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Questions regarding COM RESEARCH.



Hello again, Does anyone have any info about COM research?

I’ll tell you abit of my background so you can understand why I want to get into COM research.

After High school (2000) I didn’t know what I wanted to do with life. I didn’t really have the grades for University and I was really interested in computers.

I attended a private college called North West Digital and it specialized in their Network Integration Specialist program but it was a lot of money. My friend and I did some research and found out that BCIT used the same course from NWD and the same inductors (NWD instructors) NWD was $1000 more than BCIT but BCIT had bigger classes and not enough “in class” time. So I went with NWD.

Through them I got my A+ (computer hardware cert) N+ (Network cert) MCP (Microsoft Certified professional) MCSA (Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator cert) and 1 test away from my MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer cert) also took my CCNA course but still haven’t taken the test to be CCNA (Cisco Certified Network *** ).

As you can see, I want to get into Computer Networking and Computer Network security.

Right now the IT market sucks in BC and a young 20 year old cannot find a job (even at Future shop which I’m way over certified for). I’ve always liked the Military life style so I did some heavy thinking. The Canadian forces would be the best option for me right now in my life.

Anyhow.. I did some reading on the internet and found that COM Research is what I want to do. COM Research has different jobs in it and Computer Network Administrator and Computer Network Security is two of them. I asked the recruiter of I have a background in Computer Networking already wouldn’t the army work me towards that? He said no and they move you around the different fields. I looked harder and realized that Computer Networking is a specialized course that you have to do more schooling for.

10 weeks BMQ
30 week COM Research (which doesn’t include computer networking)

So what I’ am trying to say here is.. Since I already have this “Specialized course” (which will probley help me get into the army) after I do BMQ and Com Research course wouldn’t they set me up towards being an Admin or Security admin or train me a bit more since I already have more knowledge over someone whos never taken the course?
I forgot to mention that the recruiter didnt know much about COM Research and he couldnt tell me much.

So thats why i‘m alittle hesidient in beleiving him about not setting me towards 1 job since Microsoft Networks (Networks in general) is a pretty tough subject and required 10 books that are 400+ pages with 8 tests and alot of at work knowlege and book knowlege
The COM research trade, from my understanding, is more in the shadows because it falls into military and government security and intelligence gathering. Check out the Canadian Communications Establishment at
http://www.cse.dnd.ca/en/about_cse/about_cse.html .

This is the link for the Communications and Electronics branch

I think you‘ll get a general overview by some people but it may be tougher to get the actualities.

I believe the trades that maintain networks and equipment are the ATIS, NET(C), and LCIS techs and CELE officers who deal with the technicals. The COM Research trade is more on the intellgence side and information gathering. Probably you know this.

Maintaining and administering the networks likely will not be a significant part of your job. Engaging in network security, information gathering from a variety of sources and mediums, and work as an operator using communication detection equipment would be more significant. Computers and networks you‘d certainly be involved with but not in the role as an general adminstrator or network support.

Contacting someone in the CF Electonics and Communications branch from the link above would be a good place to start to get more solid info on the trade.
If you want to do anything with computer networking I would suggest ATIS or LCIS tech. These trades also have signing bonuses while comms rsch doesn‘t. The signing bonus means your starting salary will be almost double what it would be as a private.
Maven how do I go about finding more infomation on that?

When I was looking through the trades I only saw COM Research with networking and network security..

any info you can give me would be very helpful

thank you


Does anyone know when/if Communicator Research will be opening any time soon? I‘d appreciate any info.
Check out this site for more info: http://www.img.forces.gc.ca/commelec/school/cfsce_e.htm

GirlFiredUp may have given the school a call and gathered some info. Perhaps if she reads this thread she could let you know.
I spoke to a Sgt. Allen who informed me he was the boss of the instructor for the CommRsch trade. My reasons for contacting him was to find out as much info about the trade. When I mentioned the trade being closed and had been for quite some time, his response was "Is it? I don‘t know, I don‘t work in recruiting". Although he was helpful in answering some questions, I didn‘t get a complete understanding of what the trade is like until I dug a little deeper and got in touch with a guy that knows some of the CommRsch personnel had this to offer about the trade:

"From personal experience with these guys, I can say that if you like math and listening to funny sounds for long periods on end playing "what‘s that noise?", while staring at an oscilloscope, you‘ll do well. Comm research personelle are the code guys, the guys that find where you are transmitting from, the guys that can stop you from transmitting, the guys that will decode your transmissions. That‘s their job a little more specifically. I‘m pretty sure that they specialize after they arrive at their units after the basic course but, nobody in the trade talks to people outside the trade about the trade."

Sorry, that‘s all I know.
Hi, I‘m currently an information system analyst and I‘m looking to join the armed forces.
The two MOC‘s I‘ve been examining are (as above) SigOp and CommRsch, and I‘ve been having trouble deciding which one fits the direction I want to go with my skills and career.

I‘ve spoken with the recruiters and checked the faq, but there are some questions still outstanding that I don‘t feel I‘ve got solid answers on.
Could anyone currently in these MOC‘s perhaps give me first hand knowledge when it comes to the questions and concerns on my mind:

- How involved with Combat Arms skills/courses and exercises are SigOp‘s?
- My advanced math and physics abilities are my shortcomings, would this directly and significantly affect my performance in either MOC?
- My concern with CommRsch is that it would be a continuation of office-isolation and zero "field" work. Is this in fact the case?

There is a slightly less moc-focused question, and that is after my MOC training is done and I‘m on the job, how feasible is it to continue post-graduate education part-time?

Thank you,
ERS77, I‘m not in the forces (yet) but like yourself, I was interested in both trades and did my homework. I talked to many people inside the forces and this is what I have been told.

1. CommRsch - good luck trying to get in to this trade. It‘s been closed for quite some time. No one seems to know when it will reopen but the trade involves a lot of sitting and staring at an oscilloscope. If you like math and listening to funny sounds for long periods on end playing what‘s that noise?, you‘ll do well. Also, 291ers work in a windowless enviroment.

2. SigOp - as for this trade, it involves lots of field work...you will learn how to drive the LSVW - best friend of all sigOps, you‘ll learn how to be a det member (3-4 person team who operates one radio-post out of a van), voice procedures..etc..

This is what I have found out but I‘m sure others on the board can elaborate a little further. I don‘t know if you‘ll find out much about the 291ers because no one inside the trade talks to anyone outside the trade about the trade. They don‘t call them secret squirrels for nothing.

I hope I have been helpful.
I‘ve heard commsresch get to do field work messing around with the enemy and a whack of other cool stuff...but then again I have limited insight. I worked with a group from intel once and asked about this trade while I was in the reserves on a tasking. If I could get them to ROTP any trade, from what I heard, I would have loved a shot at comms rsch. Again, I think Girl‘s right, the trade has been closed more often than it has been open, but the best thing to do is to ask the recruiting office what trades are open. Worse comes to worse, if you still want it, you can always try to get a remuster.
Hey GirlfiredUp. I was wondering if you can go into more detail on your research of the SigOp trade. Its my first choice, and I‘ve been some research, but more is always good.

RadioHead, your best best would be to contact a CommRgt and talk to one of the SigOps there. They would be able to give you a better understanding of what the trade entails and what they do on a daily basis.

If you have done some research on it, please post the info you have found out. I‘m sure it will be helpful to others.
Ive been a 291er for 14 years now and its not long hours sitting in windowless rooms. Looking at O scopes ( I dont think we even have those anymore) I just got finished a tour in Afganistan and I was on the road plenty. Not to say there isnt a few rooms that are sealed tight. If you got any specific questions about 291 Comm Rsch let me know. llund@cogeco.ca. And last I heard the trade isnt closed right now. but then I have been out of town.
I have apply for sig/op.

Many of my friends do this job and really like this.

So i will probably love to
Of course you could always just wait until an actual sig op reads this thread.

I can only comment on the role of a reserve sig op, but a reg force sig op has very similar duties, just usually more toys to play with.

There are two levels of communications, strategic and tactical.

Strategic communicatons are long range communications connecting higher command levels to lower command levels, say maintaining a link between Afghanistan and home. This can involve anything from parachuting into a theatre with a QRT that's just been kicked out the back of a hercules, being crammed into a mobile command post, to sitting in a nice comfy office.

Tactical communications are local communicatons, radio communications between troops on the ground, telephone operations, etc.

The role of strategic communications has been reduced in recent years with the advent of sattelite technology, but it still exists, and still fills and important role.

The bulk of what we, in the reserves do at least, is tactical communications. For a weekend exercise, this generally means we deploy in a 3-4 man rad det, set up the equipment, and maintain comms. What else happens during the weekend is dependent on what the nature of the exercise is. It could be anything practicing providing communications for civil aid, to a full tactical operation involving weapons and camoflauge, tearing down, moving, and settting up every hour or so just for irritation purposes. Very often a weekend exercise can also involve maintaining a link between tactical communications and the wider strategic communications network through the use of mobile or fixed strategic communications assets.

We also do "normal" exercises, such as time on the firing range, winter warfare training, navigation, etc.

In addition to this, we're very often called upon to provide communications support for other units/branches, be it supplying them with communications for their CP, or be it lugging a man pack radio through the woods with an infantry platoon (Most units have their own tactical communications means, but they're not always great at it, as generally radio operation is a secondary task for who ever is providing it within the unit in question... "Magic box! Bring fire from sky!" ;) )

On deployment, again, we're called on to provide either strategic or tactical communications, and depending on the situation, may also be called upon to act as riflemen, manning defensive posistions, checkpoints, patrols, etc.

To be honest, we don't do the hardcore "soldier" type stuff nearly as often as the combat arms, but simply put, we aren't combat arms. That being said, we're still fully able to and capable of playing silly bugger in the woods when we need to.
There is now a working video for the Comm Research trade on the CF recruiting website with 11 minutes of info about the trade: http://www.recruiting.forces.gc.ca/engraph/army/jobs_e.aspx#
A few questions, yesterday I had my interview and medical and aptitude testing.  Everything went well I got highly recommended because of my education and for other achievements and athletic ability.  I would be entering in as Communicator Research Operator (291).  The interviewer told me that the pay is around 26,000 a year.  I am fine with this but I feel I should be able get the maximum as a private while on basic training. 

I would like to know how you work this out with the CF is it like any other job?  Any info or experiences would be nice. 

Some one in the waiting room told me that 291's get spec pay, what's this all about?? I know its more pay but how's does it work?

Also, I understand that it is shift work. Anyone got an idea of what the shifts are like??  Like rotating and start and end times anything like that. 

Hope I was clear and someone can help
The pay scale is here http://www.dnd.ca/dgcb/dppd/pay/engraph/NCMRegFPayRate_e.asp?sidesection=3&sidecat=28

It will go up each year so that's what 1 2 3 is for. So for 1st year as a private you'll make 2218$ a month. Second year you'll make 2712$ and so on. For spec pay I believe Comm Research is a spec 1 trade but right now you get it only after you do your QL5 and you have get to corporal.
is there any way i can get them to give me the incentive pay cat 3, witch is  3258.  right from the start ?