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Re: Army.ca pub night/meet and greet anyone? - Sir John A Macdonald Chapter


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George Wallace said:
Change is good.  I am not going to be in Pet on this weekend's festivities, but headed down to Kingston for a week instead.  The walking out policy for Pet didn't look too promising at all.  ;D  I'll have to tee up another timing for the Pet Crowd later.

PS.  Franko, give Manny in the Kitshop a kick for me.....I am still trying to get a response out of him.

What's this... coming to Kingston! Well - then Journeyman and myself should meet you for a beer or something! What's the occasion?
Forgot my wallet last weekend in B-37.......or was it the Tucan?...... ;D

No.  Honestly, I have to pick up the Lesson Plans, TPs, Discs, etc for the new Mods for the new TQ 5 and verify that our Training Plan matches what they want, and that I am getting all they have to meet the requirements. 

Not sure yet what my timings will be, but evenings will be free, whatever they may be.  Will have more info later today.
Looks like I will be down on Sunday night and heading home on Friday.  It should be a normal work day type of week.
If there's actually going to be a Kingston meet & greet I'd try to come...  Just not on Thursday because that's when I'm swearing in  ;)
IF I pass my interviews............ May 12, 13th....

I will become a resident of the surrounding area. 

I will be doing a house hunting trip and in the area.. but

1) need to pass interviews
2) i have no idea when

I'm defecting from Toronto...  :-[
So, will it be the Merchant or the Toucan? Someplace else?  :cheers:

And Trinity, don't worry, I defected from North York back in '90. They never even noticed I was gone.  :'( If you need any info on the area (maps, city links, etc) I just put together welcome packages for the new intakes into our Sqn and have some left over. Send me a pm or email and I'll hook you up.
I might or might not be there, I don't know yet. 'Sides, I'm just a young rupert wannabe so it won't be a great loss, right?
I should have no prob being there Wed! We need to find a sitter for Journeyman ... well... for his woman's kid that is....  ;D
I finally found access to the internet.  What are we doing to find each other in the crowd?  Any specifics that we should look for?  Army.ca Hats?  Army.ca T-shirts?  No purple dye please.  No RMC logos.....too many of them around.  ;D
I'll be the guy with the short hair, cool shades, and the strut (so ninerdomestic tells me).  :P

I still have my Cornwallis shirt around here someplace......how about a tour shirt?..no, they're all fleece, too nice for that. I'll have something with an EME crest on it. Or a Patricia crest. Or something military (but subdued) like.

Maybe we'll get a sitter also and the boss can tag along, she spots us in a crowd long before I do at anyrate.
muffin said:
I should have no prob being there Wed! We need to find a sitter for Journeyman ... well... for his woman's kid that is....  ;D

Naah I think youi had that right the first time. ;D

BTW half the fun of these meet and greets is the wandering around trying to figure out who is who when you're the first person there. It may be a sm,all army but it ain't that small yet. Having done a few already it's kind of like a warped blind date. And if George is there it really is like a warped blind date. :o
8 pm Tucan... are we meeting at the downstairs bar? I will try to wear something army.ca-ish but it will depend if I can get home first ;)
Ummmmm, last blind date I went on, I ended up married 9 months later (it was a really good date  ;)) Not like that, ya bunch of ...typical army people  :o. I'll be there before 2000.
Wookilar said:
Ummmmm, last blind date I went on, I ended up married 9 months later (it was a really good date  ;)) Not like that, ya bunch of ...typical army people  :o. I'll be there before 2000.

I am going home first and bringing hubby :) (He's an LCISA Tech at CFJSR) I will be wearing an army.ca shirt if I can find a clean one! I will see you there.
Wookilar! Where were you??? lol
I guess Journeyman was unable to get away fromt he Spawn :( Though he was brought up in converation... repeatidly. ;)

.... So Jeff and Fred and I are sitting at the bar beside a small group of (obviously) military men ... waiting for George to show up.... then 20 min later the one with his back to us turns around and he is wearing his ARMY.CA hat  ;D

"... um.... is your name George..." lol (Great first impression there Maggie!) haha

It was fun to watch George reprimand Fred in person though (just kdding Fred!) -

It is nice to be able to put a face to a name. I can't belileve I forgot  my camera. :(

Next time we will have to make it a weekend so we can all "relax" a little more ~


Sorry about that. Little Wook decided to do a superman off of the neighbours slide and gave herself a concussion and a split skull. Chip off the old block  ;D She's ok now, still no coordination, but that sems to be genetic.

Another one later on in the summer? Maybe the start of Sep?
I don't know about you UT guys, but us normal RMC folk are going to be away from this armpit of a town this summer.

September's good though. Then I'll be a second year with no worries in the world. Or something.