants there were this year and roughly how many they plan to accept?

Yeah you caught me.. April Fools!! hehe
Well, my recruiter told me to phone him on April 4th if I don't hear anything. So that' what I intend to do on Monday. Hopefully, get some information on offers, or at least how the overall process is going.
My recruiter told me to expect a call next week. I'll probably call next Friday if I don't hear anything.
2010newbie said:
Wait a minute, is this the DEO 2011-2012 thread??



lol! I guess my typed reaction isn't working :) I am just shocked at those numbers.
2010newbie said:
During our swearing in ceremony last July in Toronto they mentioned the following numbers (approximately):

100,000 Inquired, 10,000 Apllied, 2,000 tested, 550 Selected.

One Survivor... Ohaaooo!
I entirely forgot about this thread until just a few days ago. I remember when this thread was just starting :D
I'm currently working hard to upgrade my current math and physics marks, getting a 90 in physics and 87 in Math, though that may change with the next bit, which is combining probability and combinatorics. LOL

Is anyone else in the ALOY (aboriginal leadership opportunity year) program? I've applied for the prep year through that. 
The silence in here is quite unnerving. I know I said I would stop worrying about it but I have checked the thread about a dozen times already today hoping to see some announcements.
I'll be calling today after school, if I find out anything regarding offers, selections etc. I will let you all know.
I spoke with the CFRC today, and from the information I got, we shouldn't hear anything until the end of April to the beginning of May. Another month to wait yet!
Here's my tip:

Every time you feel the need to check for updates, drop and give me 10!

That's 120 push-ups already today, good prep for Recruit Camp  8)

<<Edited to correct my glaring, although mildly amusing, error.>>
Deal. As soon as I am home from work I will drop and get them done.
I really hope your patience can improve between now and bmoq. I know we were the same way last year but jeeeezus, if it doesn't change you'll have hundreds of people on week 1 going "when do we get a rifle?"  2mins later  "do we get one now?"    5mins later "holy hell, I can't wait to get a rifle" :P  the pushup suggestion was a good one
If it was the same way last year for you guys, and most, if not all, or your guys' patience improved. Chances are ours will as well. There's a huge difference between getting a phone call that could potentially impact the next several years of our lives, and holding a rifle. I don't see what the problem is with being excited and posting it.
Rogo said:
I really hope your patience can improve between now and bmoq. I know we were the same way last year but jeeeezus, if it doesn't change you'll have hundreds of people on week 1 going "when do we get a rifle?"  2mins later  "do we get one now?"    5mins later "holy hell, I can't wait to get a rifle" :P  the pushup suggestion was a good one

But at least you knew you were gonna get a rifle ;) :P
Journeyman said:
"Recruti Camp" -- that's just so darn cute
:rofl:  This is the future generation of leaders. They should hand out dictionaries along with our commissioning scrolls. Or better yet, a spell check button.