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One last choice...

Which base is for me?

  • Edmonton

    Votes: 17 42.5%
  • Petawawa

    Votes: 11 27.5%
  • GageTown

    Votes: 12 30.0%

  • Total voters


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Well as of last week I'm all ready to go, my CFAT, medical, and interview were all completed and passed with flying colours. I told them that I would not be ready to leave for reg force until June because thats when I receive my degree.  So they said that I wouldn't be merit listed until then. I have decided to join the infantry as a NCM for now, but may decide to become an officer later, if I feel as though I would make a good leader, usually I dont like to have to boss people around. So basically everything has been decided except.... where do be stationed. I did read a post on this before but it was three or four years old and from what the recuriter told me the bases have newly built barracks. I currently live in Windsor ON, and I think that its time for a change of province. I have my eye set on Edmonton, but know nothing about it over there, and the base website is severly lacking. So is there anyone from the Edmonton base that came from Ontario and can tell what it was like going to another province. Also anyone from any of the bases your input is also needed because I have not decided where im going to chose. What im looking for is the living conditions, cost of living on base (I am single), what the surrounding area is like, things to do on base and off, etc... I would like to thank anyone who helps  me out with this very tough choice, I feel as though it is by biggest one to make. Thanks
Edmontons a really nice base and its a nice city.
I think that you should know they are going to send you where ever your needed, the army will do its best to give you what you want but it cant always happen.
Yes that was discussed with the recuiter, I told him that I wouldn't stay in a place I couldn't stand, and that I would want my first choice. He told me it wouldn't be a problem because even if there wasn't room or anyone needed at Edmonton I could just hold off on employment until there is demand there.
If you want a guarantee on where you are based join a reserve unit in that location.

If you go reg force, ultimately you WILL go where they need you. That's a sacrifice that all reg force members know very well.

They are not going to guarantee you a location, at best they'll give you you're preferred regiment (and even that might be pushing it).

I would take that with a grain of salt because while the recruiter may be willing to hold your file until there was an opening in Edmonton, by the time you complete your training and its time to get posted that opening may close and you will end up getting stuck somewhere. On top of that at sometime in your career it is most likely your going to get a posting that is less than desirable so a statement like "I wouldn't stay in a place I couldn't stand" wont really fly. I'm not trying to discourage, just saying that your going to have to keep an open mind and make the best out of what gets thrown your way.
All three have their points.  A while back I said the following to someone worried about being posted to Suffield:

"I cannot think of a single place which cannot be made a wonderful posting by dint of trying.  Approached with the right attitude, and a willingness to pitch in and make a difference, there is no place on earth which cannot be a satisfying place to live."

I stand by that.

Did they start including regiment into offers now? When I went through, people weren't finding out regiments until the end of BMQ (at least those NCMs that I talked to), and officers not until end Phase III/IV!

Yes, they asked for my preference as to which base i wanted to be stationed at. When i said "I wouldn't stay in a place I couldn't stand" i didn't mean for that to sound stuck up or anything like that, i just ment that i would like my first place of residence to be where i choose, after that its all good. Part of the reason i am joining the army is to leave ON.
Yes, Petawawa really isn't on my radar at all I have heard that it is not the greatest base. But i would still like to hear what current soldiers stationed there have to say about it.
jdmoney said:
Yes, Petawawa really isn't on my radar at all I have heard that it is not the greatest base. But i would still like to hear what current soldiers stationed there have to say about it.

So?  What did you hear?

You wouldn't believe how many times people have heard these statements with nothing verifiable to support them.
That's why i decided to ask on here. I've heard that it was really boring there without much to do outside of army; the surrounding area really isn't very supportive of the military in general; the barracks are in very poor condition, those were the only things i remember.
Some Questions:

Do you have a Car?

Can you afford a $40 Cab ride to the Bar?

Do you know anything about Red Fridays and where they got the big start in Canada?

Who told you about these places, and were they ever there and when?
Yes i do have a car, but if get sent outside of ON I'm going to be buying a new one because i don't want to have to drive a very long distance. Yes i could afford a $30 cab ride. I believe red Friday is a way to support the troops? And since you phrased the question like you did, i am going to assume it stated in Pet? One of the people who told me was my ex girlfriends friend, he is stationed in Pet.
The $40 Cab fare to get to the Bar is Edmonton.  (Downtown, slightly more to Whyte Ave, and still a bit more to the West Edmonton Mall)
George Wallace said:
The $40 Cab fare to get to the Bar is Edmonton.  (Downtown, slightly more to Whyte Ave, and still a bit more to the West Edmonton Mall)

And $20 odd (maybe closer to 25) to Fredricton.
Question:  When were you asked your "preference".

Did you ever write it down on a piece of paper that you signed?

My best friend is on CAP in Gagetown, and they asked him his preference during the interview too, but it is by no means a guarantee at all.
IIRC, I was asked as well, during my ROTP interview, and that was four years ahead of any such posting. I certainly had no expectation of actually ending up there guaranteed...

From my understanding, its a question to see how well you've researched the military, the various bases/units/regiments, (the potential posting opportunities), and also to ensure you are flexible enough and realize you can be posted anywhere.