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No BMQ courses in May??


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Well I heard on Facebook that the last BMQ course is April 27th and then next one after that doesn't start till June 1st, I was a little shocked when I seen this because I also heard all the April BMQ course's were full, and that would really suck bad if I had to wait another month. Could anyone clarify if this is actually true? Why wouldn't they run any course's through May?

Yeah, because Crackbook is the authority on when the BMQ courses run.  ::)  ;)
I'm not 100%, but i think i over read today somewhere on this forum that this summer is strictly running BMOQs. Not entirely sure, hopefully someone else can verify!
PMedMoe said:
Yeah, because Crackbook is the authority on when the BMQ courses run.  ::)  ;)

hahaha well this person just got back from his medical and interview today I guess and that's what he said, I hope he's wrong though.
hmm that's interesting.  That'd be really convenient for me ;D
Yea he just told me that it's only Officers in May that will be going on course so I'm really hoping I can get on course late April, if not the looks like I'll be waiting until June.. >:(
Sh!tty man, Best of luck to ya. Maybe you'll get lucky and someone will drop out squeezing you in! :P
PMedMoe said:
Yeah, because Crackbook is the authority on when the BMQ courses run.  ::)  ;)

shh Moe they'll hear you...

I mean, erm, of COURSE facebook is the definitive source for BMQ course dates.
If this rumour is true then it will work very well for my family and me. I will, however; not believe it until I hear it straight from a recruiter/file manager/mcc.
JBoyd said:
If this rumour is true then it will work very well for my family and me. I will, however; not believe it until I hear it straight from a recruiter/file manager/mcc.

I'm going to be talking to a recruiter on Thursday to see the status of my file so I'm going to ask them then and see if this is true. I'll let you know what they say, if you don't here anything by then.
JBoyd said:
If this rumour is true then it will work very well for my family and me. I will, however; not believe it until I hear it straight from a recruiter/file manager/mcc.

Good call. Rumour is a horrible thing. It allows people hope, or disappointment depending on the circumstances. And of course when the rumour is deemed false it breeds disappointment, or hope depending on the circumstances.

Hearing rumours like this is akin to me saying "Only applicants with red or blonde hair will start BMQ in May. For those that have Brown or black hair, only they will be allowed to start in June." Doesn't make sense does it? Same goes for the BMOQ and BMQ deal. We are short far too many personnel to start doing things like this. However, I'm not one in the know with regards to the inner-workings of St-Jean.
SoldierInTheMaking  let us know when you call!
I really hope this isn't the case. June seems so far away!
Chapeski said:
Hearing rumours like this is akin to me saying "Only applicants with red or blonde hair will start BMQ in May. For those that have Brown or black hair, only they will be allowed to start in June." Doesn't make sense does it? Same goes for the BMOQ and BMQ deal. We are short far too many personnel to start doing things like this. However, I'm not one in the know with regards to the inner-workings of St-Jean.

You make a really good point, so on Thursday I'll find out from the RC if this is or isn't true.

Azizti said:
SoldierInTheMaking  let us know when you call!
I really hope this isn't the case. June seems so far away!

I know it does, but I'll let you know.
Best of luck on your BMQ. Keep your head in the game, do what they say and you all will do fine. Treat all criticism like water off a ducks back if they chew you out. Take what they say, build on what you have and you will do great on the course. They aren't there to break you and make you fail, they are there to break you, then help you build yourself up to make you better.

Chapeski said:
Hearing rumours like this is akin to me saying "Only applicants with red or blonde hair will start BMQ in May. For those that have Brown or black hair, only they will be allowed to start in June." Doesn't make sense does it? Same goes for the BMOQ and BMQ deal. We are short far too many personnel to start doing things like this. However, I'm not one in the know with regards to the inner-workings of St-Jean.

It does make some sense; ROTP officers need to do BMOQ in the summer, as they attend school the rest of the year.  This makes up a fairly large group of people to train in the summer, although it seems to me that there would still be room to run a few BMQ courses at the same time. I don't think we have enough officer candidates to completely fill the mega.

As was mentioned, wait until you hear something official before you get all wound up about it.  And June is only two months away, that's really not very long.
George Wallace said:

Is this the first summer ever that we had ROTP students requiring summer training?

I'm not really sure what point you're trying to make.

Someone pointed out that it didn't make sense to have a lot of people on BMOQ in the summer, limiting the number of BMQ courses that could be offered.  I was merely pointing out that there is an explanation for this, which no one had mentioned, and that a NCM applicant may not consider.