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I hate to be tossing out yet another thread from left field, but I've got a question about money (I am a soldier, and a university student after all, so nothing is better except the things that can be gotten with money!).

I am a piper (not by trade) and have been invited to be in my unit's band.  I was wondering if I will get both a half-day of Class A pay for the unit's weekly training night, and for attending the unit's weekly band practice?

As it stands, I don't see why I wouldn't be able to get two half-days of pay every week for showing up to work for the unit, but I just want to confirm if it's possible, as I've never done the band thing in the CF before.

Thanks for your help, Cheers!
if the unit calls you in to train, then the unit is liable to pay you for at least a half day for each "parade"... BUT
many unit bands are staffed by volunteers and all are given the facts of life at the time they are brought on board.

Ask the nice people at your unit..... it's their Nickle!
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