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ROTP 2011-2012


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Hey everyone!

Now that the deadline has passed for the 2010-2011 year I thought I would make a 2011-2012 thread for those applying starting September 2010. Tell us if you're going Civy U or RMC, what trade(s), and any questions or concerns you may have.

As I am first I will start lol  :P

I missed the deadline for the 2010-2011 year which is unfortunate for I would have been more pleased to not wait another year, but it is okay, I shall apply in September. I am in Civy University, currently at Ryerson but transferring to either U of T or Waterloo into Peace and Conflict Studies. I will be applying for Infantry Officer, Armoured Officer, and Artillery Officer, though my desire is Infantry. I am switching schools and programs because I am not enjoying my program here at all, and want to do something that will interest me, and be more relevant to my (hopefully!) chosen career.

Well thats what I have so far, can't wait to hear from everyone else!
I am nervous as well! But like you said while we wait it is best to build our competitiveness so we look much better.

The Cadet SN is strange as on the application papers there is a spot for a Cadet SN, you should check that out. Forces.ca has the PDF files of the applications. Take a look.

Good luck!  ;D
If you have done any Staff positions you will have recieved a Service Number. Don't confuse this number with an employment numer or billet number. The SN starts with a letter and has 8 numbers bhind. Your Cadet SN will be the one you will keep for your career. When you come in to the RC bring it with you and WE will input it into the system so it becomes yours. The reason it doesn't work on the form is because we do not have access to the Cadet system so we don't recognize it. This stops people from randomly entering numbers and screwing up our database. Once you submit an application then it will work.

For anyone who was a Cadet and doesn't remember their SN. If you come in and we give you a new one the PAY SYSTEM remembers. What that means to you is the pay system will look up your name and SN and it sees 2 SN then it will  have to decide which one to pay. What to guess which one gets the money? Nope, neither. The system will NOT pay either one. Which means several months of trying to get it squared away.

So save yourself a lot heartache and go see your AdminO at your Cadet unit to get the number before you see us.
Hey guys -- as some one who is currently in the process for 2010-2011, do not waste a second on this stuff. I almost missed the deadline based on a medical issue that I did not think would be an issue -- a mild allergy to something. If you have any hiccups what so ever, you can get majorly bogged down. I started the process in August, and since I had to see a medical specialist, it took until yesterday to get the paperwork in order. Also, try to do the CFAT and your interviews ASAP, in case they find you unsuitable for a trade you really want -- you have time to think about what else you might want to do. Best of luck everyone!
Murch said:
Hey guys -- as some one who is currently in the process for 2010-2011, do not waste a second on this stuff. I almost missed the deadline based on a medical issue that I did not think would be an issue -- a mild allergy to something. If you have any hiccups what so ever, you can get majorly bogged down. I started the process in August, and since I had to see a medical specialist, it took until yesterday to get the paperwork in order. Also, try to do the CFAT and your interviews ASAP, in case they find you unsuitable for a trade you really want -- you have time to think about what else you might want to do. Best of luck everyone!

That is GOLDEN advice, and I just want to add that, you want to do your CFAT ASAP because you might not even qualify for the officer trade. If you find yourself in that situation, you can opt. to retake the CFAT after 3 months. So for example, if you did the CFAT in September, and fail, you can do it again in January, this will keep you in the game for that year, as the deadline would be February (keep in mind deadlines do change from year to year, but in this example, you'll be safe). Starting the application process early is the best thing you can do for yourself.
I third that!

Seriously, if you are thinking about doing it get on ASAP. Or you will be stuck like me having to wait and see about the second round because my file not being in on time. If I don't get in for my first choice this year there is always next year!

Good Luck everyone!
All of the advise is good, I almost messed up my entire enlistment due to having booked my medical booked to far away from my other tests. Be upfront with in your medical too, I almost blew my entire offer because I tried to lie about a knee injury (which turned out to be a strained tendon only) and had to race to get all sorts of tests done on my knee. If your not sure about an injury check with your family doctor first before you hit up the medical interview, tell them what you are doing and if you should / could do it.
Hey everyone,

Now that it is summer time and all the 2010-2011 ROTPs have completed there application proccess for the year I was just seeing how everyone interested in applying starting this September 2010 is doing, and if/what they are doing to prepare.

Hope to hear from you all,

Writing about this with other interested members of the forums seems to make everything in the process more real than filling in the forms, telling friends my intentions, and getting physically ready.

I've got my application forms nearly all filled out, I'm running, pushing- and sitting-up, I've read as many articles here as can make my head spin, and I saw my optometrist this weekend to plan a consultation about laser-eye surgery (if I don't get in, at least I've got new eyes). I have a back-up plan in case it doesn't go through. I've been to see a recruiter who gave me a lot of information, and I may go back for a second meeting.

In the meantime, I'm doing my summer classes, working hard at my day job, and reading up as much as I can.

Sounds good Joani, everything sounds positive to me. Im in a similar area as well, just working at making myself as competitive as possible. My mother had laser eye correction, it's definitely worth it. This forum is filled with great information, it has definitely helped me considerably. Hope everything goes well for you!
Hi there! I'm applying as Health Care Administrator - i'm really nervous. It going to be a long year but worth it if i'm accepted at RMC. I'm a bit worried about my marks as i only have a 75% high school average. I did graduate from cegep (junior college here in Quebec)  in Medical Records Management with 83% average  but before that i studied at another school and did really horribly - i really did not care about school, obviously that was a mistake but you are young , you make mistakes and its trough your mistakes you learn -  hopefully the fact i changed my attitude and had better marks will be look upon favorably.  I did re-do my 436 & 536 ( highest math you can get at the high school level ) math last year trough adult education. Hopefully, it will help. I was going to apply as a clerk because i didn't think my marks where good enough - but then after talking to a few people i could always try  to go officer (if you don't try you just don't know)  since my DEC is somewhat related to what i want to do - and a college diploma is better than  just a high school diploma right?  I was in Health/Environment committee all trough High school/Cegep. Hopefully, that will help. 

Right now, i'm working at a residence for the Elderly, and training very hard. Push-up are my downfall! So far i can do between 8-10 quality push-ups.  Training also for a 5K run in August I wonder if there more classes i could take to show them i'm motivated and i will do well at RMC. I'm also older  (27) which scare me a litle bit  but its nothing i can't overcome! That's me in a nutshell. Now i'm waiting for my pre-security check to go trough, even thought i've been living in Canada since i was 9 years old, i have a double citizenship and so now they do pre-sec for all people who have  2 citizenships. (At least thats what the guy at the RC told me- its new from this year) so if you are like me and either not born in Canada or have 2 citizenships, i suggest you get the ball  rolling ASAP!
Hi, Jazzy,

I'm also a bit older (28), and age is nothing! I'm in a bit of the same seat; didn't do well previously in school until I tried in my recent university classes, working full-time, and working on the quality push-ups.

I'm also interested in Health Care Administration, but I think I will list it as my third choice in favour of two that are more in-line with my degree program.

Nairna: I'm excited and nervous about the laser-eye option. Thanks for the encouragement on it!

I hope things go well for all of us.
I don't think you have to be worried if you older! On the forces.ca website under officer training there is a video and one of the officer cadets is 40! So if she can I have complete confidence that you can too
Oh I'm not worried about my age, but I hope gr.10 and 11 don't keep my average way down next year as well
I'll be reapplying as per suggestion by me recruiter to Civ University UBC as that is where I will be attending this Fall. Does anyone know what happens to the contract for those who get into ROTP in their Second Year of University?
I believe it is reduced by a certain amount, depending on what trade it could be 1 or 2 years. I will be entering second year university as well.
From talking to a recruiter, I think Nairna is right. I also believe that's the purpose of the rule requiring at least a year and a half of school left - if it were shorter, your contract time would not equal the value of the school paid for (considering the time spent with further training).

I'm also applying as a university student, but with some concerns: I am a part-time student, working at a full-time government job. I was told by the recruiter that I had until September 2011 to become a full-time student, or I would not be considered. Has anyone got any further experience with this? This is half the reason I want to go back for a second information sitting at the local recruiting office.
When I applied ROTP last November I was a part-time student at a US university and working full-time in the US. I had just over one year completed of my degree. No one mentioned anything about becoming a full-time student, only that I had to be accepted into a CDN university full-time for the 2010-11 school year as a condition of the job offer. Could the recruiter have meant that you need to be accepted into a full-time program or transfer to full-time status for the September 2011 school year? Really it makes sense because if you are applying ROTP for 2011-12 then you would have to be a full-time student effective September 2011.