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Policy on Personal Combat Gear?

  • Thread starter Thread starter ArmyBrat
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I was simply curious, what is the Army‘s policy on personal combat gear?

I know that with things such as gortex socks, boots, gloves, etc - we are free to get our own stuff. Boots, for example, lots of people seem to have non-issued combat boots they wear, same with fingerless gloves, etc.

What about major combat gear though? Vests, in particular? I know that when deployed, people get issued their tacvests, but what about the majority of the rest of the time? Am I able to buy a tactical vest, and maybe wear it instead of, or in conjunction with, the gay old webbing we still use? (No offence to anybody who is gay, just saying...the old webbing is seriously starting to suck.)

Originally posted by ArmyBrat:
[qb]...the gay old webbing we still use? (No offence to anybody who is gay, just saying...the old webbing is seriously starting to suck.)

And how would you, mr civilian, know how good our webgear is?

I know that a lot of the MCpls and my Sgt on my bmq course would take the currint webgear over the "looks nice but is shyte" tacvests we have now..... they may look pretty but my Sgt says they‘re quite a bother to acctually use efficiantly.
Originally posted by ArmyBrat:
[qb] I was simply curious, what is the Army‘s policy on personal combat gear?

I know that with things such as gortex socks, boots, gloves, etc - we are free to get our own stuff. Boots, for example, lots of people seem to have non-issued combat boots they wear, same with fingerless gloves, etc.

What about major combat gear though? Vests, in particular? I know that when deployed, people get issued their tacvests, but what about the majority of the rest of the time? Am I able to buy a tactical vest, and maybe wear it instead of, or in conjunction with, the gay old webbing we still use? (No offence to anybody who is gay, just saying...the old webbing is seriously starting to suck.)

:akimbo: [/qb]
Only issue kit is allowed!
How would a civilian know jsut exactly how good any gear is? I mean how woudl he know how efficient it is unless he‘s been out in the bush needing to use it. It‘s not for looks you know!
Well i would guess that a. he‘s either used webbing before or has friends that have or b. he‘s read what people on the forum have said about it. Whats the big deal?

After using the tacvest i wanna burry my webbing in the yard and never see it again.
I just spent six months wearing the vest every day. While it has some problems, I much prefer it over any webbing system I‘ve worn in the CF. Just my .002. :)
Were talking about civilian vice military in real life. Not number of posts on a message forum.
"Pot, this is kettle, over"
And while cadets do have some questionable, quasi military training, I would hardly count it as experience. Likewise a couple of weeks BMQ, so let‘s not get to carried away slagging someone‘s qualifications to ask a question or post an opinion.
Originally posted by AlphaCharlie:
[qb]And how would you, mr civilian, know how good our webgear is?

I know that a lot of the MCpls and my Sgt on my bmq course would take the currint webgear over the "looks nice but is shyte" tacvests we have now..... they may look pretty but my Sgt says they‘re quite a bother to acctually use efficiantly. [/qb]
And how would you, mr 1 weekend of bmq armoured recruit who will probably put on his webbing once a year (no offence to the true armoured troopers), know how good our webgear is? Don‘t slag someone 1) whose experience you don‘t know, and 2)who you possibly have a minute more experience than. His post was neither inflammatory nor did it deserve the sarcastic response you gave. I, for one, tend to base my opinions on my OWN experience rather than steal the opinions of a few master corporals and a sergeant. "My sergeant says...." :rolleyes:
I haven‘t always been a civilian, just didn‘t pick up on the "classifications" as I was registering. Was with the Calgary Highlanders for 3yrs, then had to get out because I had a pipe go through my left leg in civvie-life.
If yyou spent three yrs in then you should already know the answer:

Authorized issued kit, and only issued kit is allowed, particularly where rucksacks. TV‘s, and outerwear is concerned. But common sence dictates as well. Under your cbts, wear whatever you choose as long as a green undershirt of some type is showing. Gloves must be black in Garrison, but green and brown will also suffice in the field. Boots, if they are black (Green issued JBs, or desert boots as well) and look similar to cbt boots, you may wear them if you have a medical reason, and/or you Sargent Major (or any NCO) doesn‘t mind.
Originally posted by recceguy:
[qb] I just spent six months wearing the vest every day. While it has some problems, I much prefer it over any webbing system I‘ve worn in the CF. Just my .002. :) [/qb]
Yes it‘s good but the Velcro ends you must taped as I found they ripped the shite out of my wrists in the first couple of days and that‘s with a full load in all pockets. ;)
Depends On if your Sergeant Major And / Or CO Allows It Because Overall its There Choice

Whether Or Not "Gucci" Kit Is Allowed
Originally posted by Da_man:
[qb] can you wear these? http://www.wheelersonline.com/ [/qb]
what item on the website are you referring to?
Originally posted by D-n-A:
Originally posted by Da_man:
[qb] can you wear these? http://www.wheelersonline.com/ [/qb]
what item on the website are you referring to? [/qb]
If i dont like one of the items issued, can i, for example, use a different goggle cover?
Originally posted by gate_guard:
[qb]And how would you, mr 1 weekend of bmq armoured recruit who will probably put on his webbing once a year (no offence to the true armoured troopers), know how good our webgear is? Don‘t slag someone 1) whose experience you don‘t know, and 2)who you possibly have a minute more experience than. His post was neither inflammatory nor did it deserve the sarcastic response you gave. I, for one, tend to base my opinions on my OWN experience rather than steal the opinions of a few master corporals and a sergeant. "My sergeant says...." :rolleyes: [/qb]
Ok look. First of all, I‘m not armoured. yes, I had the armoured avatar, but that was because I was on my way out and I‘m still not super familiar with all the symbols.

Second, i‘m Infantry, and third, i‘ve already worn my web gear a LOT.

You can now call me a tard for getting the wrong avatar.
you are a tard! jk ;) Anyway, whats the deal with knives, hatchats and whatnot. My friend who is with the 3PPCLI here in Edmonton just got a hatchat and somehow he seems to think he‘s going to be allowed to carry that around with him while on ex.‘s and whatnot. True, false..?
Speaking from a BMQ point of view, no a hatchet would not be allowed.

If you have a leatherman or gerber type knife that‘s fine...