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Past drug use.... steroids?

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Does anybody know the policy on past drug use regarding steroids. I can't seem to find anything related to steroids.
( http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21101/post-103982.html#msg103982 nor through the search function)

Here's the deal, all my past drug use are as follows:
7 years ago tried marijuana and mushrooms once, it didn't do anything for me and I moved to another town and never did it again till about 3 years ago tried it(marijuana) again, freaked out and haven't touched it since.

A few years ago I started weight lifting and getting into shape(stopped drinking also), all was going great, I had gained 40lbs but then my gains stopped. Thats when I tried steroids, testosterone to be specific but after a few weeks side effects started arriving and I stopped and never plan on doing so again. That was a year ago.

I've talked to a recruiter and they said that all cases are on an individual base and you will need to apply to know for sure. Thats fine but I was planning on waiting for 6 months or so to get into to tip top shape. But I don't want to waste my time, because if I won't get accepted I will go to college, also I'm 20 years old by the way.

If anybody has any information on past steroid use please help me out or point me in the right directions, thanks.

PS. I have read all the rules etc.

Thanks for your help.
albino-rhino said:
I've talked to a recruiter and they said that all cases are on an individual base and you will need to apply to know for sure.
sounds like you got your answer there. You won't hear anything different here, I'm afraid. Ball's entirely in your court.
Recruiting FAQ - Drug use

paracowboy said:
sounds like you got your answer there. You won't hear anything different here, I'm afraid. Ball's entirely in your court.

Fair enough, thanks. Just curious if anybody else who had done steroids in the past have had any issues with join.
Michael O'Leary said:
Recruiting FAQ - Drug use


I can't find anything regarduing steroids in there, I have read it but most threads aren't even up still.
One more time for the hard of reading:

I've talked to a recruiter and they said that all cases are on an individual base and you will need to apply to know for sure.

steroids = idiot and maybe just maybe you haven't screwed up your health.  Good luck.
kincanucks said:
One more time for the hard of reading:

I've talked to a recruiter and they said that all cases are on an individual base and you will need to apply to know for sure.

steroids = idiot and maybe just maybe you haven't screwed up your health.  Good luck.


I am well aware that I will not know for sure what to expect as far as getting accepted. I never asked for more opinions, I was responding to the two who replied to my thread. Why you come off so bitter is beyond me. If I came off the wrong way, sorry.

PS  Yes I was an idiot for trying steroids, but I did stop ASAP and got blood work done and everything checked with my doctor who said everything seems to be normal. Yes, thats no guaranty that I didn't screw something up but at least I'm trying to rectify my past mistakes.

PS. Thanks for the good luck :)
Go to the search page.

Search on drugs.

Limit the search only to the Recruiting, Recruiting Process and Enriollment Medical boards

Limit the search to the past 365 days.

You still get 28 reponses.

That tells you that, like clockwork, we get a drug question of some kind every two weeks at least.  Some of us have been seeing these questions for years. The same search over five years gives three pages of hits - and that doesn't include the threads we've combined or thrown away for being repetitive.

And the answer is always the same - we can't tell you what your chances are, you must go through the medical process.

[rhetorical question]What else could we possibly tell you?[/rhetorical question]
Michael O'Leary said:
Some of us have been seeing these questions for years.

Thanks for replying, I can understand how these questions would become irritating, it's just frustrating to think my past behavior and bad judgement might alter my future for the worst.

I will go through the medical process, thanks again.
A lesson for all there.....
albino-rhino said:
it's just frustrating to think my past behavior and bad judgement might alter my future for the worst.

..it always will.
albino-rhino said:
..., it's just frustrating to think my past behavior and bad judgement might alter my future for the worst.

That is the one lesson your parents were trying to drive into you every time you tuned them out.

Now is the time to stand tall and be prepared to live with the consequences of the choices you made.

Bruce Monkhouse said:
A lesson for all there.....
..it always will.

Michael O'Leary said:
That is the one lesson your parents were trying to drive into you every time you tuned them out.

Now is the time to stand tall and be prepared to live with the consequences of the choices you made.

Thanks guys and trust me, lesson learned. Chalked it up to experience. There are never shortcuts to anything in life and when using poor judgement deal with the consequences.

Hopefully, everything turns out well.
albino-rhino said:
Hopefully, everything turns out well.
maintain a positive attitude towards the experience, and BE HONEST, just as you've done here, and I think you'll do just fine.
Para is absolutely correct, [much as it kills me to say that] my background was worse than shady but I've never tried to hide a thing, rather used the truth to explain why the "lessons learned" aspect of my life would NEVER be forgotten.....good luck.
i had the same problem regarding pot use, i was brutally honest (maybe too honest!) about my past use on my substance usage sheet.

when i got in to do my interview, i got hassled quite a bit by my recruiter. He basically just lectured me about the CF policies on illegal drug use and all those sorts of things, and then grilled me with questions about why I quit, when in quit, why I started, those sorts of things.

Just be brutally honest with the last time you used any of these drugs, and make it clear that you understand your mistake and have no plan on using them in the future. And don't get all rattled when he's firing off a million questions and trying to intimidate you!
..and I think our young friend has what he needs to know now, so...............................................waitforit..............................................................................locked.
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