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Offensive cartoon in (you guessed it) the "Toronto Star"


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Take a look a this post by Damian Brooks at The Torch--and send those letters to the editor:

For shame

I'd put it all here but don't know how to do the image.

:o That is so wrong! >:(

Here is the picture
Look at a copy of the Toronto Star and note all the companies who advertise in it; they should be getting a letter from you saying you will not be doing business with any company that associates themselves with a disreputable or offensive organization like the Toronto Star.

Politely point out there are some 60,000 + members of the CF who also have families and friends who are also not prepared to do business with companies that associate themselves with disreputable or offensive organizations, and that the membership o0f the CF is spread across Canada and throughout the world.

Get enough advertisers to start pulling out from the Toronto Star will really get someones attention.
huh... interesting. If this was in my neck of the woods, I would go down there and talk to them face to face with regards to their idiotic comic...
A product of the same mindset that brought us:

Solidiers . . .

With Guns . . .

In Cities.
Liberation of the Liberal heartland would be a worthy goal in some circles,I see nothing wrong with it, of course I am not a liberal and therefore have a sense of humour and don't cry wolf at every chance in the name of PC goodness.
yeah i saw it. I think people will find it offensive because it wasnt funny. If its funny people let offenive stuff go but as soon as you do something offensive and not funny people attack you like your the devil.
I don't think the sky is falling with this one. Bad timing ,but nothing else. I don't think that the cartoonist is suggesting that the military will take over, just that the GTA is Liberal and is proving hard for Harper to crack. Nothing more.

edited: spelling

So if they can release a cartoon like that then maybe they won't mind if I make a few of my own with my views and opinions about it.
Perhaps if family and friends of CF members start protesting, even rioting, the Star will, er, feel the need to put security guards around their HQ and send their cartoonists into hiding: ;)  Especially if the British, Dutch, Polish, Romanian, Australian and Danish (even American) ambassadors register a group protest.

A thought experiment: Maybe this would be funny, I'm not sure.  A cartoon that shows the Commissioner of the RCMP, at the prime minister's order, dispatching large SUVs with tactical squads pouring out of them to arrest Messrs Dion, Duceppe and Layton.

Tee hee.

MarkOttawa said:
A thought experiment: Maybe this would be funny, I'm not sure.  A cartoon that shows the Commissioner of the RCMP, at the prime minister's order, dispatching large SUVs with tactical squads pouring out of them to arrest Messrs Dion, Duceppe and Layton.

Tee hee.


Thought experiment or.... wet dream??
Old Sweat said:
A product of the same mindset that brought us:

Soldiiers . . .

With Guns . . .

In Cities.

I should have thought of that, awesome.

*I* thought the comic was making fun of terrorists in TO suggesting we should kick their ass.
I think too many people are too sensitive. 

Criticism is a wonderful thing - even when it's aimed at "us".

I'd like to note, however, that even though I found the cartoon distasteful - I haven't issued a fatwah against the cartoonist.  He/she's allowed to push my buttons without fear.

Imagine that.

I find just one fault with it......................its not funny, witty or remotely entertaining,.... Well OK, maybe more than one thing.

I love a good zinger launched at just about any topic under the sun ,however, I somehow feel like I've been cheated out of a good punchline.[ maybe the writer's strike?]
It is amazing what people find offensive. If you dont like it then dont read it. Big Deal, a political cartoon. I could find about 100 things more important to get upset about on a daily basis.
Gramps said:
It is amazing what people find offensive. If you dont like it then dont read it. Big Deal, a political cartoon. I could find about 100 things more important to get upset about on a daily basis.

No, it's not just a political cartoon, it's a statement about soldiers in the cities, with guns, willing to suppress citizens. It's hard core socialism/communism. It's not funny, it's highly offensive to not just the military, but all Canadians.