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Remembrance Day


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Hello everyone,

I am a new Officer Cadet in the CF (ROTP program, have completed IAP thus far), and this year is my first year that I will be attending Remembrance Day in uniform (as requested by my ULO).  Can someone give me a basic rundown of what the proper conduct is at a ceremony?  For example: Am I supposed to salute during the national anthem?  I have never really been taught the proper procedure for Remembrance Day, so if someone could point me to something that would give me an idea what to expect that would be great.  Thank you!
double0three said:
I am a new Officer Cadet in the CF (ROTP program, have completed IAP thus far), and this year is my first year that I will be attending Remembrance Day in uniform (as requested by my ULO).  Can someone give me a basic rundown of what the proper conduct is at a ceremony?  For example: Am I supposed to salute during the national anthem?  I have never really been taught the proper procedure for Remembrance Day, so if someone could point me to something that would give me an idea what to expect that would be great.  Thank you!

If standing as a spectator (as opposed to being fallen-in as part of a formed body of troops on parade) you salute when the national anthem, God Save the Queen, the Last Post, and the Rouse are played.

Other saluting occasions you may encounter:
- the Lieutenant Governor, including his or her car if displaying his or her distinguishing flag;
- the national flag being marched past you on parade -- even if it's by a pack of Brownies or Cubs;
- the cenotaph, if you happen to walk past it; and
- a body of troops marching past you under command of a commissioned officer.

It would serve you to get your hands on a copy of the Canadian Forces Manual of Drill and Ceremonial and bone up on the various people and things that rate a salute.  I don't know off the top of my head of a copy available on the open Internet, but perhaps someone else does.
What city are you in? You could always go down to the local reserve unit and ask to muckle on to some other officers who will be attending the parade as spectators. We did this in my unit with some of the local ROTP lads... plus you can go back to the mess afterwards and meet some other serving and retired members and veterans...
Thanks for the replies. Someone messaged me and is sending me a copy of the drill manual, so I will brush up on that as well.  So besides the saluting, there isn't anything else I should know to do during the ceremony?  Thanks again!

PS I am in Halifax, and probably would go with people from the Communications Reserve (I am Sigs) however I am attending a ceremony in a rural community with my family.
We play the Rouse after last post as opposed to Revielle as the Rouse is only a few bars long and Revielle is about 24 or so.  That actually what is in the book too is to play the Rouse.
I also am attending my first Remembrance Day assembly in uniform at a high school as a guest.
I just wanted to confirm some things,

First is -Do I salute from the beginning of the national anthem and hold my salute right to the end of the anthem?

also usually schools ask for any hats to be removed would I be included?
I wouldn't salute then if I had my head dress removed? am I correct? and If my head dress is removed would I just replace my salute with standing at attention?
and am I facing the flag or what is the proper procedure.

and also anythings else that I should know for attending this assembly?

DELTA108 said:
I also am attending my first Remembrance Day assembly in uniform at a high school as a guest.
I just wanted to confirm some things,

I find myself in many schools this time of year, so I'll throw in my $.002 and give you some easy answers.

DELTA108 said:
First is -Do I salute from the beginning of the national anthem and hold my salute right to the end of the anthem?

Yes.  You continue the salute through the anthem as well as the other music listed above (God save the Queen, Last post, Rouse, etc.).

DELTA108 said:
also usually schools ask for any hats to be removed would I be included?
I wouldn't salute then if I had my head dress removed? am I correct? and If my head dress is removed would I just replace my salute with standing at attention?
and am I facing the flag or what is the proper procedure.

Serving members are usually excused from removing head dress in schools.  So, Personally, I would leave it on until someone specifically asks you to remove it... which they probably won't. 
With this said, the rules for paying of complements and saluting still apply; no lid, no high five.

As for facing the flag; if the assembly is facing one way and the flag is the opposite direction, go with the crowed.  Use your best judgment based on the situation.
The important thing is that you represent your unit and the CF well, and pay the proper respects.

DELTA108 said:
and also anythings else that I should know for attending this assembly?

Go with the flow and as I've said, represent yourself, your unit and the CF well..  Dress and deportment, manners and respect.

Now that this is all said, I'm off to a school for an assembly myself; as a piper and a guest speaker.  (this is assembly 5 for this week... 2 left.)

Good luck and have a good Remembrance Day.