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Redcoat dress uniforms

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I recall seeing some troops that were wearing extravagant looking red uniforms with black pants, and I was wondering who gets these? All the other times I have seen troops in dress uniforms, they have been those black ones, which are alright, but not nearly as slick.

I believe they may have been from 2RCR, but I am probably mistaken.

Are different regiments issued these sexy reds and if so, when are they issued out (after which training)?

Are any Combat Engineer regiments issued these?
the red coat and black pants are the mess kit. They can wear them to mess dinners insted of the other uniform they have!
He is not talking about Mess Dress, he means the scarlet Full Dress uniform.

Any infantry regiment that can afford it can wear it, conceivably. I‘ve seen Regular Force guards wearing them, especially for Royal visits. The Camerons of Ottawa also have scarlets.

Interestingly, when the PPCLI guarded Buckingham Palace a few years ago, they did so in standard CF uniforms - aside from the band and the Corps of Drums, I‘ve never seen PPCLI in scarlet uniforms.

Some units wear the green doublets, which became standard in the British Army when scarlets became unobtainable except for Guards regiments.

Those commands and units that descend from the old Corps and Services would conceivably wear dark blue Full Dress but I don‘t think any of them bother.

Armoured regiments also wear blue Full Dress; I‘ve only ever seen the band of the Royal Tank Regiment(British Army) and the band of the King‘s Own Calgary Regiment (RCAC) wearing this uniform, with chain mail on the shoulders.

Again, it‘s a matter of money.

It used to be that Infantry of the line were identifiable by the scarlet jacket, which was worn for all occasions, including combat. Hence the traditional use as a full dress uniform. Aside from the Camerons of Ottawa, and perhaps one or two other wealthy regiment, probably the most commonly worn scarlet tunics would be drummers in Highland pipe bands.

Rifle regiments, of course, would wear dark (rifle) green as opposed to scarlet.
Short cut red tunics with black paints are an officers mess dress for formal functions. Also the Royal Regiment of Canadas band is outfitted with a similar and uniform and the 48th Highlanders have a scarlet tunic for Regimental dress. Those are just the ones that I know of off the top of my head. So if you want to wear jammy uniform like that your going to have to be the officer type. :mg:
It‘s been awhile, but I think RNBR has them.
I know the Horse Guards have the full dress uniform but it‘s mainly dark blue not scarlet. My RSM (cadet) will occasionaly wear a set that our corp acquired some time ago.
Martin, only the INFANTRY wear scarlet, so it does not surprise me that the armoured regiment you discuss wears dark blue.

No matter what colour it is, it is referred to as FULL DRESS or CEREMONIAL DRESS. It is not the same thing as Mess Dress, for those who are still confused.
You‘re right muskrat89, atleast 1RNBR wears the scarlets (with white pith helmet and blue ribbon) as part of summer guard in F‘town... I‘m not sure about 2nd Bn, but I‘m sure they have it, or maybe even some of them come down the river for summer guard. And I think I‘ve seen the RCD‘s wear scarlets too, if I‘m wrong someone correct me please
Crap! now that I think of it, the Signals traditonal uniform is the scalets too! Thanks to Mr. Bruce Carruthers and his cavalry heritage. All topped off with the black bucket, I forget the real name, maybe Padraid Ocinnead could help me out here...
Are you reffering to your head dress, is that along the same lines as the RMC head dress not the pith helmet but the cepet. Something like that, its some ridiculous French word. :soldier:
it came to me in a dream... I‘m a light sleeper I guess, the "Busby" is what i was thinking of, a ridiculous looking hat, literally shaped like a furry bucket. It‘s different from the winter RMC hat, that would be the furry wallet, and their dress uniform headdress you‘re thinking of is alot smaller than the busby is but I guess it‘s similar.
The Strathcona mounted platoon wears scarlets also.
Maybe they‘re (the Strats) who was thinking of instead of the RCD‘s.
Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:
[qb] Martin, only the INFANTRY wear scarlet, so it does not surprise me that the armoured regiment you discuss wears dark blue.
Mike I‘m gonna call you on that point...The Lord Strathcona‘s Horse ( Royal Canadians), the western reg force armoured regt. has a ceremonial mounted troop that dress in scarlets.
They are decended from the RCMP. When they were raised by Donald Smith ( Lord Strathcona) the majority of the men came from the NWMP, including the unit‘s first C.O. major Sam Steel.
It‘s no surprise that they wear the scarlet uniform. Almost identicle to the RCMP except for the hats.( the Strats wear pointy helmets).

Check out their web page.
Is everybody talking about the red uniforms with the big bear fur type hat or the little RMC type hat? From what I‘ve seen the Pioneers wear the dress with the big bear hats and the red tunics but I‘ve also seen the R 22 at the citadel (in Quebec City) wearing the same thing. And I know RMC wear red tunics also with the little dink hats.
RCDs also wear scarlets as well if not then I was colour blind when I wore them lol and Slim we wore the same "pointy hats"
Heres the low down. ALL units have Scarlets, Blues, Greens. IE, RCD, LDSH wear Scarlets, Hussars Blues Cape style. QORs Green although they are look Blue. Rifle Regts are to wear green. Wind R, BCD etc wear Patrols. They are the Chain Mail type. Highland unit wear any type. I wore them with both the Hussars and RCD. Also pickup "uniforms of Commonwealth Regts" it covers all older type unit dress. The dress is the same worn upto the 1890s. Watch the movie ZULU, Charge of the LT Bge,etc. Head dress also depends on unit. They can be made of Cotton/Poly blend or Doe Skin. Doe Skin go for about 1500$ plain. The Brass helmets are 500-800$.
The RCMP ride came from the RCD/GGHGs. NOT the LDSH. It was handed over to them in 39. These were the two Royal Cav Regts back in 1939, they were the escort to the King and Queen.
The stort jackets IE Mess Dress. Are not just for Officers. NCOs wear them also. But they cost from 1200$ for cotton Poly blend to 2400$ for Doe Skin. Mine cost me 1800$ for Doe Skin in Cyprus. My Father worn two typs. The Patrols and Red Prince Charles type. I was offered 2000$ for his Patrols. Due they are Doe shin handed down from my Grand Father.
Originally posted by Recce41:
[qb] The RCMP ride came from the RCD/GGHGs. NOT the LDSH. It was handed over to them in 39. These were the two Royal Cav Regts back in 1939, it escort the King and Queen.
I don‘t recall saying anything about where the musical ride came from. If you had taken the trouble to look at the link that I put up, you will see that the LDSH came from members of the RCMP. The first commanding officer of the Strats was a guy named Sam Steel who was also a member of the NWMP when he went to Africa with the regt to fight in the Boer war.
Hence our similer dress.
As to the RCD wearing similer hats, sorry I wasn‘t aware of it having never seen the RCD on parade.
Clear it up for you there Recce 41? :eek:
Just slow down. No link came up? As you being in for 7 yrs Reg. You should have known about the Brass helmets. There are many posters running around of both Regts. If you read my profile. I‘m not a new guy, there is a few here that know me. You can ask ARG, RG, BZZ, etc
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