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New to it all

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Hi everyone. I'm new to the site, and new to the CF.
I submitted an application as primary reserves, and it was three and a half weeks from the time I mailed the app to the day I was called and booked in for full processing on Sept. 28th.
I went up and processing began with the aptitude test. Following that, I went on to the interview.
The career counsellor informed me that I did well enough on the aptitude test that all the NCM trades are open as well as all the Officer trades. I then went for the medical exam, and as far as I know things went off there without a hitch. Hearing was fine and eyesight 20/20.
The PT test was easy as pie, although the fellow ahead of me struggled.
Far as I know all went smooth and I'm unaware of any problems.
I've been told now that hopefully within a couple of business weeks I will then be called to be sworn in, then shortly after be called to go get my uniform etc.
I assumed that I wouldn't be issued a uniform untill I begin BMQ.
My plan is to join now as reserve then possibly next fall join as full time reg force.
I'm in a transitional time in my life right now, I'm 29 and recently was laid off from my full time job of 11 years due to a permanent operation shut down. I've been back in school since first of Sept and pulling some nice marks to date.
I'm still unsure if I decide to go reg force next year what I should try for. I have my first choice made, although far fetched. I guess its difficult to make any choices or decisions untill you get invovled and see for yourself what the whole scheme of things consists of. I do know Navy is a no go. It'll be Army or Airforce. I'm a hands on type of person but not a fan of remedial, repetitive labour. It bores, and annoys me to no end. I guess untill I get in and see first hand the way things are I'll have to wait to make any choices. Mabye I should follow what I seem to be good at, since I scored 15/15 on the communication skills part of the CFAT although I don't take much of an interest in communicative types of occupations.
I'll just shut up and listen for a while I guess.
Take care,
Welcome to the forums man!

Sounds like your well on your way. Consider yourself lucky everything went as well as it did, and you are moving along quite quickly. As for the far fetched comment...don't worry about it. My goal is pretty difficult to achieve. Just give it your all every day (thats sounds really corny).

Just curious, what was your first choice and what are you taking in school? (If you don't mind me asking....)
My first choice is pilot. I'm currently working on grade 12 math, physics, chemistry.
I had a nice long drawn out response going here but it got lost in cyber space on me. >:(
To summarize, I did well enough on the CFAT that all the NCM trades as well as all the Officer trades are open to me. I scored 6/6 on the vision test, 20/20.I'm confident I can pull strong enough marks to be competitive. I'm only looking at small steps on the way to the end goal as much as it seems like a pipe dream to me.My plan is to join now with the local arty reserve unit, then hopefully apply next year for what I want, crazy as it sounds. ::)
NOT crazy at all!

Sounds like you have some fundamentals that many "i wanna fly jets" don't have. But, correct me if I'm wrong don't you need a degree to apply for a pilot job? Maybe I'm wrong. You have loads of time, be patient.

You need a degree BUT my question is and has been for a while now, do they recruit 29 or 30 year olds (that's me) who are wanting to apply as Undergrads through a  civie U under ROTP?

I have been working on my degree part-time while working full time (it's tough!) and by the time I am done, I won't have the 20/20 vision anymore.   ;D  

By the way, I think it is great what AG is doing. Good luck AG!
Thanks for the votes of confidence and the well wishes. I'll need all that I can get and then some.
Well since you can always use more people wishing you luck... Ill wish you luck to, someday I wanna fly to but I'm not sure if it will work out for me I have a long way to go, considering I have not even started yet :)
MG said:
You need a degree BUT my question is and has been for a while now, do they recruit 29 or 30 year olds (that's me) who are wanting to apply as Undergrads through a  civie U under ROTP?

I have been working on my degree part-time while working full time (it's tough!) and by the time I am done, I won't have the 20/20 vision anymore.   ;D  

Yeah you should be able to join as a Civie U ROTP. You might be able to apply as CEOTP (If the program is still offered). This is where you join up and do all of your training and you must have your degree within 7 years. However, i`m not sure if this is still offered.  If it is, JUMP on it. Talk to your recruiting center and ask them. It beats doing OJT for 20 months like me after being in for 5 and a half years and still waiting for Moose Jaw. Bitter? of course not...  :salute:
I have heard of CEOTP but I don't that has been open for 032 since 2003... I can just imagine the amount of people waiting for that program to open again; if it does. I am not counting on it.

Either scenario would be a win/win for me. I really enjoy school (despite feeling like a fossil on campus) and I can't imagine heading to Trenton then Moose Jaw (eventually of course) on top of that.

In terms of your wait for Moose Jaw, if it makes you feel any better, you are in! Just a matter of time....
You could even go to RMC if you wanted. There was one guy who was a year behind me and he was 30 when he joined first year. Which means when he graduates he will be 34. But all you need is a degree to get your foot in the door.
Well, I was under the impression, through a few posts in here, that they are more inclined to take an older recruits under the Civie University form of ROTP rather than RMC. I guess I am wrong?

Although, it looks like I am taking the wrong path if I am looking to be accepted to ROTP. I have been taking working toward my degree part time and getting good marks but it sounds like I should be more worried about my high school marks. I have a college diploma with low to high 90's but I don't know how that factors into the ROTP equation. I guess I'll head to CFRC with all of my transcripts and see if they can help me out.

Thanks for the info 23007, hope the wait isn't too long for you.
Talking to the Recruting Centre is the best bet. The know all of the different enrollment options that I`m kind of rusty on. Hope everything works out for you. As for me, I`ll be wasting away doing OJT in Bagotville until January 2007. Yup, thats how long the wait is for the Jaw. Best of luck to you...

Wow. 2 years. It must be hard to know you're in and are just waiting for the training. Still you're in a better spot than me! Good luck to you too & thanks again.
