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Physical Assault: need urgent advice

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An incident has occured, which leads me to be worried about going Reg Force.

I am a reservist that did the paperwork for a CT to the Reg Force. I do not have much reserves experience (just SQ qualified). I have only been a part of my current unit for about 4 months so when I was invited to attend a barnight to watch a hockey game I thought this would be a good chance to get to know the unit members before I get an offer from Reg Force.

Long story short, I was physically assaulted (hit, NOT sexually assaulted) by a fellow soldier because I was not responding to his sexual invitations while 2 female soldiers (a cpl, and a sgt) and 3 male higher ranks (a pte, mcpl and a sgt) watched on.

I just left feeling disgusted and confused. I do not feel I did anything to trigger this other then being new to the unit. While on course and parading I am very professional and I "know my shit."

While speaking to another soldier from another unit, I was basically told "Shit happens, if you can't handle the reserves you can't handle reg force."

-Can I put in a memo for physical assault even though this did not take place on parade night?
-What are the changes of anything being done about that considering I went there of my own will, and that several members of the unit was present?
-Do things like this happen regularily on Reg Force bases?
-Was I at the wrong place at the wrong time or is this something I would regularily have to deal with?

I am questioning whether or not I should go through with a CT.

Iapologize for not doing a search and for ranting, but I really need any advice I can get right about now. I don't have enough military experience to objectively deal with this situation.

Modified by Vern to change topic title to one more accurately reflecting the situation.
You should never have to put up with assault.  Period. Full Stop.  I don't know the nuances for Reserve regulations as to whether this can be considered military related, but if you were struck for refusing a sexual advance I suggest contacting competent authority.  Local police would be a good start if you do not have Military Police nearby.

As a reg force supervisor I would call the MPs for you.
What occured to you in your ResF Unit has ZERO to do with any other Unit. Just like anywhere --- there are ASSHOLES.

This guy was an asshole. There is NO excuse for his behaviour. There is also NO excuse for the Sergeant who sat back and watched this occur, whether this was a Unit sanctionned activity or not.

You must report this incident formally so that your Unit can deal with it appropriately. You can also report this incident to the civil authorities as it occured off federal property.

But, IAW the CF harassment policy:
What is harassment?

According to DND/CF policy, harassment is any improper conduct by an individual that is directed at and offensive to another person or persons in the workplace and which the individual knew or ought reasonably to have known would cause offence or harm. It comprises any objectionable act, comment or display that demeans, belittles or causes personal humiliation or embarrassment, or any act of intimidation or threat.

Was this game viewing night arranged by a member of the Unit as a meet & greet type of event for the Unit? Or was it simply a Unit member hosting for any of his friends to attend, civilian or military?

Quite possibly, you may also have grounds under
DAOD 5012-0 Harassment

which defines the workplace as:

Workplace Workplace means the physical work location and the greater work environment where work-related functions and other activities take place and work relationships exist. (milieu de travail)

Simply put, was this a Unit activity that was occuring?

Please, do not let the actions of one ignorant and assholish male lead you to believe that this is sanctioned within either the ResF OR the RegF. It is not and there is ZERO tolerance for such behaviour. That does not mean that it doesn't occur, we are a cross section of Canadian society after all, but we deal with it. You need to deal with this individual and not let him get away with it.

Feel free to PM me if you would like further guidance on ways in which you can proceed. And please, please do not let the actions of this individual tarnish the perfectly appropriate and acceptable behaviour of tens of thousands of other male CF Reg & ResF members who are more than capable of, and who do, treat us women with nothing but the greatest of respect.
I would still inform your chain of command. If it was within a Military establishment, then the MP's should be involved. If it was outside a Military establishment then your local Police Service should be contacted. Your unit can help you with that and also have a support network in place.
On a side note, your command element should be aware of the Sgt & MCpl that were present and that they did nothing. That is poor leadership. Don't let one bad experience cloud your judgement of the Forces. It is sad to say, but this crap happens everywhere in society, but in the Military there is a consequences to negative behaviour.
Good Luck
WR said:
I would still inform your chain of command. If it was within a Military establishment, then the MP's should be involved. If it was outside a Military establishment then your local Police Service should be contacted. Your unit can help you with that and also have a support network in place.
On a side note, your command element should be aware of the Sgt & MCpl that were present and that they did nothing. That is poor leadership. Don't let one bad experience cloud your judgement of the Forces. It is sad to say, but this crap happens everywhere in society, but in the Military there is a consequences to negative behaviour.
Good Luck

I told her to inform her CoC. It wasn't within a Military establishment. But, as I quoted from the policy -- if it were a Unit sanctioned activity then that barn is considered to be a "workplace".

She should ALSO contact the local LEO regarding the assault.


If you need assistance please PM me. I am an HA/HI ans will provide you with any assitance you need.
ArmyVern said:
I told her to inform her CoC. It wasn't within a Military establishment. But, as I quoted from the policy -- if it were a Unit sanctioned activity then that barn is considered to be a "workplace".

She should ALSO contact the local LEO regarding the assault.


If you need assistance please PM me. I am an HA/HI ans will provide you with any assitance you need.

I agree,

If this was not on military time, a call to the Local Police station must happen.  IMMEDIATELY!!

In other words, never mind the site, the responses to the thread, get ont he phone NOW!


That all being said ...

As an HA who has now become aware of an incident -- I will lock this up should any investigation occur. CF Harassment policy dictates that those involved in a complaint refrain from speaking to allegation details with those not involved in the incident, unless in an official capacity.

The usual caveats apply.

Mear -- your Unit is mandated by policy to have a trained HA within your Unit. Obtain the name of your Unit's HA from the Orderly Room. You do NOT need a memo or any other paperwork. Speak to the HA ... they will know where to take it from there. It's their job.

I am also changing the thread title as this has nothing to do with the treatment of women in the Reg Force.
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