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ROE Questions?

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Ok Yes I did a search on this but was able to find the exact answers I was looking for. Just a lot to cypher through, or that just happened to have the terms Rules or engagement in it. So...

A friend of mine brought up the whole ROE thing to me. And myself I'm not 100% familiar with it. He told me pretty much states things like we can not fire upon someone until they fire upon us type thing. no matter what. Myself I kinda don't understand if this would be true or not.

But upon doing research on the vast net..I've come to the conclusion that perhaps the ROE changes depending on the mission..am I correct in this assumption? 

Many thanks and any other info that you would like to throw in please do so.

Rules of Engagement are specific to each individual mission... Depends on the nature. NATO, UN, Mil missions all have different ROEs.

These are also OPSEC, which is why you wouldn't have been able to find any.
Sig_Des said:
Rules of Engagement are specific to each individual mission... Depends on the nature. NATO, UN, Mil missions all have different ROEs.

These are also OPSEC, which is why you wouldn't have been able to find any.

Thanks Sig_Des

That is what I figured...I told some of my close friends last night about my choice to join the forces and one of them took it really hard and is trying to convince that I picked the wrong time to join. So he is bring certain things up to convince me otherwise of my choice. He knows it won't work, he knows when I make a choice it is final no matter what(famous trait of all Taurus's - Stubborn), but he brought this up to me.

And myself I like to be as informed as I can be so I like to always look up info and get advise from people in the actual field to inform and teach me. Thanks again

You could look into the CF Code of Conduct if you are interested in the subject.

SupersonicMax said:
You could look into the CF Code of Conduct if you are interested in the subject.


Beat me to it.  ROE tell you under what circumstances you may use force (lethal or non-lethal), and what the process is for escalating use of force, if applicable.  They are, indeed, an OPSEC issue, so you won't find out much more than that by public means.

However, the CF Code of Conduct (which is basically a distillation of the various Laws of Armed Conflict) is also important.  Just because ROE say you MAY use some degree of force, you don't HAVE to.  The CF Code of Conduct provides further guidance to soldiers regarding their conduct during conflict, including whether you SHOULD use force, how much, for how long, etc.  You will find them here

As you may have surmised, we are investing a great deal of judgement in our soldiers, right down to the level of individual Privates.  Such is the nature of modern armed conflict.
Just as a counter to what your friend said... about the "not being able to fire unless fired upon", pretty much every ROE printed will include the line "Nothing limits your right to self defence" or somthing to that effect.

If you are fired upon, you always have the right to return fire in a quantity and manner to ensure your own survival. Anything other then that is dealt with specificly in ROEs.

For example, if you're referring to ROEs for a vehicle check-point, they may state that you're permitted to fire on any car that approaches within a hundred meters, they may state that you have to fire a warning shot when the vehicle is at 50 meters before firing on the vehicle itself, they may state that you can do nothing (Excepting of course your right to defend yourself). They could well state that you have to perform the national dance of belgium and phone Budweiser Brewing company before waving your unloaded weapon at the speeding vehicle. As has been mentioned it's all dependent on the mission. And ROEs of course, are considered secure, because if the enemy knows your ROEs, they know how to get around them.
To be perfectly honest, JaSO, I think that ROE card we got for the 5's confirmation ex would probably have been one of the best examples I've seen.

Helped with dealing with protesters, refugees trying to crash through the gate, or that one girl trying to force me to take her "baby"
That should fairly well answer the original question and remain within OPSEC.

Did a quick search here and couldn't find anything. Anyone have or know where I can find an updated rules of engagement for the CF?

I doubt you will find any open sources on the ROE's as they are restricted info.
As they are constantly changing with the wind, depending on who is being deployed and where to, what the political climate is in the location they are going to, what the political cliamate is in the World Governing bodies, what equipment is involved, types of troops, etc. you will not likely find them here.  If you want the ROEs for a particular mission, you will have to get it from that mission's briefers.
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