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Poverty in Argentina soars to over 50% as Milei’s austerity measures hit hard

Decades of ignoring economic reality.

I doubt Melei would describe himself as “right”, but…

Left. Right. Doesn’t matter. Eventually, somebody has to clean up the mess once the reckoning arrives.
Very true. Racking up the credit card seems like a really good idea until it is time to pay it off.
By electing a far right govt whose main policy is to cut services? Yup.
I will take my "calm" approach.

What is the alternative to racking up massive debt for a nation? What other course of action can they take? Its too easy for one government to run up the bills sky high but payment comes due. What alternatives do they have?
This isn't really a left or right issue and construing it as such is a mistake. Of course, both sides will say what things they are going to do to solve the Country's economic woes.

Argentina has been a ticking time bomb for decades as a consequence of "Peronism" and something had to be done to combat runaway inflation and the economic malaise that has plagued the Country.

The Peronists have basically been in power for decades now and Argentina's malaise is entirely on their shoulders. Milei's success politically is 100% down to the fact, he is not a "peronist". He rode that wave to massive political victory on the promise of doing things differently.

Of course, he will be unpopular with numerous factions. Imagine a political leader that walked in to Canadian Politics and pledged that he was going to fire 70,000 Government workers in his first year in office...

The results of this experiment will be interesting to observe.
Imagine a political leader that walked in to Canadian Politics and pledged that he was going to fire 70,000 Government workers in his first year in office...

You don't make it part of your platform. You get elected then announce the firing of 70k gov workers and shut down the useless government departments like Ministry of Genders, or whatever the hell it was called.
By electing a far right govt whose main policy is to cut services? Yup.
I know this goes against some people's world view, but he's also cut inflation down from 23% to 4%, and the far left government he took over put them on an annualized inflation trajectory of 230%. I have a feeling that might be more of the cause of poverty going from ~42% last year to 52% now.

But far right boogeyman is a good soundbite.
You don't make it part of your platform. You get elected then announce the firing of 70k gov workers and shut down the useless government departments like Ministry of Genders, or whatever the hell it was called.
That is actually what got Milei elected. He didn't even lie or say this wouldn't happen. In fact, he said poverty would temporarily increase as a result of his cuts:

I know this goes against some people's world view, but he's also cut inflation down from 23% to 4%, and the far left government he took over put them on an annualized inflation trajectory of 230%. I have a feeling that might be more of the cause of poverty going from ~42% last year to 52% now.

But far right boogeyman is a good soundbite.
It was clear to everyone that the current trajectory in Argentina could not continue.

What I think is crazy is the same people going off about this didn't bat an eye when the former President was found guilty in a $1bn dollar fraud case and sentenced to 6 years in jail.

Must be interesting managing large asset sales in a high-inflation environment. I suppose the leisurely one- to two-month closing intervals we see here on house sales would be much shorter - sellers would want the agreed price ASAP in order to be able to use it before inflation erodes it, or would have to quickly make their own purchasing decision and lock it in. An entire chain of sequenced transactions could exist, and wouldn't it set the cat among pigeons if someone had to back out and the consequence cascaded. Or maybe they just have to eat the cost of inflation for that short interval, which wouldn't be as big a deal if home prices are generally lower multiples of earnings and other transaction costs (commissions, taxes) are lower.
It was clear to everyone that the current trajectory in Argentina could not continue.

What I think is crazy is the same people going off about this didn't bat an eye when the former President was found guilty in a $1bn dollar fraud case and sentenced to 6 years in jail.

I know this goes against some people's world view, but he's also cut inflation down from 23% to 4%, and the far left government he took over put them on an annualized inflation trajectory of 230%. I have a feeling that might be more of the cause of poverty going from ~42% last year to 52% now.

But far right boogeyman is a good soundbite.

It has everything to do with political biases.