I have been doing that soldier's story so long,The old soldier needs to vent a bit.I'm mad has hell and ready to do battle.
Get up,Get up!
Enemy troop movement has been reported to the south.Their advancing on our position, a breach of our left line is imminent.
At 0600 hrs a hearty breakfast of hard tac and a slice of tinned meat will be served before the assault.Don't worry there'll be time for some idle gossip before the attack begins.
at 0800 hrs we will assault the enemies front line.'A' company armed with signs and harsh words will be spearheading the assault.If you should drop your sign or if it malfunctions grab another.Whatever you do don't let the enemy break your line.Fight to the last three piece suit clad one of ye!'B' company will be supporting in defence of an enemy flanking maneuver,They'll be armed with a sit on the fence attitude and some handy free speech tactics.Front line support will be some of the spouse's of 'A' company they'll be ready to run should the front line faulter.If any of you are captured resist divulging any information,whatever you do Don't tell them where you shop.If you succumb to enemy interrogation,tell them only what you need to in order to survive.For example you can tell the what kind of smelly perfume your wearing,Whatever you do don't tell them where you bought it.Or how much you paid.Should the enemies secret police get hold of you resist to the fullest.Better to take a bullet then pass on anything you learned at bingo.
An aid station will be set up in case somone gets a hangnail or wet's themselves in the heat of battle.
Should the whole line collapse there'll be a defensive line of middle of the road citizens, they'll tell them to go home!
Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry
Get up,Get up!
Enemy troop movement has been reported to the south.Their advancing on our position, a breach of our left line is imminent.
At 0600 hrs a hearty breakfast of hard tac and a slice of tinned meat will be served before the assault.Don't worry there'll be time for some idle gossip before the attack begins.
at 0800 hrs we will assault the enemies front line.'A' company armed with signs and harsh words will be spearheading the assault.If you should drop your sign or if it malfunctions grab another.Whatever you do don't let the enemy break your line.Fight to the last three piece suit clad one of ye!'B' company will be supporting in defence of an enemy flanking maneuver,They'll be armed with a sit on the fence attitude and some handy free speech tactics.Front line support will be some of the spouse's of 'A' company they'll be ready to run should the front line faulter.If any of you are captured resist divulging any information,whatever you do Don't tell them where you shop.If you succumb to enemy interrogation,tell them only what you need to in order to survive.For example you can tell the what kind of smelly perfume your wearing,Whatever you do don't tell them where you bought it.Or how much you paid.Should the enemies secret police get hold of you resist to the fullest.Better to take a bullet then pass on anything you learned at bingo.
An aid station will be set up in case somone gets a hangnail or wet's themselves in the heat of battle.
Should the whole line collapse there'll be a defensive line of middle of the road citizens, they'll tell them to go home!
Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry