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Part time BMQ?


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Hey everyone,

First post, but have been lurking and reading for quite some time.  A bit about myself, I am 29 yrs old (female), recently married, currently working full time, graduated recently with my degree in justice studies (took the 10 year route).  Any who, the 'itch' won't go away.  Had an inkling for a very long time about the military, always have gotten scared off.  I have decided to join the reserves.  I am fortunate, I have two reserve offices in town.  HMCS QUEEN, Royal Regina Rifles, 38 Service, Signals and a few others.  So I am fortunate to have some options as to the path I wish to take.

I spoke with a recruitment officer a few months ago, started my paperwork.  Unfortunately that was put on hold, as I was called in for bilateral knee surgery unexpectedly (our health care system working for once!), so to say the least I am on the tail end of recovery and getting back to normal. 

I had some really good discussions with the recruitment officer, answered all my questions.  He took me around, introduced me to the various units and had the opportunity to discuss the opportunities available.  I would go in as a DEO.  I would like to go in as a signals officer, but that position is currently closed.  So going to have another meeting to see if they know of future openings.  I then started to look at the naval reserve, and noticed that they have positions open for Intelligence officer.  I have not had the opportunity to sit and chat, but there are quite a few postings available right now that are very appealing. 

I have been doing my research the best that I can about the duties and training behind the various positions.  When talking with the army recruiter, he was telling me as a DEO I would do BMQ as normal, then officer training after that.  Which I already knew.  But what struck me as odd, was he said they offer part time BMQ.  What he was describing to me was this: it would run over a course of 4 mos (sept-dec as an example), and it would consist of every weekend (in town) and a couple weekends out at a local training base about an hour out of town for field training.  I am wondering if anyone has gone through this type of training.  Is it possible to actually complete your required courses part time and locally? (specifically for officer training).

From what I understanding (changing topic to naval reserves for a moment), intelligence officer training is six months?  Can someone confirm this, is part time an option?  I will get a solid answer when I speak with a recruitment officer of course, just wondering if anyone has done this before?

Thank you in advance for all your help!  I appreciate it!
I am reservist as a NCM.

Yes it is possible to do basic part time and locally. Like the recruiter said you will likely have to go further away for certain weekends i.e Range Weekend and the Field ex. We had two Ocdt's on my BMQ. You will be with other privates of various ages. Some will be 17 and some will be 30 and some anywhere in between and possibly older.

The only other courses I know that can be part time is SQ/BMQ-L and Driver Wheel. My assumption is that since both basic and bmq-l/sq are common courses (As everyone in the army has to do them.) So that they can be done locally, although I believe SQ done locally is rare. Driver wheel is special that although everyone in the army can do it, unless you need it (Sigs, Mse Ops). It is a hard course to get on and each unit will only get a few spots. But still it can be done locally.

Whereas your trade course you will have guys/girls from every unit coming together to a central spot. I went to Meaford for my SQ (Had guys from Toronto, Stratford, London, Ottawa, Kingston, and all over we even had a guy from Alberta). I went to Borden for my DP1 we had sigs come from Ottawa, Toronto, London and Hamilton. While I was in Borden, ON I talked to a girl who was a medic on course there from New Foundland.

From my experience: Common Courses as an NCM CAN in the army be locally, doesn't mean they will. I know people who have done full time driver wheels and full time basics. In terms of length of courses. Generally reserve courses are shorter than reg force. I know nothing about officer courses, or Int courses, so I won't comment. But I know basic, ACISS and infantry are all reduced in length.  But trade courses are full time during the summer. Usually sometime during the April - Aug Period. My Dp 1 was 2 months long, reg force is 4.5 months

I also have a feeling Navy reserve basic is different. But since you where talking about Sig O, I figured I'd share my army experience.

My personal experience:
1. Part time Basic
2. Full time SQ
3. Full time DP 1
4. Part time driver wheel.

Another guy who I did basic with within my unit.
1. Part time Basic
2. Full time Sq
3. Full time driver wheel.
4. Full time DP 1

I also have a guy in my unit where we have done every single course together.

As always within the military. Your Mileage May Vary.

Edit: I know you were talking about Officer courses, but I figure I'd share my experience as an NCM as you were asking if anyone had gone through the part time training. I hope someone with more expereince in the officer world can give a better experience in the officer world.

I have found a few other topics for you

Naval Reserves Officer Training 
BMQ army vs. BMQ navy 

I'm trying to find the thread that was posted recently about someone who wanted to do his officer training locally and everyone told him he couldn't but I can't seem to find it. But in short if you want to advance your career you are going to have to go wherever the course is.

Also have you considered going NCM? Lots of people in the reserves as NCMs have degrees or even masters. Just something else to think about.
Hello runormal,

Thank you so much for all the information!  I have been reading up on the threads that you listed, plus searching and finding some answers.  Cannot seem to find out about the officer information mind you.

I have been really tossing the idea around of NCM as opposed to DEO.  I have been reviewing the available postings, and the officer postings sound more appealing for me....based on the descriptions.  I am still doing a lot of reading and going to be meeting with my recruitment officer again just to go over the options.  I haven't made a final decision on the posting I am going for, but definitely leaning towards the SigO. 

I was looking into log O as well, but my recruiter turned me away from that.  He was saying the training and job itself is going through a lot of changes and not very appealing and not a lot of opportunities.

I was looking into the naval reserve simply because of the jobs available. IntellO and Pub AffairsO.  My education, experience and interests lie in a lot of these roles.  But of course, need to talk to a navy recruitment officer about that.

I would really like to talk to an officer, but when I went, there was no one available. I got a lot of information from the NCM, but no insight from an officer. 

I really appreciate the information you relayed, really helps out a lot. 