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observor 69

Army.ca Veteran
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    I would be shamefully amiss if I failed to mention there is "a" basketball game taking place in Toronto this evening.
    This is a game for Canada ... hoping THE Canadian NBA team becomes THE NBA champions
  :cdn: :)

Go Raptors, Yeaaaaa. . .

Okay, I can understand the excitement being generated across the country (and especially in Toronto) by the possibility that a major professional sports championship may be won by a team based in this country.  Since many of our homegrown national professional athletes (hockey of course, what other sport is there) are employed south of the border and have contributed to keeping the Stanley Cup out of the hands of Canadian teams for 26 years, it's a Great White Northern f**k you to our neighbour and a vicarious thrill that "us Canadians" are better than them Americans.  Well, at least there is one Canadian on the team so we can hang on to that.  And of course, basketball was invented by a Canadian.
The question I've been pondering is if the Raptors win the NBA Championship will the President invite them to the White House??
The question I've been pondering is if the Raptors win - or lose - the NBA Championship, will their fans riot?

( Remembering the 2011 Vancouver Canucks riot. )
15 pages.
Just in case anyone missed this:  ;)

A Raptors team of fearless dreamers triumphed the only way they knew how — together
This group who came from all over the world imagined something great and then, against a Warriors team that fought with their whole champion’s hearts, achieved it.

https://www.thestar.com/          :cdnsalute:
I still don't get what happened with .9s left and why they had to put it back on the clock. (After the warriors called a timeout that they didn't have.) The final baskets still counted and it kinda put a damper on the celebration...everyone's just standing around knowing the Raptors have won it...

BeyondTheNow said:
I still don't get what happened with .9s left and why they had to put it back on the clock. (After the warriors called a timeout that they didn't have.) The final baskets still counted and it kinda put a damper on the celebration...everyone's just standing around knowing the Raptors have won it...

Green called the timeout at 0.9s knowing they didn’t have one and it would result in a 2-throw technical foul, but he considered that with the score at 112:110, if Leonard missed one of his two free throws, then the score would be 113:110 and that there was a reasonable chance that Curry could sink a field goal on the return and tie up the game at 113:113, then play solid D to deny the Raptors’ return and score themselves, forcing a win at 115:113 for them.  So, even though the game clock ran down to 0s after Green’s call for the timeout, it was reset to 0.9s when Green called the T/O, and Leonard was given the two free throws for the technical foul against Green.  It actually was a pretty savvy play on Green’s part, because it at least gave them a faint hope to gain control back and win. Leonard sinking the second free throw shot that plan down.

Fans have been camping at Nathan Phillips Square since Saturday to greet the team.

They predict up to 2 million fans may line the parade route from the Princess Gates to City Hall.
Good2Golf said:
Green called the timeout at 0.9s knowing they didn’t have one and it would result in a 2-throw technical foul, but he considered that with the score at 112:110, if Leonard missed one of his two free throws, then the score would be 113:110 and that there was a reasonable chance that Curry could sink a field goal on the return and tie up the game at 113:113, then play solid D to deny the Raptors’ return and score themselves, forcing a win at 115:113 for them.  So, even though the game clock ran down to 0s after Green’s call for the timeout, it was reset to 0.9s when Green called the T/O, and Leonard was given the two free throws for the technical foul against Green.  It actually was a pretty savvy play on Green’s part, because it at least gave them a faint hope to gain control back and win. Leonard sinking the second free throw shot that plan down.


Thanks G2G. Seems like a big gamble to put against one missed shot though. Leonard’s stats seem solid enough to bet that he wasn’t going to miss.

I’m not savvy enough to be able to dissect what other options (if any) the Warriors had, but yea, I thought it kinda blew the moment for the Raptors.
This was in the news yesterday. Wish I could say I was surprised.

Our ceremonial unit was marching in the parade. The only equipment they carry is the four flags, and rifles that do not shoot.

They are not in operational uniform, and have absolutely no patient care equipment.

I'm familiar with Caribana where "only" about 1.3 million attend. A small army of police and paramedics are called in on OT.

The Raptors parade was reportedly attended by over 2 million. With a relatively small number of police and paramedic resources.

A child attending the parade with his mother went Vital Signs Absent ( VSA ).

The paramedic ceremonial unit did the best they could, considering they had no patient care equipment.

Rather than an equipped ambulance, the only transportation available was an unmarked police SUV.

The ceremonial paramedics carried the child into Sick Kids Hospital , and did their best along the way with what they had. Ie: nothing.

It also took about an hour for paramedics to get another patient — who suffered a cardiac arrest — to a downtown hospital from Nathan Phillips Square. In that case, people were beating on the ambulance trying to get the paramedics to attend to other people in need of assistance.
