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Ontario Majority Government 2022-2025

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Meanwhile, Manitoba is in the Stone Age. You can only return beer bottles and cans for deposit at beer vendors only. All other cans and bottles go in the recycling bin/garbage can.
That's the current Ontario situation as well...
That's the current Ontario situation as well...
It's not just beer bottles and cans you can return in Ontario. You can return any cans/bottles from the Beer Store/LCBO including wine, liquor, coolers, non-alcoholic beers, etc. I'm sure you can also return any beer/wine cans bottles purchased from non-Beer Store/LCBO locations as how would the counter person know if a particular vintage was sold at the LCBO or just the winery...or if your bottle of liquor was from Duty Free?
Only the beer store takes returns. There was a plan to roll out universal deposits on beverage containers, but the current government scrapped it.
Interesting double-whammy here ....
I've seen "we'll cover your tuition if you agree to hang around" schemes fail in the past because, well, there weren't enough teeth in whatever agreements were signed with whoever was covering the tuition to keep docs from GTFO'ing anyway. We'll see what happens with the legislation that ends up being grunted out.
I don't know what Ford has said during his stand-up routines but the government presser makes no mention of 'foreign' or 'international'; it only mentions Ontarians. They're also going to have to ramp up residency slots because other provinces will no doubt put retaliatory rules around theirs.

I'm going to guess most corner stores don't have much storage space for empties - not to mention it doesn't look like someone's going to go to the outlets to pick up empties.

Yeah, it's up to the vendors to know the details (no such thing as free lunch from any government), but as you know with other levels of government, the devil's in the (regulatory) details.

But hey, Team Blue's the party of small business, right? ;)
Convenience stores (as defined) are exempt from accepting empties (perhaps for now). As far as the grocery stores, this wasn't anything new - perhaps the corporate offices failed to read the fine print. The Beer Store can't exist primarily as a bottle return network than sells beer.

Deposit return vending machines work a whole lot better with cans than bottles.
Only the beer store takes returns. There was a plan to roll out universal deposits on beverage containers, but the current government scrapped it.
Maybe I'm reading @RangerRay wrong but it seems to me that he's saying that in Manitoba only the Beer stores accept returns and they only accept BEER bottles and cans.
Meanwhile, Manitoba is in the Stone Age. You can only return beer bottles and cans for deposit at beer vendors only. All other cans and bottles go in the recycling bin/garbage can.
You're correct that in Ontario returns for deposit are only accepted at the Beer Store, but they don't only accept BEER bottles and cans, they also accept wine, liquor, cooler, etc. bottles and cans. Definitely not universal, but covers all the containers that you're actually paying a deposit for at the Beer Store/LCBO. Of course all non-deposit containers go in the Blue Box.
I don't know what Ford has said during his stand-up routines but the government presser makes no mention of 'foreign' or 'international'; it only mentions Ontarians. They're also going to have to ramp up residency slots because other provinces will no doubt put retaliatory rules around theirs.

To be fair, most other provinces (BC being the exception) already does this for Med and Law schools. Most have X% required from their province (Dal and MUN use “the Maritimes” rather than NS or NL, respectively).

The Military Medical and Legal training programs (MMTP, MLTP) are considered “from that province” regardless of actual province of residence. So, I could apply to U of A and be considered an Albertan, even though I have never resided there.
I don't know what Ford has said during his stand-up routines but the government presser makes no mention of 'foreign' or 'international'; it only mentions Ontarians. They're also going to have to ramp up residency slots because other provinces will no doubt put retaliatory rules around theirs.

I read this bit from the info-machine link to mean "foreign/international" without using the words foreign or international ...
... with the media content likely coming out of questions during the news conference.
To be fair, most other provinces (BC being the exception) already does this for Med and Law schools. Most have X% required from their province (Dal and MUN use “the Maritimes” rather than NS or NL, respectively).

The Military Medical and Legal training programs (MMTP, MLTP) are considered “from that province” regardless of actual province of residence. So, I could apply to U of A and be considered an Albertan, even though I have never resided there.
I did hear somebody quoted (him or a minister) that it ultimately wasn't a huge departure from current policy.

I read this bit from the info-machine link to mean "foreign/international" without using the words foreign or international ...
View attachment 88687
... with the media content likely coming out of questions during the news conference.
Agree, but it will have the same impact on students from other provinces. I guess coming on the heels of federal immigrant and TFW news, "foreign/international" grabs more headlines than restricting applications from Manitoba.
This, under the radar, from a weekend Ontario Green Party convention - nothing on the party website yet, though.
Backstory: Ignace and Saugeen are interested in this because one of them is being chosen to be the site for a nuclear plant waste depository.
This, under the radar, from a weekend Ontario Green Party convention - nothing on the party website yet, though.
Backstory: Ignace and Saugeen are interested in this because one of them is being chosen to be the site for a nuclear plant waste depository.
So the Greens finally got their heads out of their butts....
For reference, found the resolution in question (full resolution/report also attached) - highlights mine.
... Preamble


The World Climate Action Summit of the 28th Conference of the Parties to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, which includes Canada launched, the Declaration to Triple Nuclear Energy,

Nuclear power is one of the lowest-carbon sources of electricity, as recognized by IPCC and United Nations ECE, the safest power source per megawatt hour produced, the least resource-intensive source of power, and is the power source with the highest (EROEI)

A majority of Canadians support using nuclear energy to generate electricity.

CANDU reactors are based on Canadian supply chains and ensure that money spent on equipment for electricity generation will stay in Canada

Operative clauses

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Green Party of Ontario would support the continued use of nuclear power alongside other forms of low carbon emission energy production.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Green Party of Ontario would support increasing Ontario’s CANDU-based electricity production to help fully decarbonize Ontario’s economy ...


Interesting tack ....
Plus side: some folks wanting to end up in a specific home could increase their odds of doing so more quickly if the new rules are passed.

Minus side: some folks could end up waiting longer because those in the most need would no longer have first overall dibs on the next available bed.

All depends on how the rules are crafted.

Wonder if anyone's asked about whether "cultural" includes, oh, I don't know, any beds/homes aimed at veterans? Places like this?

Tiny bit more detail in attached notice.


Dealing with nuke power, guess where Big Nuke has chosen to send (eventually) nuke waste to be buried?
For those who don't know where Igance is:

City emergency services and transit won't have problems getting to their destinations if we reduce the number of private, single occupant vehicles on the roads in the city.

How emergency services get around the four-wheelers in this town.

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