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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Thanks for the info on what to expect while going to RMC. I understand that their standards are very high, for the past few school years I've been a straight A student and hopefully I can continue maintaining good grades through grades 11 and 12 when they really count. I also play rugby and as I previously mentioned do allot of running so hopefully all this will add up to giving me a good chance of getting in to RMC.

        I am not a "gamer", there's alot of guys at my school who are obsessed with games like Americas army and I have no respect for guys who think their courageous because they pull Rambo moves in a game where if they die they just have to start from the beginning again. Once while we were in P.E class running laps a "gamer" made a comment that always makes me laugh, he said "man, running is so much easier in Halo".

Ben McLoughlin
You misunderstood my comment.

To "game" the system is to find the loopholes in the rules and regulations that best fit your desired outcome, and then follow that process to get what you want, even if bt so doing you circumvent the intent of the system.

In your case, you want to get into JTF2 as quickly as possible, so you are seeking ways to front-load the requirement of two years of service, rather than follow the process intended. That's "gaming the system".

You will be better served by following the process intended, doing your time normally, after being trained and posted to a unit, and *then* seeing if JTF2 is right for you.

Something else to keep in mind - EVERYBODY at RMC is a straight-A student. You won't even be considered if you are not.

Another thing - if you go to RMC on an ROTP shcolarship, you are in the Regualr Force as of that time.  Unlike in the US military where (for some odd reason) you can be serving in both the Reserve and Regualr forces at the same time (and sometimes with different ranks even??!!), you can't do that here.  Besides, you won't have time for that in first year anyway.  In the three years I worked there, I didn't see too many first years with alot of spare time on their hands.  If you're an officer applying to JTF-2, you go through the same process as non-commissioned members with an extra phase in selection.  If you want to be an assaulter, you'd likely have to relinquish your commission and become a non-commissioned member, as it's an NCM/NCO "occupation" as it were, though you still have to do the same SOAC.

I'm female, 17 years old, on student council for 3 years, dance 10 hours per week, have a part-time job (working for mom as a dance teacher) and my marks are in the 70's and low 80's.

Will someone tell me if I have a chance. My guidence councellor said I didin't really have a good chance, but she thinks little of everyone.

I am pretty athletic (not a good runner but I go till I drop), I'm very determined, and I get the job done when it needs to be done. I am meant to lead. I was born to, and I want to retire in the military. I know that this is the place I need to be.

Do I have a chance at being accepted to RMC?
If you are interested in joining the Canadian Forces, the best person to talk to is a recruiter at the Canadian Forces Recruiting Center.  I would suggest you start there.  From my experience, recruiter has a wealth of knowledge and experience and can answer any of your questions and can help you decide what is best suited for you.

I did talk to a recruiter. I actaully think they're starting to get annoyed with me. They only told me that it was a very competative school, and it's very hard to get in. Thousands apply, and only a few hundred get accepted. For some reason, they did not make me feel any better. From your experience...do I have a chance?
AD said:
From your experience...do I have a chance?

I don't know what your chance are but I can tell you my story.   When I was your age just about to graduate high school, I was determined to join RMC. One day, me and my friend went to the recruiting center, got all the pamphlets and forms and I was thrilled and excited. At that time, I also had the crazy idea that I am going to be a Chemist and get a degree in science at RMC.   However, life did not turn out that way for me...my family strongly oppose to the idea at that time and would not sign on to the idea. I was so disappointed. However, I did get a compromise, they allowed me to join the reserve and I enrolled as a medic. At the same time I also got accepted to a civilian university. And looking back now, with a nursing degree and CT to reg force, I have no regrets and my years with the reserve were some of the best years of my life...and I am sure that more great years will come in my future.

I say this to many people, and this is only my opinion, that life has many twist and turns. I dreamed of being in the military 10 years ago, I am fulfilling that dream now, but not the way I anticipated 10 years ago.   My advice to you is that if you decided that the military is a right career for you, there are many roads you can take to fulfill that dream. Talk to the recruiter and your guidance counselor some more, explore your interests and options.

My 2 cents...

*EDIT: Spelling and sentence structure
Yes you have a chance and a pretty good one too.  I was in the same boat.  Average marks, but very althletic and had military potential which is what they look for the most currently.  Just apply with confidence and make sure you have a civilian university alternative.  I guarantee you will get one of them.
Thank you very much. Thats what I needed...a little encouragment. Though I am extremely scared I'll be rejected...but who isn't right?
It doesn't hurt to apply. Unlike civi universities, it doesn't cost anything to apply to RMC, just a lot of time.
I am currently in grade 11 taking a College English and a University History. I have no problem with english just I don't like the whole poetry crap etc... I can write essays with ease and I score in the 90s for History. I love it and plan to take it if I'm accepted into RMC.

Now I've been reading around on the forums here about the average required to apply or whatever and that seems to cause a bit of negativity I guess. I usually get 70s and higher in english and 90 and higher in geography and history. I will also be a recruit in the reserves this January and was wondering if that would help at all to get into RMC. After I become a private and all.

My Dad is in the reserves as well as a chief and was telling me it might help a bit and I also talked with another chief at HQ in Ottawa about it and she said it might also help. But I'm not 100% sure on it. I know some of you have most likely been in the CF then applying into RMC. Does it help to be in the CF to apply for RMC and get accepted?

I might go to the University Fair at UofT in Toronto, I believe RMC representatives will be there so I might find out more from them.

But any info on this about how I might be able to be accepted and the requirments will greatly be appreciated.


Being in the reserves when you apply for ROTP will certainly not hurt your chances but there is no guarantee that it will help you either.  We are looking for demonstrated leadership and that can be obtained through the reserves and it can be obtained through participation in organized sports teams and clubs too.  RMC will assess your academic potential and will determine if you are going to be academically offered a position in RMC or Fort St Jean or Civilian university so the higher marks you have the better off you will be.
heres my story. In high school i was much like yourself, 70s in english and lit and high 80s and 90s in everything else. In jan 2000 i joined the reserves and completed QL2. When i applied to RMC, the recruiter said that the fact i was reserves did little to help me get in to RMC since I only completed QL2. However, I still got in and graduated this past may without any problems.
I just have a quick question. I've only been on one sports team in highschool...the grade 9 girls vollyball team.  And since then, I've never joined another one because all the practice times intercept with my dance and work schedule. Will only being on one school sports team hurt me?
bottom line - they'll take a 75-80% avg sports/community/extra-curricular prodigy over a 98% avg bookworm anyday.


I suppose I should introduce myself before I speak so you all know who I am. I am Miki Toms, I go to school and currently volunteer in St. John Ambulance Brigade as an officer. The brigade provides free medical care to the public during functions such as football games, concerts, etc. I have been in this organization since I was a cadet at age 14 and have moved through the ranks respectively: Mem, Cpl, Cadet Leader (higher rank than sergeant but lower than commissioned officer), and finally full Lieutenant.

I have been reading the forums and have found the information to be quite interesting and extremely useful in some cases. Ever since I joined St. John Ambulance as cadet I have found enjoyment in the military side of things. I believe that the military is the best choice I can possibly make for my life. I have wanted to be in the military ever since 14 but in recent months I have been extremely serious about joining. I have a 76-80% average, all three sciences, a lot of leadership experience and over 2,000 hours of volunteer time in. I would like to ask a couple of questions:

1) I am a serving officer in St. John Ambulance Brigade and was told by one of my senior officers that as an officer in this brigade I have an "honorary" rank of 2nd Lieutenant in the Canadian armed forces. I am not clear on this point wanted to know if anyone here knows anything about this at all because I am not entirely satisfied my senior officer is correct on this particular matter.

2) I have seriously decided that being in the RMC is the best thing for me and it is my number one educational choice. I have three other choices though, University of Alberta, University of Toronto and Grant McEwan College (undergrad study). I will be applying at all of these institutions but I am highly motivated to attend the RMC.

I just wanted to know when the best time to apply would be (I am in currently in grade 12) as well what exactly to expect when it comes to atmosphere, "crowd" and how the RMC operates in comparison to other educational institutions. I have a general idea of what it is about because I have the CD of the RMC but I found it to be incredibly general and almost useless.

If anyone here could help me out then it would most greatly be appreciated.

Thank you,

Miki Toms
1) I am a serving officer in St. John Ambulance Brigade and was told by one of my senior officers that as an officer in this brigade I have an "honorary" rank of 2nd Lieutenant in the Canadian armed forces. I am not clear on this point wanted to know if anyone here knows anything about this at all because I am not entirely satisfied my senior officer is correct on this particular matter.

I would say no but what does it matter as it doesn't get you anything even if it was true.

The best to apply is now.  Fill out the ROTP questionnaire on the recruiting website and bring it with you most current transcript to the CFRC/D.
I am taking a different approach to this debate if I may call it that... What a lot of people choose to see are the arrogant, cocky young men and women at RMC.  I am sure that anyone can do the same at and CFB Whatever in Canada.  As far as the NCM turned officers go, there are good, there are bad.  It is totally dependant on the person, their efforts, foci, and total overall mindset when it come to the troops they command.

Now I throw this part into the mix.  I am currently attending RMC and in fact I'll agree there are errogant, cocky people attending the college, however for the most part the OCdts who are attending the college are not here for money, not here for education, but here for the career in the Canadian Forces and to serve and protect the country.  Once again, if I go for a run over to CFB Kingston like I did today, I am sure I will see cocky, arrogant personnel.  Last time I went out for a night on the town, I saw a Pte. with hat on backwards, sideways, ripped shirt, pants down to the knees, and dog tags hanging out just tyring to pick a fight...

In closing, please don't try to generalize a group of people because of the educational institution they attend.
I agree with that last post.  Your extra cirricular activities for the most part are much more important to get acceptance into RMC... If you were here you would notice that there are a limited number of 'bookworms' but an extremely high number of people in excellent physical condition.  Also, many many people here are involved in extra cirriculars even while attending school... :cheers:
PokerPlayer said:
...extremely high number of people in excellent physical condition...

This might be a bit of an overstatement. look at all of the people on fatty pt...or the ones who barely make 250 on their pt tests. I wish there was an extremely high number of people in excellent physical condition, unfortunately there isn't.
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