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Nov 2024: Jewish soccer fans attacked in Amsterdam

Ouch ...
More on the attacks following a soccer game, as well as a bit of lead-up (via ISR & NLD media) ...
... with this UK conservative media outlet's take
Wow, lots of hyperbole on both sides; looks like POS on both sides with a mix of football hooliganism and nationalism mixed together, and random people caught in the middle.
Wow, lots of hyperbole on both sides; looks like POS on both sides with a mix of football hooliganism and nationalism mixed together, and random people caught in the middle.
No. Open your damn eyes.
No. Open your damn eyes.
Were the attacks anti-semitic? Yes. Were there also a large number of football hooligans in the 3000+ supporters that traveled in that ran around shouting anti-arab slogans before the game, and doing things like pulling down flags? Also yes.

There is still a lot of violence around football games generally from all the various supporter 'clubs' across Europe, but calling this a pogrom is really sensationalizing what happened, and playing a bit of the martyr, especially from Netanyahu when he's deliberately clearing out Palestenians from their homes, reducing them to rubble and pushing settlers into Gaza to reclaim land from people that have been living there for centuries.

A lot of the people doing handwringing here also victim blame women for dressing provacatively, or not running while armed or in a pack, so it's a bit rich.
Were the attacks anti-semitic? Yes. Were there also a large number of football hooligans in the 3000+ supporters that traveled in that ran around shouting anti-arab slogans before the game, and doing things like pulling down flags? Also yes.

There is still a lot of violence around football games generally from all the various supporter 'clubs' across Europe, but calling this a pogrom is really sensationalizing what happened, and playing a bit of the martyr, especially from Netanyahu when he's deliberately clearing out Palestenians from their homes, reducing them to rubble and pushing settlers into Gaza to reclaim land from people that have been living there for centuries.

A lot of the people doing handwringing here also victim blame women for dressing provacatively, or not running while armed or in a pack, so it's a bit rich.
Nope. Just nope. I had much nasty choice of words but I am frankly done with the everything left wing cause crowd.
Nope. Just nope. I had much nasty choice of words but I am frankly done with the everything left wing cause crowd.
Or just read some different news sources, plenty of actual video of the Tel Aviv fans roving around in large groups of 30-50 causing shit before all this happens.

If your country is at war with another country, and you go to a third country taunting people, you can somewhat expect to get some pushback.

Doesn't make any of what happened right, and there were probably a bunch of non- hooligan Tel Aviv fans that got ganged up on as a result, but the football fandom is generally insane, so this isn't really much different than what regularly happens at other matches.
Or just read some different news sources, plenty of actual video of the Tel Aviv fans roving around in large groups of 30-50 causing shit before all this happens.

If your country is at war with another country, and you go to a third country taunting people, you can somewhat expect to get some pushback.

Doesn't make any of what happened right, and there were probably a bunch of non- hooligan Tel Aviv fans that got ganged up on as a result, but the football fandom is generally insane, so this isn't really much different than what regularly happens at other matches.
I remember a recruiting event at UOttawa a long time ago. They had an international day and student groups set up various tables. Someone thought putting the Iranian students table next to the Israeli students table was a good idea. Each started blasting their music over the other raising their volumes. Not sure who started it but both ended up flipping their tables. Campus security called etc etc.

At that time I wondered why they thought putting them next to each other was a smart idea. Turns out they had set up the tables in alphabetic order…
Or just read some different news sources, plenty of actual video of the Tel Aviv fans roving around in large groups of 30-50 causing shit before all this happens.

If your country is at war with another country, and you go to a third country taunting people, you can somewhat expect to get some pushback.

Doesn't make any of what happened right, and there were probably a bunch of non- hooligan Tel Aviv fans that got ganged up on as a result, but the football fandom is generally insane, so this isn't really much different than what regularly happens at other matches.
Were the attacks anti-semitic? Yes. Were there also a large number of football hooligans in the 3000+ supporters that traveled in that ran around shouting anti-arab slogans before the game, and doing things like pulling down flags? Also yes.

There is still a lot of violence around football games generally from all the various supporter 'clubs' across Europe, but calling this a pogrom is really sensationalizing what happened, and playing a bit of the martyr, especially from Netanyahu when he's deliberately clearing out Palestenians from their homes, reducing them to rubble and pushing settlers into Gaza to reclaim land from people that have been living there for centuries.

A lot of the people doing handwringing here also victim blame women for dressing provacatively, or not running while armed or in a pack, so it's a bit rich.
You went all in on team dishonest arguments there.

If they didn’t want to get beaten then should have stayed home?
Antisemitic beatings are okay in the milieux of soccer hooliganism?
They had it coming cause you don’t like what Netanyahu is doing?
Two wrongs make right?
And everyone who disagrees with you probably victim blames women who have been raped?
Or just read some different news sources, plenty of actual video of the Tel Aviv fans roving around in large groups of 30-50 causing shit before all this happens.

If your country is at war with another country, and you go to a third country taunting people, you can somewhat expect to get some pushback.

Doesn't make any of what happened right, and there were probably a bunch of non- hooligan Tel Aviv fans that got ganged up on as a result, but the football fandom is generally insane, so this isn't really much different than what regularly happens at other matches.
Yeah, I distinctly remember the UK flying aircraft in to evacuate Brits after soccer hooliganism...

I bet Germans said a lot of similar things in the 30s... Likely good people with good intentions, but it excused a dark terror.
Maccabi Tel-Aviv fans are almost universally known as huge racist jackasses in European football. What went down in Amsterdam is nothing new:

They just got a taste of their own medicine
Yeah, I distinctly remember the UK flying aircraft in to evacuate Brits after soccer hooliganism...

I bet Germans said a lot of similar things in the 30s... Likely good people with good intentions, but it excused a dark terror.
Their football firm is called the "Maccabbi Fanatics" and this isn't the first time they've gone elsewhere and caused shit, and are one of the 'Ultras'.

They are likely a minority of the fans there, so sure a bunch of other fans that got attacked were caught up in it, but this happens regularly with international football as the fan base is insane.
